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Newsfeed > Kitsao's Profile
Kitsao's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($331 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am thrilled that one of my most significant achievements was made possible through the financial assistance provided by GiveDirectly. Previously, I resided in a grass-thatched hut, but today, I take pride in living in a spacious house with an iron roof. Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, my new goal is to invest in livestock, particularly goats, as they are relatively easy to maintain. The primary objective is to acquire tangible assets that can serve as dependable financial resources. Currently, I already own a few goats, and my plan is to expand this livestock. These goats serve as a crucial safety net for someone like me who relies on subsistence farming and lacks a consistent income source. In times of financial need, these living assets become invaluable, providing a reliable means to address challenges and secure a more stable future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What GiveDirectly accomplished for us was an extraordinary act of kindness that will forever be etched in our memories. We were trapped in a cycle of impoverished living conditions with seemingly no way out. GiveDirectly emerged as a transformative force, a true lifesaver that enabled us to achieve numerous milestones and elevate our quality of life. The pivotal factor in this positive change was the unwavering financial support we received from GiveDirectly. Presently, we enjoy the luxury of decent shelter, and we have acquired livestock, which stands as a valuable asset we can rely on in times of financial need. Additionally, our children are thriving in school, thanks to the support provided. This profound transformation would not have been possible without the timely intervention and generosity of GiveDirectly, for which we are deeply grateful. There is nothing GiveDirectly falls short of in its operations and in delivering unconditional transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been facing recurring eye issues and have been longing for specialized treatment, which comes with a hefty price tag. Fortunately, I am thankful for the financial assistance I received. Upon receiving my second disbursement, I promptly visited the hospital and underwent the necessary treatment. This would have posed a significant challenge if I had to rely solely on my own financial means. Moreover, I allocated a portion of the funds to purchase a solar panel for $160, a decision that has greatly improved my household. Beyond providing illumination, the solar panel has eliminated the need for me to pay for device charging. Living on my farm, I used to face frequent crop destruction by elephants due to the lack of security lights that would typically deter them. Since installing the solar panel, I strategically placed security lights, resulting in zero losses from my farm. I am now anticipating a bountiful harvest that will ensure an ample food supply for my household. In addition to these improvements, I managed to save the remaining funds. I am currently planning to invest in five goats, intending to breed them. As someone heavily reliant on subsistence farming and the production and sale of charcoal, I view owning goats as a significant investment. Their multiplication will not only enhance my financial stability but also provide a renewable source of income. I am optimistic that, as the goat population increases, I can easily sell them to meet my financial needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($376 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was occupied with the maize crop harvest on my farm, all the while keeping a close eye on my phone, anticipating some positive news regarding my financial situation. To my astonishment, a message finally arrived, and it turned out to be an M-Pesa notification. When I checked the sender, an overwhelming sense of joy washed over me because I had just received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I felt elated and expressed my gratitude to them for granting me a fresh opportunity to transform my life.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to GiveDirectly for their invaluable financial support, which has enabled me to find refuge in a comfortable house with a sturdy iron roof. Prior to my participation in their program, I resided in a small, thatched-roof dwelling that not only lacked spaciousness but also demanded frequent repairs due to termite damage. During the rainy season, the situation became dire as the roof would leak profusely, causing damage to my belongings. Building a home on my own was financially out of reach, and it would have taken me years to achieve this without the program's assistance. Now, I no longer fret about rainstorms or the arduous task of roof replacement because I am happily settled in my new home with a reliable iron roof – a dream fulfilled thanks to the support I received.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My initial transfer was dedicated to constructing a new dwelling for myself. I had been residing in an incredibly cramped and run-down structure that hardly deserved the title of 'house.' The thought of constructing a new home entirely on my own was daunting, and it would have taken me an eternity to acquire the necessary materials. Fortunately, receiving the transfer was a tremendous relief. I spent the funds to acquire 16 iron sheets, and building poles, and cover the labour costs, ultimately completing my new house. I now happily reside in this dream-come-true abode, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the program for making this long-held aspiration a reality. Moreover, I was able to pay the school fees for my two grandsons, preventing them from facing discontinuation. As for the remaining amount, I spent it on medical expenses and procuring food for my family.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I live in a very small house that I cannot stand fully with my height when inside. I do not feel comfortable living in such a house and even inviting people to come and say hey to me. I do a casual job earning approximately $30 per month. This caters to food only since I am living alone this money can serve for three weeks. I cannot build a spacious house. I will use $450 to build a one room house with iron sheets roof. I will also use $500 to buy ten goats as an investment. The climatic condition is favourable for goats rearing. I have enough land for rearing them. The remaining amount will help me get food.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The community has faced drought and famine for almost three years now. On March 2023, The county government brought relief food in our village. I got a 50kg bag of maize which taken me two months now. I feel very happy for the food from the government since I can take two meals per day than before.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a bit aged and I live alone. I do casual jobs for survival and it is a challenge getting a job every day. This has caused me go without food for sometimes. Neighbours have also been assisting me with food sometimes. This is the challenge I am facing in life.