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Newsfeed > Paul's Profile
Paul's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, I have set my sights on a transformative project that has the potential to reshape my life. I am determined to erect a sturdy perimeter fence around my precious acre of land. This will shield my crops against the frequent and frustrating intrusion of domestic animals that relentlessly damage my hard-earned crops. I also aspire to turn this land into a thriving orchard, planting a variety of fruit trees, including pawpaws and mangoes. These fruit trees are well-suited to our local climate, and they have a remarkable capacity for rapid growth. In nurturing these trees to maturity, I see a pathway to securing my financial future through their bountiful harvests, offering a steady income stream through their sale.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a positive impact in our lives with their generous and unconditional transfers. Through its support, we have not only received financial assistance but also a renewed sense of hope and possibility.I can personally attest to the remarkable transformation that has swept through our village as a result of these transfers. It's evident that the living standards in our community have significantly improved. Many individuals have seized the opportunity to make substantial investments in their futures. Some have ventured into business enterprises, creating new sources of income. Others have used the funds to ensure their children receive a quality education by paying their school fees. And then there are those, like myself, who are in the process of building better homes, knowing that soon we'll be living in an improved and more dignified shelter.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With a heart full of hope, I took a significant step forward. I invested $350 in the purchase of essential building materials: frames, iron sheets, and sturdy posts. This marked the beginning of fulfilling a long-held ambition to construct a two-room house made of iron sheets. This humble hut, with its thatched roof, brought countless challenges, especially during the rainy season. It left me with a sinking feeling as it would easily soak through, making each downpour a miserable experience. Additionally, maintaining the hut requires frequent and tedious renovations, including replacing the thatched roof and smearing the floor and the wall. This repetitive work often left me feeling exhausted. Furthermore, I leased an acre of land from my neighbor, a piece of land dotted with trees, for $50. I plan to cut them down and transform their wood into charcoal, offering a new source of income through its sale. This decision was born out of the realization that the manual work I have been relying on has been anything but dependable. With the remaining funds, I chose to invest in sustenance, buying food for myself. You see, I now reside alone. Sadly, my wife and I parted ways some time ago, and our four children have grown and become independent individuals.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($126 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was making my way back home from the farm at approximately 3:00 PM, feeling worn out from a full day of labor. In the midst of my fatigue, I suddenly noticed a message alert on my mobile phone. Upon investigation, I discovered it was an M-Pesa notification confirming the receipt of funds from Givedirectly. The joy and enthusiasm that filled over me were powerful enough to dispel my exhaustion. With a newfound sense of energy, I headed straight home to relax, all the while strategizing how best to withdraw and make use of the transferred funds.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Relying predominantly on manual labor for income meant I had to constantly be away from home, engaging in tasks that would generate earnings to fulfill my basic necessities. However, with the arrival of the transfer, this dynamic has undergone a transformation. I am no longer required to seek manual employment outside, allowing me to redirect my attention towards personal endeavors like developing my land – a long-standing aspiration that was previously hindered by my limited time at home. As I gradually prepare my farm, I am now gearing up to cultivate fruit plants in the upcoming days.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been residing on my own in a small house with a thatched roof and walls made of shrubs for sometime now. Despite being used to this lifestyle, I recognized the necessity for enhancing my living conditions, particularly in terms of securing my possessions. Subsequently, I allocated around $100 towards acquiring construction materials like iron sheets and poles, with the intention of constructing a new, improved dwelling. Additionally, I spent $50 on procuring sustenance and water, which requires uphill transportation due to my location. The remaining $40 was distributed among my two children and a sibling as gestures of appreciation.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I'm very happy that GiveDirectly has chosen to come to my village for enrollment. The provision of the transfers means so much to me since I believe I will change my life a great deal. I have planned to first purchase food with the first transfers. I will buy 50 kgs of maize and 20 kgs of beans. I will spend about $80 on the transfers. For the remaining amount, since I have a water problem I plan to purchase more water storage containers such as Jericans and a 100-liter tank. This will ensure that whenever I fetch water it will last me for many days. For the second and third transfers, I plan to use them to build a better iron sheet house. I'm living in a house made of twigs and grass which is cold at night and I also face the risk of wild animals intruding. I will use about $450 for the transfers. For the remainder of the transfers, I plan to use it to clear my farm and also fence it off. This will ensure that I have a secure compound from wild animals and rearing of goats will be possible. I plan to use 350 dollars of the transfers to purchase chain links, and posts and also pay the people that will do the work. After receiving the transfers I believe that my life will change and living on my farm will be easy.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness daily is my well-being. Even though I may not have everything I'm always happy when I wake up with good health and the ability to work. This delights me so much since I'm assured that I will have food on my table.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I consider my life hard because of the lack of food and water. I live at the furthest end of the village where getting water is a challenge and I have to walk for about 10 kilometers to fetch the water. In addition to this, food has also become hard to get which has led me to go hungry the majority of the time. I have to look for menial work to be able to survive and since there is an increase in the cost of living purchasing enough food has become a challenge. I also do not have good clothes since I can't afford to purchase new ones. I sometimes feel that I have to wear torn clothes in this century of civilization. All these three aspects combined make my life quite difficult and I wouldn't wish anyone to live this kind of life.