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Newsfeed > Kadzo's Profile
Kadzo's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($363 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am responsible for the upbringing of three grandchildren, and covering their school expenses has proven to be quite challenging, especially given my lack of a steady income. Up until now, I have depended on the generosity of others and government sponsorships to support their education. My current objective is to ensure that they successfully complete their studies and attain their educational aspirations. To achieve this, my strategy is to expand my goat herd as they are the only assets I can maintain and rely on for my financial requirements, including funding their school fees.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The program provided us with a life-changing opportunity that no other organization had offered until now. Our lives have been completely transformed thanks to this program. Owning livestock was merely a dream for many of us, but now we possess valuable biological assets that can help us secure our children's education. Additionally, our children are now enjoying a comfortable educational experience thanks to the program's support. We can now wear smiles on our faces as we live under sturdy iron-roofed houses, a significant improvement from the dismal grass-thatched shelters we used to call home. Our hopes of upgrading to better housing were once distant, but GiveDirectly has brought us to a place we never thought possible. We are immensely grateful for the way GiveDirectly has elevated our lives to new heights.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used my recent transfers to purchase building materials, including 16 iron sheets, timber, and nails, to complete the construction of my new house. I come from a polygamous family, and until recently, my three co-wives and I shared a cramped living space. My aspiration was to move into my own house, where I could enjoy comfort and have a place for my personal belongings. Thanks to the financial support I received, I am now happily residing in my new home, which had been a top priority for me. Additionally, I allocated some funds—$105, to be precise—to acquire three goats. I am delighted to own these livestock assets, which I can easily manage and rely on to meet my financial needs. My objective is to raise these goats, allow them to reproduce, and utilize them as a source of income in times of financial hardship. Furthermore, I also used a portion of the transfer to cover the school fees for my two grandchildren, who are currently attending high school. This ensured that they continued with their education without any interruptions due to financial constraints.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($399 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was unwinding at home in the afternoon when I heard my phone's message ringtone. The phone rang twice, and as I am illiterate, I asked my helper to check what type of message it may be. He checked and told me that I had indeed had the initial $550 transfer from GiveDirectly. I danced in ecstasy after getting such a large sum of money for the first time, my heart overflowing with excitement.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
In the beginning, going without food was almost the norm because there was no other option owing to poverty. In my life, GiveDirectly left a lasting impression by saving my family from famine. At first, our family would skip meals up to two days a week. Our major source of income was unstable charcoal burning. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we have access to food right now.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
By the time I received the first transfer, my grandson whom I take care of was on the verge of dropping out of secondary school due to fee arrears of $100. To ensure that he is not disadvantaged in his academic journey, I opted to settle the debt. As of now, he is retained and conducting his studies in school. I also opted to invest in goats for the future, therefore, I bought two Galla goats for $100. Thereafter, I bought some building poles for $200 to construct a house because the one I have is the traditional one which is difficult to modify to fix an iron sheet roof. Currently, the perimeter wall is ready waiting to get the second transfer to fix the roof. Because hunger is a challenge, I saw it prudent to keep the remaining amount for the family's upkeep.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of three members. My husband is aged and he can not work anymore and I have healthy issues that hinders me from working. Ingot accident last year 2022 and had a fracture on my left and. This has made me helpless and unable to work. I still feel a lot of pain on the hand. I rely on my son who works at Mombasa as a casual laborer. He gives me $10 per month which caters for food only and it is not even enough. I take one meal per day and sometimes go without food. I will use $700 to buy two cows and two goats as an investment. Our climate is favourable for livestock keeping. This will help me infuture incase I do not have food. I will also use $300 to buy food. I need to take three meals per day so as to improve my healthy and that of my husband.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My husband is aged and he can no longer work and I also have healthy issues with my hand. This has forced us to rely on our son who works as a casual laborer at Mombasa. He sends us $10 in a month. This money does not sustain us for the month period thus most of the time I go without food. However on January 2023, my daughter who was married at Kilifi visited me with shopping. She brought enough food that lasted for two weeks. I felt happy to take three meals per day in those two weeks.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Last year 2022 I had a fracture on my left hand after filling dizziness and fell. I was served by a physiotherapist and got well. The problem is that I can not involve my self on hard activities and earn a living. During rainy season I also feel a lot of pain on my hand.