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Newsfeed > Dalmus's Profile
Dalmus's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 16 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received the money was unforgettable and filled with a mix of emotions. I was at my dad's home, planning his burial with about 15 family members gathered around. Suddenly, we all received our payments at the same time, and the joy was overwhelming—we shouted with happiness, feeling a wave of relief wash over us. Without wasting any time, I immediately sent $100 to my wife and children, who were working in Nairobi, to help cover their transport costs so they could attend the burial. It was so important for them to be there, and I had been worried about how I would manage to send them money. Knowing I could help them attend brought me comfort during such a difficult time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the cash transfer, life was very challenging for me. I struggled to find money for harvesting my maize, especially since my farm was in a flood-prone area that made access difficult. However, when I received the money, I felt relieved and happy because I could finally harvest my maize without worrying about it being swept away. All my savings had gone to medication and preparing for my dad's burial, leaving me with nothing for the harvest. This transfer came at the right time, helping me avoid a difficult situation. It was a huge relief to have the support I needed during such a tough time.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life took a turn when I received the cash transfer, which came at a crucial moment. My father had recently passed away, and my family wanted to attend his burial. Understanding the importance of their presence, I immediately sent my wife $100 to cover their transport expenses from Nairobi. Knowing they could be there to support me during this difficult time brought me a sense of relief and comfort. With the remaining $100, I turned my focus to harvesting the maize from my three acres of land. This year had been particularly challenging, as floods had swept away two acres of my farm, leaving me with only a fraction of what I originally had. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I managed to harvest 3,556 kilograms of maize, which was beyond my expectations. I plan to sell the maize at 108 Ksh per kilogram, which will provide us with some much-needed income. As a father of nine, the cash transfer has made a significant difference in our lives. My wife, a police officer, and I often rely on her salary combined with my farming income to support our family. Although we faced immense challenges this year, I thank God for the harvest I was able to achieve, especially when so many in our village lost everything. The cash transfer not only helped me during a time of grief but also allowed me to secure our family's future.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a large piece of land which is lying bare due to financial challenges to cultivate it. And in that case iam planning to use my first cash transfers to plant surplus crops like green grams on my 2 acre piece of land, and then stock food for family. I will also use the second and the third transfers for my school going children so that they can be comfortable at school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have been a farmer for so many years and recently I decided to try Tomatoes farming for the first time in my small farm within the compound. The harvest really amazed me because this is my 9th time of harvesting and the Tomatoes are still growing and by the look of thing I will harvest untill the 15th time or so.and also despite the challenges iam facing with my children school fees they are performing well which motivates me a lot each any everyday to get out early in the morning to cater for them. I am also happy because my 2 acre piece of land which survived during the floods is almost ready for harvesting.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
School fees is the biggest challenge that iam facing at the moment because I have 4 children in high school level 2 are mine and the other 2 are for my young sister. I use to depend on farming to provide for them but recently a flash floods cleared my five acre piece of land leaving out around 2 acre with crops which is not enough for my family needs. And due to financial challenges iam not able to recultivate it again.