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Newsfeed > Miriam's Profile
Miriam's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 17 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home, relaxing in the shade of my house and feeling unwell when I heard my phone ring. When I checked, I saw it was an M-Pesa message confirming that I had received exactly $200. My heart raced with happiness! Just then, my son arrived and asked if I had received the money. I told him I had, but he said he had not received his money, as he was also expecting a payment from GiveDirectly. However, as we spoke, his phone rang too, confirming that he had received his share as well. We all shouted with joy, overwhelmed by our good fortune. The first thought that crossed my mind was to repair the door of my house, as we had previously worked on the repairs but didn’t have a door because the old one had been destroyed by ants.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the cash transfer, life was very difficult for me and my husband. We are old, and finding money to take care of our needs was a big challenge, especially after our cow was attacked by dogs and died. I had no money to harvest my maize, which made things even harder. However, with the transfer, I was able to harvest and shell my maize, getting 540 kgs. I achieved this because of GiveDirectly, and I am very appreciative, despite the heavy rains and strong winds that damaged some of the crops. Now, we are happy and thankful because we no longer worry about where our next meal will come from. The cash transfer gave us the relief we needed and allowed us to stay home comfortably while taking care of our livestock.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
It was a challenging time for both my husband and me, as we were feeling unwell, suffering from a cold flu. We decided to spend $30 on medication to ensure we got better soon. Health is everything, and without it, we couldn’t manage the house or farm, so it was our first priority. After getting better, the next thing on my mind was fixing our house. With $30, I managed to repair the door that had been destroyed by ants, which was long overdue. The sitting room door was broken too, and it felt so good to finally have our home in better shape. For a while, I had been worried about how I would afford to harvest and shell my maize. I even considered selling one of my cows to cover the expenses. But when the cash transfer arrived, I quickly put that thought aside and used $65 for the harvesting and shelling instead. This saved me from losing one of our valuable cows, which would have been hard on the family. Additionally, I purchased one sheep for $50. We had five sheep already, but I wanted to ensure we had something for December celebrations. Buying one more meant we could slaughter it during the festive season without reducing our small flock. The remaining $25 went to buying food for the family. We are a family of eight, and although my children are employed and assist us, we often get into debt with local shops, repaying at the end of the month. With this money, we could stock our home with food and avoid the usual struggle of borrowing. Overall, this cash transfer gave me relief, especially knowing that we are prepared for both everyday needs and the upcoming holiday season.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this cash transfers means so much to me and my family. First because we do not have enough bedding in our house for us and our grandchildren. We intend to use the first cash transfer to purchase beddings for our grandchildren and also for us. We intend to use about KES 8000 on this. We also intend to purchase food for our household. We have planned to spend about KES 6000 on this. We intend to purchase a sack of maize and beans and other household food stuffs. For the second cash transfers we intend to purchase 4 dairy goats at about KES 7000 each. This will be our source of money since we will be able to sell the milk to our neighbours. For the remaining amount we intend to purchase 3 sheep. This will also be an investment for us into the future. For the third cash transfer, we intend to do a house repair for our main house. With this amount we intend to cement our house and also purchase furniture since we do not have any currently. Receiving these cash transfers will surely help us in changing our lives and I'm grateful to God and Givedirectly for considering our village for the program.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness always comes from my grandchildren. Whenever I see them happy and able to go to school I feel very delighted. They are our joy and a reason why we smile every day.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
There are many challenges that we are facing currently. One of the biggest challenges that is making my life harder is the back aches I have had for many years. I'm currently a care taker for my three grandchildren and because of the back aches I have it is difficult for me to provide for them. This has made life hard since we are old and can't do hard labor to provide for our family.