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Newsfeed > Mukanziga's Profile
Mukanziga's family
Subsistence farming
Rwanda Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first thing I'm planning to do is to put roof on my house and kitchen because when it rains, the rain go through and reach inside and that will cost $100. The other thing is that I will buy a cow which will cost $250, because in our agriculture activities when you don't use manure the production is low, therefore the cow will provide manure to be used. I will buy also 2 goats in the aim of saving money because in the future when I will be short of money, I will have to sell the goat. Those goats will cost $60. I will buy a piece of land which is fertile located in good place for $200. The reason of buying that land is that the ones in which I grow my crops are not productive.
What is the happiest part of your day?
During the month of September 2022 I was very sick at the extent I was not able to breastfeed my child, during that period my relatives used to take care of me and my children as it was impossible for me to do any activity. I was cured in the month of November 2022 and that was the time i was happy because from that moment I was able to go to work in order to get something to put on the table for my children, the fact that I'm no longer a burden to my relatives makes me happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Their main challenge I am facing is poverty, because nowadays I don't have money to pay for uniforms and school feeding for my child, I don't have money to pay for health insurance. The other challenge is that I'm living in high risk zone where I wish to leave and go to settle in a good place with others but I don't have means to do so.