GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 1 year ago
received a $633 initial payment.
"I was in the garden and saw the transfer message, I came and told my wife about it and then when I withdrew it we planned for our home."
View Wanga's
over 1 year ago
"The challenges that we are having mostly include not having an assurance of where the next meal will come from. We are peasants and relay on subsistence farming and casual labour. In cases where it's a dry season or the food is not ready in the garden, we hardly get enough food for the day, thus sometimes sleeping hungry.
Also, the area that we are sleeping in is risky and surrounded by stones where some roll from uphill. We there fore sleep in fear and worries, thinking anytime rolling stones may cover my home. Recently, in May 2023, a rolling stone came from a few metres up and destroyed the kitchen that i was constructing. This has gotten me worried as anytime they may hit my house, and yet i do not have anywhere else to go to."
View Makwasi's
over 1 year ago
received a $319 third payment.
"After achieving the goals I had established for this move, I came up with an entrepreneurial objective. I want to purchase a piece of land and construct some rental houses once I have some money. After recognizing that rental properties do not underperform in terms of revenue when they are well-managed and have a guaranteed monthly income, this idea was born. By doing this, I will have a source of revenue from the rental collection, which will allow me to provide for the daily and essential requirements of my family while also being able to take care of myself."
View Kibet's
over 1 year ago
received a $319 third payment.
"GiveDirectly's financial support program, in my opinion, is continuously dependable, allowing its recipients to make wise selections. Additionally, to enhance its operations, the organization continuously assesses how the transfers affect its recipients. So far, so good; I'm happy with the way GiveDirectly conducted its operations."
View Daisy's
over 1 year ago
received a $319 second payment.
"My long-term goal is to launch an M-pesa business where people may conduct financial transactions. I had this idea after conducting extensive research, which revealed that residents of my area drive farther to use M-pesa services. Since individuals send and receive money every day, I am confident that before the year is out, I will have started this business and it will be successful."
View Rhoda's
over 1 year ago
received a $319 second payment.
"As soon as I get some money, I want to purchase a dairy cow. I decided on this investment strategy since the cow will not only provide milk for sale but also family usage. I estimate that I would need at least 20 liters per day to support my family, and a liter costs $0.5, therefore selling would help me to raise some money to do so. I'll be able to easily meet my family's necessities thanks to this, which will make me about $10 every day."
View Nelson's
over 1 year ago
received a $319 second payment.
"I was unable to construct a kitchen while still taking care of the family's necessities because I was a motorcycle rider. Thus, using my house as a store and a kitchen simultaneously did not make me feel at ease. Consequently, after receiving the current transfer, I put aside $80 for food, using it to pay for foodstuffs for my family, $90 to purchase three goats as an investment, and the remaining funds to construct a kitchen. This has made it easier for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying outside my house until very late at night to wait for the smoke to dissipate after cooking in the evening. Furthermore, it has stopped the iron sheet from accumulating soot, which lessens the visual attractiveness of the property."
View Mackdonald's
over 1 year ago
received a $376 second payment.
"Our quality of life has been greatly improved by the organization's help. The intentions of the initiative were clearly explained to us, and we were allowed to spend the monies any way we saw fit. According to me, the organization's aid has been extremely important in raising people's living conditions in my village. This unwavering support has allowed residents to take care of their basic requirements. I believe that everyone in the village should be able to take advantage of this program."
View Dama's
over 1 year ago
received a $128 initial payment.
"Housing and food access are the key changes brought about by the money from my prior way of life. Even though I still reside in a rental house, I am content that after making up my rent arrears, I am no longer at odds with my landlord. My family first had a difficult time finding food. We eventually had to skip up to two days a week of eating. Since I received a transfer from GiveDirectly, this is currently history. Unlike before, our family has been enjoying some meals together."
View Vancy's
over 1 year ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"The primary change brought about by the GiveDirectly transfer is the elimination of hunger. At first, our family went without meals for up to two days a week. I used to work sporadically at casual jobs that did not help me make ends meet since some days would go by without finding a job. We are content right now as a family since GiveDirectly has provided us with access to food."
View Leah's