GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months l expect to have completed renovating my house and staying in without any worries of it falling down any soon."
View Joice's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months I expect to have started business of selling clothes and getting money for my up keep and also to support my parents pay school fee to our siblings."
View Dorcas's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months l expect to have bought a nice comfortable blanket."
View Mathlida's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months I expect to have bought a very nice comfortable furniture . I will not be borrowing seats from my neighbors when I visitors any more."
View Ruth's
over 5 years ago
"I value education a lot and this is one thing that I promised to offer my children. I am struggling financially at the moment because I discontinued mine at the primary level since my parents were not supportive enough. This is something that I do not wish to happen to my children. I have five children who are at the primary level, and my biggest concern every day is how to get their school fees. This is now going to change once I receive my transfers. Firstly, I will put part of the transfers in a long term plan, and that is to invest in livestock rearing. This is going to cater to their educational needs once they are in higher levels of education. And for the short term plan, I am going to start a grocery business here at home. This is going to help me meet the daily family's needs like food, clothing and other basic necessities with much ease. With support from my husband, I believe things are going to change for the better, and that is what receiving this money means to me."
View Kang'ombe's
over 5 years ago
"Being a house wife, I have no any activity that can earn me income to supplement the little earnings from my husband's job. Since his income is very little such that it can not fully support our basic needs, I am forced to live in a house which I also use as a kitchen. This situation has made our life so difficult something that has subjected me to ridicule. Therefore, I consider lack of reliable source of income as my biggest hardship."
View Happy's
over 5 years ago
"My longest desire has been to own a shop business but this dream has never materialized due to financial constraints. Despite being a form four leaver, I am forced to be a casual labourer within the village in order to feed my wife and I. My daily job as a house constructor is very tiresome yet its income is very low that can not support our needs. Receiving this money from GiveDirectly means reshaping my life for the better. I plan to start a shop business at Bandari center in order to have a reliable source of income and also to use part of my transfers in buying ten goats. This will transform my life and hence, this is basically what does receiving this means to me."
View Masha's
over 5 years ago
"Having been a tenant for more than 12 years now, I feel that it's time to have a place I can call my own. I miss the freedom that comes with ownership and that is why I will spend most of my transfers in building a house for me and my 3 children with whom I currently share one tiny room whose rent we sometimes struggle to pay. With the remaining cash, I will purchase oxen and an ox plough so I can expand my farming thus ensuring enough food supply in my household. "
View Margaret's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to complete the construction of my house, buy oxen that can support in farming and pay bride price to my parents-in-law."
View Apollo's
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is inadequacy of farm land.
I hire land for cultivation but which is expensive.
I am not able to cultivate as I would if I had enough piece of land.
As such, I do not get enough yields the fact that some times weather conditions also dictate on the quality and quantity of the harvest.
Whatever I am able to harvest has to be devided in such a way that food, education needs, treatment needs are met.
Hiring a garden for the next season also has to be taken care of in the previous harvest.
In most case, food shortage is the result.
View Janet's