GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I am facing is nit owning a plot of land to construct my own home. I am staying at my mother's ancestral home but my uncles are not appreciating my stay there. I was born out of wedlock but the child I produced with the man I separated with needs some plot of land that I can settle with him. it has reduced my social esteem and hence I feel like I am a social misfit "
View Agnes's
5 years ago
"The biggest hardship faced in my life is having no where to settle myself and daughter as home, and finding enough money to educate my daughter. Currently, she didn't seat for her O'level exams because I failed to find money to pay school fees. "
View Agnes's
5 years ago
"The biggest hardship faced my house structure is not good enough for whole family and it leaks when it rains creating an inconvenience of not sleeping at night."
View Michael's
5 years ago
"I make 10-20 dollars a day from casual work at construction sites to feed, clothe and educate my family. Because the money is so little, I have been unable to save enough capital to start a shop business that I have longed for for quite a while. It has also thwarted my efforts of expanding my house so it can comfortably accommodate my family of 7 people. This has forced my older children to seek shelter at their grandmother's house which poses a security threat. "
View Kahindi's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"My expectation in the next six months is that my farming techniques will have improved such that, I believe I will be in a position to incorporate other crops to boost my income. I also believe I will have already enrolled in the college which has always been my dream and considering the financial burden that my parents have been facing, I couldn't rely so much on them."
View Benedate's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"I expect my life to change in that I will have an abundant harvest which will help me pay school fees for my children. It feels nice to have means to cater for the most demanding responsibility as a parent. This will save me from doing several casual jobs in a day in order to raise enough money to sustain my family. I will also spend less time looking for casual jobs since I will be fully engaged in my farm."
View Wilson's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"In the next six months, my life will be different from today's in that I will have reactivated my NHIF cover. This will be an assurance that I will afford my medical expenses and take care of any illness coming in due to my old age. It is always my happiness to live healthy thus with an active cover am assured of a healthy life."
View Selly's
5 years ago
received a $541 initial payment.
"With my age, I can not comfortably use a phone on my own. That morning I knew I had received a new message but I never bothered to check it since I could do not know how to read. My son surprised me when he broke the good news to me that I had received money from Give directly after reading the text on the phone. I was left overwhelmed with the joy of the financial assistance I had received."
View Tabrobgoi's
5 years ago
received a $22 twenty-first payment.
"My life will be better in the next six months through the transfers in that I will always have money to pay for my house rent. We agreed with my father that he will always cater for my fees and food and I will always use my transfers to pay my house rent. For me to have an easy time in school and also not overburden my parents, I would want to keep my word and use my transfers to pay for my house rent."
View Joshua's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"In the next six months, I believe that I will not be struggling to pay for my son's school fees. The little money which I will be earning from the sale of my farm produce will be enough to cater for my almost all my family needs. I am proud to say that I won't struggle to at least provide the basic needs such as food. I will continue working with the little resources that I have to develop myself and improve our living standards"
View Joice's