GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
"The ability to provide my children with a better future through education is something that I yearn to achieve. Receiving this money will, therefore, enable me to secure this and as such, I intend to spend all my transfers on raising calves. They are not labor-intensive and mature rapidly. Having 10 of them will be a dream come true. According to my projection, they will be ready for market in two years or so. Progressively, I will maintain the same cycle and am certain my children's future will be secured. And that is what receiving this money means to me."
View Christine's
almost 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means a better education for my children. I've two children who are in primary school and one who is awaiting to join secondary. Despite having an admission letter to enroll in school, getting the required school fees for her has been a real challenge. Therefore, I intend to spend the first transfers is securing her educational needs and that of her siblings. I will also invest in goat rearing business to complement any lack that might arise in future as they continue to further their studies."
View Sidi's
almost 5 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"I had over heard my neighbor saying that they had received their money while I was fetching water at a nearby borehole . I just left what I was doing and hurriedly went to my house . Then ask my husband to check whether GiveDirectly had sent us money because I do not know how to use Mpesa . After he had confirmed that ; I was very and laughed out of joy since I was certain that the money will be very helpful in changing our life ."
View Kadzo's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fourteenth payment.
"Currently, I am focussing my transfers in my business. This is my main source of income and I have witnessed an increase in sales from the small difference in stock through GD transfers. This is why I have decided to invest in the business by adding more stock on a monthly basis. This will increase my income through profits and help make the business stable and sustainable."
View Robert's
almost 5 years ago
"I am looking forward to a great future of financial freedom. There is a great need for chicken in my local market that I would like to exploit. I plan to establish a poultry project with my transfer. This way, I will be able to feed and educate my children."
View Francis's
almost 5 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"My life is now different because I have added a piece of land that I would not have managed to buy at my own cost. One of my goals has to give my children a home that they can always have pride in. I am a single mother and my biggest ambition has been to be an independent woman and bring up my family at my own place. I feel GiveDirectly has fulfilled this since I have added a piece of land to a small piece I had bought before. I am currently so happy that I have a better space to do some farming and give my children a place too to carry on their activities. I am so happy I enjoy peace of mind and a humble environment in my place struggling to bring up my family. I sincerely thank GiveDirectly for the unconditional transfer I got from."
View Angelina's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 thirteenth payment.
"I have always struggled to make ends meet in life. This is because I have a small cloth business which has been my main source of income. Due to many family needs, I have always used the resources from the business without investing back. As a result, the business has gone down and without the transfers from GD, it would have collapsed by now. I have always struggled to raise money for our needs and sometimes I had tom borrow to meet our needs. Since I started receiving the transfers, I have always used part of it to boost the business which is now doing well. The fear of it collapsing is no more and the struggles I used to go through to meet my family needs are no more. Thanks to GD for the transfers."
View Paul's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 thirteenth payment.
"I spent my transfer on paying rent. Before the transfers, I used to depend on my mother to provide for my rent. Since I started receiving these transfers, I have been using them to pay my rent. I also used part of the transfer to gift my mother some amount which she requested to help her buy school requirements for our last born sister. The remaining part of the transfer I have been using as fare to and from school. I am still in college and goes to attend classes on a daily basis. Without the transfers, I would have been walking from school every day."
View Jackson's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect that my life shall have changed greatly in that I shall have established my poultry keeping business. This is a project that I am so keen at since it will enable me live a much more better live free from borrowing. Its improvement and establishment shall as well mean that I will have room to think about other meaningful investment opportunities."
View Ednah's
almost 5 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I acquired household items such as a bed and utensils that I did not own previously. I am also glad that I hired additional plots of agricultural land. These will increase my food supply."
View Peter's