GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
"Financial inadequacy has been my biggest hardship. With an income of 3 dollars a day, I have had to struggle so much to provide food at home and ensure my son stays in school so he can complete his education. His fee per year is almost 600 dollars which is too high for me. This has led to huge debts in the school but am grateful GiveDirectly has come to my aid."
View Kadii's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-second payment.
"My life will be different in the next six months in that I will be having my own cow. It has been my desire to own a cow but due to low income from the motorcycle business, I was not able to buy one. I have seen so many of my agemates own cows yet I did not have one. I usually feel left behind in the society and I would not want to have the same feeling after GD has given me this life-changing opportunity. I know by the time the transfers will be coming to an end, I will have herds of cattle and I won't be as poor as I am now."
View Benjamin's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, my goal is to have a small grocery business which I will increase to a cereals business with these transfers. I plan to use a major part of my transfers on savings on a monthly basis and when I will have gotten a good capital to start a grocery business, I will use the money on the same idea. As I will still be in the business, I plan to use part of profits for savings and together with the transfers so that I may achieve my goal of starting a cereals business."
View Josephine's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, I plan to use my part of transfers on savings. My desire is to buy at least one type of livestock as investment and remembrance of GD. I have always desired to have at least livestock like my neighbours because it is a source of wealth. I know when they reproduce, I will have a number and whenever any financial crisis like school fees, I can sell some to raise money to pay school fees. I know through this, my life will never be the same again and I will struggle financially like before."
View Benta's
almost 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means financial stability. I will be able to expand my small business of selling 'omena' a common delicacy here in the coastal of Kenya. I plan to add other goods such as vegetables and increase my stock of 'omena' by injecting a capital of 30,000 shillings into the business. The rest of the money will go into purchase of indigenous livestock for rearing as well as educational needs for our children such as school fees."
View Faida's
almost 5 years ago
"Our biggest hardship is loss of income. My husband had a good job in a casino in Mombasa a while back that earned him almost 30,000 shillings monthly. We had food in the house, my kids went to school consistently etc. Unfortunately, a year ago, he lost his job when the casino was closed down due to hard economic times. Things changed and we now struggle even to put food on the table. We had even started making repairs to our house but the project stalled due to lack of finances."
View Josephine's
almost 5 years ago
received a $544 initial payment.
"I spent KES 31000 the transfer on buying livestock which include a cow and two goats. My aim is to keep these livestock so that as they reproduce and increase in number, I can readily depend on in case of any financial problem. I was previously sleeping on the floor since I could not afford to purchase nice bedding. When I received my first transfer, I took KES 10000 replace the worn out mats I was using as bedding. I am now sleeping comfortably on a wooden bed and a new matress. I also spent KES 15000 to pay school fees for my grandson who is in high school. He was at home due to the huge fee arrears. He is now comfortably in school. I spent the remaining amount to cater for my household basic needs such as buying daily foodstuffs and clothing, including paying for other household expenses."
View Sidi's
almost 5 years ago
received a $544 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the dairy cow that I bought with this transfer. I never thought I would own one of my own anytime soon. I have been depending on casual labour to raise income and sustain my family. The casual works could however not provide us with enough money to buy food for the family and save up towards implementing this project. I could only wish to have enough money and have my own dairy cow that could provide us with enough milk for local cnsumption as well as surplus for selling to meet other family's needs. On receiving this transfer, we took it upon ourselves to put the plan into action and we have since bought one. Owening a dairy cow has given me a great sense of satisfaction knowing very well that the living standards of myfamily will be raised."
View Chepkirui's
almost 5 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"My life is different in that, my health life is now safe because I sleep comfortably on a better mattress. Previously, I slept on a mattress without a cover which used to trigger illness. In addition, I have also completed a driving training course and at the same time acquired a driving permit. I am now hopeful of getting a job in future besides being a senior four dropout."
View Hasham's
almost 5 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that, I now sleep on a bed with a new mattress and bed sheet. I am having comfortable night sleep that has made me very happy. Prior to receiving this transfer, I didn't own a bed and I slept on an old mattress with torn bed sheets. Secondly, I have acquire most of the needed materials for constructing a permanent house and I intend to start construction with my second transfer."
View Anna's