GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Next month, my goal is to launch a food-selling kiosk. This venture presents an opportunity for me to generate income, enabling me to support various needs within my family. These needs encompass covering school fees, purchasing food, and acquiring essential household items. Currently, my husband, Rama, struggles to generate sufficient income through the sale of locally sourced toothbrushes crafted from medicinal tree twigs. I am optimistic about the prospects of this business endeavor and its potential to positively impact my family's financial situation. The assistance provided through transfers thus far has been invaluable, and I am sincerely grateful for it."
View Rehema's
11 months ago
received a $307 third payment.
"Now that I have my own home and am fully settled, my attention turns to my small business of blending juice and cooking chips. Despite its current performance, I am determined to do everything in my power to make it successful. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for providing me with the means to start this business with the second transfer. Though it's facing the challenges of not getting enough customers to buy, it has not failed me, and I remain hopeful for its improvement in the future."
View Monica's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"The recent payout from the merry-go-round has addressed one of my foremost concerns regarding our sleeping arrangements. With this financial boost, I have been able to procure a bed and proper mattresses for both my children and myself, significantly improving our comfort and quality of rest.
Inspired by the success of this saving strategy, where I allocate $20 of my transfers monthly, I am now looking to expand and enhance our living space. Our current residence, with only two rooms, is inadequate for my large family of seven. Consequently, my children are forced to seek sleeping accommodations elsewhere, which is far from ideal.
With the next payout from the merry-go-round, scheduled in six months, I intend to initiate improvements to our home by purchasing necessary materials. Subsequent payouts, including the year-end one, will allow for the completion of these renovations. My ultimate goal is to provide a more spacious and comfortable living environment where all my children can reside under the same roof. This will not only foster a greater sense of family unity but also enable me to closely monitor and support my teenagers as they navigate their formative years."
View Joyce's
11 months ago
received a $307 third payment.
"I aim to keep up with vegetable farming and use the profits to start growing tomatoes. On an acre, you can earn up to $100 per harvest. Harvesting is done twice a week for two months. However, the production costs are high; seeds alone cost $400 for an acre and other management practices. For instance, wooden stakes to keep the tomatoes off the ground cost $45 per acre. This investment requires careful capital planning. It might be costly, but the returns are promising and will help support my children's education."
View Daisy's
11 months ago
received a $307 third payment.
"I'm planning to plant fruit trees, specifically mangoes and bananas, as they do well in our area. My husband and I, now growing older, will take care of them together since we won't continue our farming activities. This project is important to us because, when the trees mature in the coming years, they will provide a source of income. We intend to sell the fruits to support ourselves in the future."
View Jeniffer's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"I am considering investing in chickens. Currently, I have six chickens and forty chicks. My strategy is to nurture them until they mature, then sell them to purchase goats. Raising chickens is relatively simple, and providing them with feed is easy. I aim to save a significant portion of the proceeds from selling the chickens to improve my family's quality of life."
View Zawadi's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"I currently reside in a one-room house made of mud. However, I have a dream of constructing a stone house. My aspiration is to provide my family with a larger home, comprising at least two rooms. As my children are growing, I desire for them to have ample space and privacy. Presently, I work as a conductor, shuttling between Mtwapa and Mombasa Town. My plan is to diligently save from my work earnings and also allocate funds from my transfers towards realizing this dream."
View Josphat's
11 months ago
received a $24 twenty-second payment.
"I aspire to start my own business and provide for my family. My vision is to open a shop offering a diverse range of products, including vegetables, charcoal, and more. Currently unemployed and at home, I am diligently saving up the $150 needed to kick-start this venture. My ultimate goal is to not only generate sufficient profit but also to save up for future endeavors."
View Agnes's
11 months ago
received a $307 second payment.
"GD has made a significant difference by giving us a considerable transfer. This assistance has rekindled our fading dreams, helping us to achieve what appeared out of reach. I am quite glad that, thanks to the relocation, we now have a wonderful residence that provides safety and security. We no longer have to hunt for a dry spot during the rainy season because our former house was prone to leaks. Thanks to GD, we now have a nice and dependable place to live."
View Irine's
11 months ago
received a $375 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly has truly excelled. Thanks to their unconditional cash transfers, my family and I have been able to transform our lives. I have invested in assets and started my own hotel business, which is now thriving and providing us with a steady income. Moreover, my children are attending school regularly, something that seemed like a distant dream before. GiveDirectly's support has not only improved my financial situation but has also opened up opportunities for a brighter future for my family."
View Elizabeth's