GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"I am deeply saddened that one of my sons could not finish high school due to financial constraints. Now that he has chosen to pursue training in automotive engineering, I am determined to support him through the transfers so he can complete his training and gain the skills necessary for a good job in the future.
Currently, I do not have any source of income besides subsistence farming, as my previous business collapsed. However, I believe the transfers will enable me to support my son's aspirations. My plan is to allocate at least $20 of my monthly transfers towards his education. Additionally, I will try to save some of what's left, around $5, to eventually revive my sardine business, which folded months ago. Reviving this business will help me expand my financial resources and be able to support my family better as the younger son will also need to join college soon."
View Kadzo's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Recognizing the difficulties my husband encounters while caring for our family, I aim to utilize the transfers to establish my own business and assist him with our family expenses. His role as a charcoal broker is unpredictable; while there are times he earns well, there are also periods of financial strain due to slow sales. Starting my hotel business is intended to provide support during these tough times in his business. I am deeply thankful for the financial assistance that is paving the way towards stability."
View Kadii's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"As I near the completion of my current tailoring and dressmaking course, scheduled to conclude in December of this year, my sights are set on establishing my own tailoring business. Essential to this project is the acquisition of necessary equipment, notably a sewing machine which costs approximately $120.
My plan is to first use the payout from my monthly savings to cover my fees for the year. Then, I'll start saving up for the sewing machine with subsequent payouts. Once I have the equipment, I'll use the transfers to help stabilize and grow the business until it becomes successful.
It is my aspiration that by the conclusion of this program, I will have achieved financial stability, allowing me to transfer my child to a better-quality school, preferably a private institution offering enhanced educational opportunities."
View Eunice's
11 months ago
received a $371 second payment.
"Givedirectly have good service for their recipients. I mean, you just call them up, and it doesn't cost a thing. Plus, they've got this project going where they don't ask for anything in return But, you know, there's always room for improvement. I feel nothing should be changed about there way of operation."
View Francis's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My primary goal is to expand my poultry business and venture into livestock rearing with the cash transfers I am receiving from GiveDirectly. By doing so, I aim to establish a sustainable source of income for myself and my future family. I believe that I will achieve financial stability and eventually own our own place before starting a family. I'm excited and grateful for the support GiveDirectly has given us."
View Amina's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My immediate goal is to enroll in a driving school, which I see as a step towards securing better employment opportunities. With increased income, my next aim is to upgrade to a bigger house to accommodate my growing family's needs, providing them with a more comfortable living space. Once this is done, I will venture into livestock keeping, as I see it as a sustainable source of income. Thanks to GiveDirectly for giving me a chance to build a better life for my family."
View Samuel's
11 months ago
received a $315 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly has made a significant positive impact on us, Lamargweny residents, by providing transfers that have improved our economic well-being. These transfers have facilitated various transformations within our community, including better housing, enhanced access to education, and increased economic empowerment. I am grateful for the opportunity the first transfer provided me to invest in tomato farming. While I have not yet harvested the tomatoes, their healthy growth suggests promising returns soon. I am optimistic that this venture will contribute positively to my financial stability. Overall, I extend my sincere appreciation to GD for their support and the positive changes it has brought to our community."
View Priscilla's
11 months ago
received a $24 twenty-second payment.
"I sincerely pray that my husband's livestock trading business picks up so that he can generate more profits to sustain the needs of our six children, particularly school fees. Of late, he can come from the market having sold nothing. As a result, this has put a strain on the cash transfers that we receive as we mostly spend them on school fees. I am confident that if he makes more sales, he will be able to afford tuition for the children. As such, it will provide me a chance to spend the transfers on something else, and that thing is buying goats. Now owning eight goats, I wish to increase the herd to 20. In the future, after the transfers stop, this livestock will significantly assist me in paying the school fees for my children."
View Zawadi's
11 months ago
received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My goal is to get livestock like goats and cows. I have been saving through a savings group since I started receiving cash transfers. I once accumulated enough savings in a year to buy school uniforms for my four children, especially those in junior high school. Now, I have started saving afresh to buy livestock, pay school fees, and build a house for my children. My current house is small with one room and cannot accommodate my family of six people. I want to build another structure for my four children. I also want to buy goats. I previously had a goal to start a hotel business but I switched my mind because running a business is not efficient given the many needs of my children like school fees. Owning livestock is the perfect substitution for this. I am sure that I could sell them to cater for the school fees of the children."
View Dama's
11 months ago
received a $315 second payment.
"From my second transfer from GiveDirectly, I allocated $100 towards paying the school fees for my two children, reducing their arrears by $50 each. We have two children in elementary school level and one in secondary school. My wife and I engage in crop production to sustain our family. Additionally, we operate a posho mill business. I invested in 5 bags of maize costing $150, to further boost this business. It has proven to be a valuable supplement to our crop production, which can be unreliable due to occasional water shortages. Although we rely on irrigation, the nearby river is seasonal. However, I ensure timely planting to minimize losses and sometimes relocate my farming activities to a location near a permanent river, where I rent land. Our primary crops are maize and beans. Unfortunately, the lack of a storage facility has been a challenge, forcing us to sell our produce immediately, often at minimal profit margins. This situation also limited our ability to reserve food for future use, as improper storage could lead to spoilage. I spent $200 from the transfer, with some building materials I had previously purchased to construct a store. The store is now complete. It will enable us to store our farm produce, keep some for our consumption, and sell the surplus when market prices are more favorable. For instance, a 90kg sack of maize can sell for up to $50 during the off-season, compared to $30 or less during peak season. I am grateful to GiveDirectly."
View Duncan's