GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Damaris's family
access_time 8 months ago
Damaris received a $346 second payment.
"We have a three-bedroom block house that I started constructing five years ago. We couldn't complete it, and it's about 80% done because we ran out of funds, but we have been managing like this. It has been challenging to maintain because I have to sprinkle water daily to avoid dust, and we have to buy water since there is no nearby source. My wish has always been to complete it. If I get funds, I plan to finish the pending construction areas, including plastering the walls, cementing the floor, and painting."
Sylvia's family
access_time 8 months ago
Sylvia received a $154 initial payment.
"Seeing my two sons at home for three days because I couldn't afford their school fees devastated me. I only had $2 in my Mpesa, while their total fee was $80. Receiving money from GiveDirectly relieved my stress. I paid $50 of their fee, with $30 remaining. Now, they are back in school because of GiveDirectly. Thank you."
Kazungu's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kazungu received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"I am currently living in a small one-room house with a seriously leaking roof because the makuti roofing has been damaged by termites, creating gaps. The space is also too tiny for my needs, so I want to build a more spacious house with a verandah, even if it’s just a single room since I live alone. To achieve this goal, I plan to save part of my transfer to fund the construction. Having this new house will provide a comfortable living environment, free from the worries of leaks during the rain, and help me work towards a better future for myself."
Kanyalu's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kanyalu received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I am planning to renovate the roof of my house by replacing the old, broken iron sheets with new ones. The current roof leaks whenever it rains, which has weakened the walls of the house. To address this issue, my priority is to purchase new iron sheets. I have been saving money and have already managed to buy six sheets so far. My target is to acquire approximately 20 to 28 sheets, though I have not yet consulted with a builder for a precise estimate. I am pleased with my progress and am confident that I will reach my goal soon. My main objective is to create a stable and secure home where I can live peacefully with my four children, free from the constant worry of leaks when it rains."
Ibrahim's family
access_time 8 months ago
Ibrahim received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"Currently, I am involved in the charcoal burning business, which often takes me away from my family for two weeks or more at a time. This work is strenuous and requires good health to manage effectively. My goal now is to start a goat-rearing business where I can buy a few goats, take care of them, and sell them at a higher price. This new venture will allow me to spend more time with my family, strengthening our bond and providing me with much-needed rest. Additionally, this business is profitable and requires only a small amount of capital to start and maintain. The earnings from this business will help me support my family by buying food, paying school fees for my children, and covering other expenses."
Sidi's family
access_time 8 months ago
Sidi received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"I am planning to build a better house because I am currently living in a very small space. With the help of the monthly transfers from GiveDirectly, I started constructing a two-room house. Using old iron sheeting salvaged from my previous collapsed house, I managed to partially roof one of the rooms. However, due to financial constraints, I still need 12 more iron sheets to finish the second room. I am determined to reach this goal by saving money through a savings group, which will enable me to purchase the remaining materials and complete the construction. Additionally, I aim to educate my children so that, once they finish school and secure jobs, they will be able to help support me. I am targeting to have sixteen children in total."
Saidi's family
access_time 8 months ago
Saidi received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"My highest priority is to ensure my children receive a quality education. Before this project began, they frequently experienced interruptions in their schooling due to my inability to pay school fees. However, thanks to the transfers, these interruptions have greatly reduced, allowing my children to attend school regularly. I am truly delighted with these improvements and am dedicated to using my future transfers and savings to support their ongoing education. I strongly believe that education will provide them with the skills necessary for a brighter future. I will always be thankful to GiveDirectly for the support they have extended to me and my community."
Jumwa's family
access_time 8 months ago
Jumwa received a thirtieth payment.
"Previously, I used my transfers to buy goats, and they were able to multiply. I was able to trade them and acquire a cow, which I happily named Give. I am happy that Give is now expecting and will soon have a young one. Moving forward, I plan to continue using my transfers to expand my herd of goats. As I mentioned, my ultimate goal is to eventually own cows for plowing my farm and for milk production for my family to utilize and sell. I am hopeful that these goats will multiply and increase in number so that I may be able to trade them for cows. I am excited about this adventure, and I pray that God sees me through it so that my family can have a secure financial future."
Thabu's family
access_time 8 months ago
Thabu received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I live in a small grass-thatched house, and my long-held dream has been to own a better house made of iron sheet roofing. To make this dream a reality, I have been using my transfers to gradually purchase building materials for my new home. Currently, I have acquired 6 iron sheets out of the 20 required. My plan is to continue using my transfers to buy more materials, and once my house is complete, I will be overjoyed. I am determined to achieve my goal of owning a better and bigger house, and I am working towards this by diligently saving and investing in my new home."
Kadzo's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kadzo received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My main objective is to ensure that my family will have a stable source of income in the future, especially in times of emergency. In order to accomplish this, I have been buying goats with my previous transfers from GiveDirectly, and I intend to use my future transfers to buy more goats. I am hoping that these goats will multiply and increase in number and value over time, enabling me to sell them at some point and use the money earned to provide for my family's necessities and my children's education. I am deeply hopeful that my plans for goat farming will come to fruition, as they hold great significance for me and my family. This vision of a secure and prosperous future is what drives me forward, and I am determined to make it a reality."