GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"I am a farmer. After harvesting, I will sell my maize and invest in chickens. Currently, I have twelve chickens. My plan is to sell them once they multiply so I can open my own shop. The problem I face as a farmer is the rain stopping, which affects our maize harvest and sales. Opening a shop is my goal for a steady income and profit. I want to sell a variety of things like sugar, salt and everything else that can be found in a shop."
View Doris's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"I currently invest in chickens, with a total of twenty at the moment. My plan is to sell them when they hatch, allowing me to acquire goats in exchange. With goats, I aim to build up their numbers through breeding and eventually sell them. My goal is to use the money I get to establish my own cyber cafe, where I can assist students with their assignments. To achieve this dream, I estimate that I will need $700 to kickstart the business. The income from both the goats and my salary will serve as the foundation for me to start my own cyber."
View Benjamin's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My biggest goal is to invest more in chickens and goats. I plan to buy two of each every month, and currently, I already have twelve chickens and five goats. I believe that investing in goats and chickens is easy and manageable. As goats mature relatively quickly, I can exchange them for dairy cows, enabling me to sell milk easily. There are times when I may lack money, especially when working as a motorcycle driver. However, with the dairy cow, I am confident that I can sell milk without stress. This will create for me an opportunity to have different sources of income and I can easily better my family's living standards."
View Chengo's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My goal is to diligently work and clear my debt. I took a loan of $300 from my merry-go-round to purchase a cow, which has proven invaluable in preparing my land for farming. I promised to repay $30 each month so that I can easily settle the debt without any difficulties. To date, I have repaid $90, and within seven more months, I will fulfill my commitment in full settlement of my debt. I am also working hard by burning and selling charcoal and also by selling fish. The only thing I am really working hard for right now is to clear the debt and start saving with a clear mind."
View Zawadi's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"Living in a two-room muddy house with walls falling off, my sole focus in the coming year and beyond is to repair the house with strong materials to ensure its strength and durability. I save my monthly earnings to buy building materials and I'm halfway through the process. I'm grateful for Give Directly's support, which has made all this possible. Without them, as a casual laborer relying on unreliable, low-paying jobs to support my family, I wouldn't know what I would have done. I'm optimistic that with my savings, I will make my dream come true."
View Katana's
7 months ago
"My biggest challenge is that I am not able to pay fees for my 5 children in school. I have 2 children in secondary and 3 in primary school. I lost my 1 acre tomato crops recently due to floods. I was about to harvest the crops at the time I lost them. I am worried that my children will soon be sent home for fees and I don't have money to pay for their fees as farming has been my only source of income."
View Mercyline's
7 months ago
"I am currently stressed because I cannot afford to pay fees for my 8 children in primary and secondary school. This is because I lost two and a half acres of tomatoes due to floods that hit us recently. The tomatoes were to be harvested on the following day but floods came the night before and swept away my entire farm. I have to look for other means such as selling sume of my livestock. I sold 15 goats and 2 cows so that I could pay fees for my children and also to replant tomatoes on the farm."
View Pauline's
7 months ago
"I am currently forced to sell some of my cows so that I can provide food for my family and also to replant tomatoes in my farm. When the floods came, I had planted tomatoes on my 2 acre farm and I lost it all. I am currently struggling to feed my family because I would have harvested the tomatoes by now. This really makes me sad but life has to go on. I will not give up and I am hopeful for better times ahead"
View Fabias's
7 months ago
"My biggest challenge currently is that I don't have a house. I rely on my mother to shelter me as my house was destroyed by the recent floods in our village. I am not able to build a better house or repair it because I also lost vegetables (kales) and maize in my farm. These crops were my only source of income but unfortunately, I lost them all. This makes me sad as I now have to rely on burning charcoal as a source of livelihood."
View Ryan's
7 months ago
"I am currently struggling to pay school fees for my 3 children in secondary school. This is because I lost all my investments due to recent floods in my village. I lost three and a half acres of maize which I had hoped would sustain me and my family. I am currently worried as I am not able to provide for my children as a parent. I don't know where I will get the capital to reinvest in agriculture but I am hopeful that I will overcome these challenges when I receive my transfers."
View Rosaline's