GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"My greatest accomplishment is financing my children's education and ensuring they receive the necessary education to be successful. I grew up in a not well-off family and didn't have access to good education, which partly explains why I am currently struggling to take care of my family. My determination to provide a good education for my children is inspired by a neighbor whose children are very successful because they received a good education and now have good jobs that ensure them a better life. I am grateful for the financial support, and with this help, I will be able to finance my children's education. This support gives me hope that my children will have the opportunities I didn't have and will be able to lead successful lives."
View Julius's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My greatest accomplishment is to build a new, spacious house for my family. With the monthly savings I am diligently setting aside, I am confident that I will achieve this goal. I have set a timeline to complete the construction by next year in March. This goal holds immense significance for me because I have long desired to provide a larger and more comfortable home for my family, but financial constraints have been a major obstacle. I am extremely grateful for the financial support I have received so far, as it has played a crucial role in transforming my life and bringing me closer to realizing this dream."
View Kasena's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"My grass-thatched house is currently leaking severely, posing a significant challenge for me and my wife to live comfortably. My goal for the coming year and beyond is to repair the roof of the house. Given my expertise in weaving papyrus reeds, the main cost I will incur is for labor charges. I aim to complete the roof renovation by the end of July, ensuring a comfortable sleeping environment for us. To achieve this, I plan to save a portion of my subsequent transfers to cover the labor costs. I am very grateful for the financial support I have received so far, which is helping me work towards improving our living conditions."
View Kenga's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"My main goal for the coming year is to complete the construction of my new house. Having assembled all the required materials, I am pleased with the progress and look forward to finishing the construction next month. This will ensure the safety and well-being of my family members. Once the house is completed, my focus will shift to supporting my daughter, who is in class six, in her educational journey. I aim to provide her with a good environment to achieve her dreams and gain the necessary education."
View Mwambire's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My greatest goal for the coming year is to construct a three-roomed house for my family. Currently, we live in a dilapidated one-room house. Building a new house will provide us with more space and allow us to host guests comfortably. To achieve this goal, I plan to save enough money through my savings group and use the funds for construction. Additionally, I can raise more money by selling some of the livestock I own. I am very appreciative of the financial support I have received so far, which has greatly helped me take care of my family and work towards this important goal."
View Karisa's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"My main focus is to ensure that my five children receive an education and ideally remain in school without facing interruptions, so they have the best opportunity to focus on their studies. I am grateful for the assistance I've received from GiveDirectly, which has enabled me to cover their tuition fees. However, my son and I rely on unstable jobs, and the income we generate is insufficient to meet all the expenses for my school-going children. Two of my children are in junior high school, where the costs are quite high. This is where I plan to allocate most of the funds. Although I also have a desire to raise livestock, the financial constraints caused by tuition fees make me uncertain about pursuing this at the moment. My hope is that by educating my children, they will have opportunities for future employment and be able to support me later on."
View Kache's
7 months ago
received a twenty-first payment.
"I am looking forward to seeing this house standing. In the coming year and beyond, I have no other focus but to acquire building materials and build my dream house. Having acquired 16 iron sheets, I am optimistic that I have made significant progress towards this goal. These materials will form the foundation of a new, comfortable dwelling capable of accommodating my family of seven.
Moving forward, my focus shifts towards procuring additional construction materials such as poles, nails, doors, and windows. At the same time, I will begin saving the necessary funds to cover labor costs, ensuring steady progress towards completing the house.
The day I achieve my goal and have a new home to call my own will be a joyous occasion, relieving us of the need to share my brother's residence or have my children stay in overcrowded conditions elsewhere. It represents a significant step towards stability and security for my family."
View Dama's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"I am overjoyed because my dream of constructing a new house for my family has finally begun with the help of financial transfers. Our current house is an old, deteriorating structure, and the rains have only made it worse by eroding the mud walls. I am working hard to build a two-room house, which will require approximately 20 sheets of iron. So far, I have managed to buy 16 sheets. My aim is to complete this project within the year using the transfers, allowing me to allocate the remaining funds towards the education of my six school-aged children, ensuring that all of them can attend school."
View Amina's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"I currently reside in a small, one-roomed house, but my long-term aspiration is to own a two-roomed house. To achieve this goal, I plan to build a two-roomed house by the end of the GiveDirectly program. Once the house is complete, I intend to utilize my transfers to establish a kiosk and start a vegetable selling business. Additionally, I hope that my goats will multiply and increase in number, allowing me to start another project in the future. This project will be beneficial once the GiveDirectly program concludes, as I plan to use the goats to support my future endeavors. My ultimate goal is to get a wife and start a family and provide for them, and I believe that these projects will help me achieve this aspiration."
View Omar's
7 months ago
received a twenty-first payment.
"Initially, I had planned to enroll in a mechanical engineering certificate course, but the high cost made it difficult for me to afford it with the transfers I received from GiveDirectly. To achieve my goal, I decided to join a driving school course. Once I complete the driving course and obtain my driver's license, I plan to secure a job and earn a steady income. I will then use my earnings, combined with the transfers from GiveDirectly, to enroll in a mechanical engineering course next year. This plan aligns with my long-term aspirations and means a great deal to me."
View Kahindi's