GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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6 months ago
received a $26 twenty-ninth payment.
"In the coming months and years, my primary focus will be on supporting my two children through school. I believe that once they graduate, their success will greatly improve our living conditions and transform our lives. Raising their school fees has been a significant challenge, but with assistance from this organization, I now feel a sense of relief that I didn’t have before. I’m currently saving from my charcoal business and the transfers to ensure I can help make their dreams a reality. Their success in school is crucial for overcoming the poverty we’ve faced since their father's passing. I’m now hopeful and excited that this dream of a better future is within reach, thanks to this substantial support."
View Kadzo's
6 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"When I received the unconditional cash transfer, I used $400 to build a house. My old house was too small, especially since my children are growing older and need a space of their own. I had already started building a new structure, but I hadn't been able to complete the roofing. Unfortunately, when it rained, the unfinished structure collapsed. The cash transfer allowed me to buy iron sheets for a better roof and repair the walls, finally giving us a secure place to live. In addition to the house, I used $50 of the money to pay for my children's school fees in primary school. Whenever schools closed, my children had to sleep at the neighbors' because our house was overcrowded. Now, with the new house and the school fees paid, we have a stable environment and I can focus more on their education. The remainder of the money was spent on household food items. This helped ensure that we had enough to eat as I continue to support my family through my tailoring and poultry farming business."
View Celina's
6 months ago
received a $26 twenty-fifth payment.
"In the few months to come, I set my sights on a great goal: building a new house. It's something I have been dreaming about for a long time now. I'm tired of feeling embarrassed and having people look down on me because I don't have a home of my own. I have been seeking shelter in my relatives compounds, and I feel it's time for me to have my own house. Through the transfers, I'm slowly but steadily buying the materials I need each month, and I can already see the pieces coming together. I believe that in just a few more months, I'll be able to stand tall and proud in front of my very own house, with joy and pride that I had been lacking for years."
View Jumwa's
6 months ago
received a $150 initial payment.
"Before I received $200 from GiveDirectly, I was very stressed because my child in high school had a lot of unpaid fees. I didn't want their education disrupted. After getting the money, I spent $120 to pay half of the balance. This brought me huge relief and calmed my mental health. I felt in control of my life again. I spent $70 to buy food because we were in a deep food crisis at home. I had been looking for casual labor, which is not sustainable, and sometimes taking credit at the nearby shop for my family to eat. Now, I have bought food, and we are all happy and grateful for GiveDirectly."
View Lorna's
6 months ago
received a $413 second payment.
"I am a widow who depends on my daughter, who works as a casual laborer, for sustenance. Upon receiving the second transfer of $550, I carefully planned how to spend it to improve our lives and secure our future. First, I bought two high-breed goats for $120, adding to the two goats I already had. These goats are not just livestock but an investment and security for the future. They will provide milk and procreate, increasing our herd and offering a potential source of income when needed.
Food has always been a challenge, so I spent $82 to ensure we had enough. I bought two bales of maize flour for $32 and a sack of maize for $50. This has brought great relief because now we have a steady food supply at home. With the remaining $348, I plan to renovate my house. The mud walls get damaged during the rainy seasons, making the house unsafe. I want to plaster the walls to protect them from rain and prevent the house from collapsing. This will ensure a safe and secure home, giving us peace of mind and stability."
View Mwenda's
6 months ago
received a $26 twenty-ninth payment.
"As a single parent, my current dream is to see my two children excel in their education and thrive in life, as I have nothing to pass on as an inheritance. Right now, I am using GiveDirectly transfers to manage previous-term fee arrears, which has significantly eased my financial burden. With the limited income from my charcoal business, I’m prioritizing my children's education to ensure it continues uninterrupted. I would be immensely proud to see them graduate and advance to higher levels of education, as their success represents my hope for the future. They are my greatest joy and source of hope, and I believe this dream is achievable."
View Kang'ombe's
6 months ago
"During the heavy rains 2 months ago, I slid and dislocated both of my legs. I have since recovered but not strong enough to engage in the casual work I used to depend on for survival. Being a single mother and living alone, I also have no land of my own so I find myself surviving at the mercies of my neighbors."
View Elizabeth's
6 months ago
"I have an eye injury that has totally incapacitated the vision of my left eye. Consequently I am not in a position to work in my farm nor tend to my livestock, mostly depending on my wife. Most times she gets overwhelmed with providing for me and my 7 children."
View Willy's
6 months ago
"Currently, I'm facing a lot of challenges including lack of money and the effects from the recent floods that riced our village. Since I depend on casual labor which is not consistent it has been very difficult for me to provide for my family. This has been made more challenging by the recent floods which destroyed our maize farm leaving us hopeless about the future. We had invested all our money on the farm with the hope of getting food and also money from the sale of the crops. However, we are left not knowing what the future will bring since we don't have enough money to replant the maize."
View Josephine's
6 months ago
"My biggest challenge currently is where I live. Over the past 10 years we have lived together in our relatives house which we find very difficult because we don't have a place of our own. Recently, they have asked us to look for a place to move to which is challenging since we don't have money to purchase land or even build a house. We have three children which makes our situation even more dire."
View Rael's