GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"On that very day, I had gone to my daily workplace of burning and selling charcoal when I noticed a new message notification on my phone. Since I couldn't read it on my own, I waited until I got home to ask my son to confirm the content of the message. Upon checking, he realized that it was an MPESA message from GiveDirectly. I had finally received the cash transfers I had been patiently waiting for. I was overjoyed because I was certain that with this money, I would improve my living conditions by finally having a spacious new iron-roofed house."
View Kache's
5 months ago
received a $427 initial payment.
"On that very day, I had gone to my daily workplace of burning and selling charcoal when I noticed a new message notification on my phone. Since I couldn't read it on my own, I waited until I got home to ask my son to confirm the content of the message. Upon checking, he realized that it was an MPESA message from GiveDirectly. I had finally received the cash transfers I had been patiently waiting for. I was overjoyed because I was certain that with this money, I would improve my living conditions by finally having a spacious new iron-roofed house."
View Kache's
5 months ago
"Since I got married back in 2020, my family has been facing a major challenge that has significantly impacted our daily lives - access to tap water. For us, obtaining tap water has become as precious as gold. We reside in a village that lacks access to tap water, and our location in a hilly area makes it impossible to store water in depressions. Consequently, we are compelled to undertake a strenuous 1-hour trek to access clean water in a different village called Kithengwani.
This situation not only places physical strain on us due to the rugged terrain but also presents potential health hazards, especially concerning waterborne diseases. As a result, we are forced to ration our water usage for essential needs due to the lack of convenient access to this basic necessity."
View Linah's
5 months ago
"Ever since I became a mother to my eight children now, my husband has never had a reliable job. This has posed a great challenge to the family in terms of meeting our very basic needs. As a mother, I have had the desire to educate them to higher levels but this has never come to pass. My first two children dropped out of school, in form two due to lack of fees. The others who are in lower classes are currently going through the same challenges. This has negatively affected their performance and I am so worried about their future life. At home, we also forfeit or survive on one meal per day, a situation that has affected us health-wise. Thus, financial constraints stands out to be my biggest challenge."
View Pola's
5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"Having a dairy cow has completely transformed my life. Soon, I am hopeful that I will have plenty of milk for my family’s consumption, which will make us healthier. Additionally, I plan to sell a few litres of milk to the local market and my neighbours. The income from this will be a new source of revenue for me, which will greatly improve our living standards, as my husband and I have been struggling to support our six children. Furthermore, when the cow reproduces, I can sell the offspring in case of emergencies or to pay school fees for the children. I am optimistic that I will no longer struggle to provide my family with basic needs. In the past, my children were often sent home due to unpaid school fees, which affected their academic performance. They also faced hunger and lacked other necessities. However, with the support of GiveDirectly, I now see light at the end of what once felt like a dark tunnel."
View Dama's
5 months ago
received a $427 initial payment.
"I remember very well that day. I had attended a church service in the neighbouring village when I saw a new message on my phone. I decided to check it, as I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone at that moment. To my surprise, I received an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly, informing me that the transfers I had been promised during enrollment had finally arrived. I was overjoyed, imagining how my life would positively transform. I also knew that my dream of owning a dairy cow would soon come true, and having it would mean I could achieve so much through it."
View Dama's
5 months ago
"The challenge that I am currently facing is lack of a decent house. I live in a two roomed house with my 8 children, 2 girls and 6 boys. All of them share one while the other is for my spouse and I. Its walls are almost falling while the roof is old and therefore needs replacement. This posses a great risk to my family especially at night when there are strong winds. I am scared that it might fall while we are sleeping.
The other one is difficulty in playing school fees for my kids. I depend on charcoal burning business which is energy draining and time consuming. You require 2 weeke for them to be ready while getting a buyer is also not easy. In a month, I can earn $15 which I have to spend it on all basic needs for 10 members.
Due to this , I have been struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes, I find myself talking alone on the way as if I am out of mind."
View Gladys's
5 months ago
"I was married to Safari in 2015. I enjoyed my marriage for only one year, after which I lost my sight after suffering a severe headache. I am blind and I depend on my husband for everything. My village lacks clean water; hence, we get fresh water from Kadzandani, which is 15km away. This is a challenge for me, especially when the spouse is away, and I do not have water in the house. The major challenge for me now is the lack of fresh water in the village."
View Constance's
5 months ago
"As a family of 5, we have faced two major challenges that have significantly impacted our daily lives since I got married back in 2018. The first challenge revolves around the accessibility of fresh water. Living in a village with no access to tap water and being situated in a hilly area where water cannot be stored in depressions, we are forced to embark on a strenuous 1-hour trek to access clean water. This not only poses a physical strain on us but also presents a potential health hazard due to the lack of convenient access to this basic necessity.
The second challenge we encounter is related to the education of my children. With no school near our village, my two children are compelled to endure an exhausting 1-hour walk to attend school every day. By the time they arrive, they are already fatigued, which undoubtedly affects their ability to fully engage in their studies. This situation has caused me significant stress and concern for my children's well-being and education."
View Kahunda's
5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"I was busy with my daily hustle in farming, mainly preparing other people's farms, when I heard my phone ringing. I handed my phone to my sister to check who had sent the message, and she confirmed that I had received my cash transfers. I felt so happy and thankful because I knew that I would soon own a house, as mine was too small to accommodate all five of us. It felt like a miracle, and I couldn’t imagine how my life would be after that. "
View Furaha's