GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I can't fit my entire family in my grass-thatched shelter (wife and four children). This year, my main objective is to make sure I have enough money saved from my subsequent transfers to purchase ironsheets, building poles, and nails that will help me build a new house. After constructing a house, I also want to purchase some livestock. The devastating effects of the drought have rendered our farms no longer productive. By engaging in livestock farming, I will have a different source of income that I can use to earn a living through selling the livestock later on at higher prices."
View Katana's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I want to have 25 goats as an investment by the end of this program. I am a subsistence farmer, but drought is a big problem; as a result, I typically acquire enough food to feed my family. In addition, I am getting older and won't have the same amount of stamina to work on the farm in a few years. As a result, the goats are a perfect fit because I can sell them to increase our household income because they breed on a monthly basis."
View Kang'ombe's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I work as a teacher in the village. When I started my career I had just graduated with a certificate in teaching. After a few years, I saved some money and enrolled in a school for my Diploma. Things were great
until I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. During GiveDirectly enrollment I was sick I could not walk and I was enrolled in bed. I remember that day clearly. During that time I could not afford to buy medicine nor go for follow-up checkups this had deteriorated my health. I was vomiting, and I had lost so much weight that I thought I would die. Then I received this money and checked into the hospital and after a while, I got better and went back home. I used the first transfer of $530 for medical purposes. With the second transfer, I used to repay some loans that had accumulated while in the hospital and paid school fees. After a while, I got back to work and with my salary, I am trying my best to ration it to take care of everyone in the family."
View Rehema's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly has helped the villagers. We now have business coming up and we no longer need to travel miles away to buy products. Villages are buying more land for farming which means when the rainy season is here, we will have enough food for everybody."
View Festus's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I am grateful that GiveDirectly introduced a new project that provided us with financial assistance and the freedom to manage our spending according to our goals as a family. With the money that would be a free cash transfer, everyone in the community was eager to improve the quality of life in their homes. Even though we were initially skeptical and believed we were being duped into applying for a loan, the GiveDirectly staff did an excellent job of explaining the process and providing us with clear information on the help. GiveDirectly should carry on the amazing work they have been doing in the areas they have yet to serve with the same clarity in sharing information."
View Chelangat's
over 2 years ago
received a $231 initial payment.
"I spent my most recent transfer to purchase two bundles of zinc and paid my children school fees."
View Jackson's
over 2 years ago
received a $231 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that my children are now in school uniforms like their colleagues and they are no longer put outside of school because of tuition."
View Viola's
over 2 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"There have been many changes since GiveDirectly first arrived in our community that would not have been possible without their support. We had previously received donations from other organizations, but GiveDirectly's was exceptional in that it was unconditional, allowing us to choose how to spend the money. Many people made investments in a variety of projects they thought would benefit their families. Although the initiative was nearly ideal, some people in our village who were in need and who everyone believed should receive support were excluded due to the criteria that was used. It would be good if this was addressed in the upcoming villages because it would make everyone more aware of the intended recipient."
View Mathews's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"When I received the first and second transfers, I already had two houses—a grass-thatched hut and a main house with mud walls—but I still wanted to lessen the burden of frequently repairing the mud walls. The rainy season has been particularly difficult because the raindrops continuously washing away soil from the walls, leaving cracks and holes where bugs and cold air can enter the house. I used the entire amount of the second transfer to cut wood from the trees I had on my farm, buy 20 iron sheets for $8 a piece, enough nails for the walls and the roof, and purchased 15 bags of cement at a rate of $9 each bag, as well as sand and gravel to build the floors. Even though construction ceased at the end because I used up all the supplies and resources I had purchased, I still paid the $10 labor fee. It will make it easier for me to buy ceiling board and later buy a new piece of furniture if I am able to raise more money from the retail work I have been doing in my small shop."
View Esther's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"We are grateful for the great job that GiveDirectly conducts in our community and beyond. The initial transfer I received and the ability to decide how to spend my money made it simpler for me to achieve my goals, even if I had never envisioned achieving such a tremendous success in such a short period of time. Many people built brand-new homes, while others, among other things, invested in animals. This was made possible by the GiveDirectly free cash transfer that each villager received. I appreciate how well GiveDirectly's staff communicated all the necessary details, which gave us the confidence to use the full amount to deal with our immediate problems."
View Nelly's