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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I used my recent transfer in a very useful way. I was not lucky to be raised my parents. I live with my grandfather and unfortunately, I do not have the right to a share of the ancestral land. I have always wished to own my piece of land. I got a plot of 50m × 100m which cost kshs 60,000. So I spent kshs 40,000 of my second transfer to pay for the plot. I had a loan of kshs 5,000 from our merry go round, so I used kshs 2,500 to clear part of the loan. I have also always wanted to own a goat. This is because when they reproduce, I can be able to sell them and sort out any emergency issues.So I used kshs 3,000 to buy a goat. I have 3 school going children. I spent kshs 2,000 to clear their school fees balance. My house had no lights so I used kshs 1,000 to pay for solar d-lights. I also bought 1 bag 50 kg maize flour at kshs 4,500. I'm so grateful that this transfer made it easy for my family to meet these needs."
View Sidi's
over 2 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"After divorcing my spouse 15 years ago over a household conflict, I was forced to return to my parental home with my small daughter. Life has not been easy since I assumed the responsibility of bringing up our kid alone. The transfer from GiveDirectly was very helpful in fulfilling my dreams of being a landowner. I spent $250 of my recent transfer to complete the payment of a one-acre piece of land that cost $700 in total. I had started buying it with first aid. At the moment, I am very happy owning land and planning to construct a home as well as use it for crop farming. In addition, I used $170 to start dairy farming by purchasing one local dairy cow that will supply enough milk for my 4 grandchildren. Currently, I am forced to purchase milk daily, which is quite expensive. The remaining amount supported me in the education of my 4 grandchildren by clearing their fee arrears."
View Sidi's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"With the first and second transfers, I received from GiveDirectly, I managed to build my house. This is after I had saved the money to buy bricks, cement, and other building materials. I managed to build a 3-bedroom house to completion. I am a father to three years old sons. My wife is a colonist while I am selling clothes, and doing house construction. Before I started receiving the money, I used to live in a single mud-thatched house and it was old. Thank you so much GiveDirectly, at least I am able to live in a good house unlike before."
View Kaingu's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did very well by giving us support as cash. This gave us the freedom to choose how to spend money. I am so elated that I could pay school fees for my children. I am grateful because through my small business, I can support my husband and meet some of our financial obligations. I have no criticism of GiveDirectly other than my request to continue eradicating poverty with the support program."
View Phylister's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I have been worrying about the future of my family and how to educate my children without a reliable source of income. My husband is old and we mostly depend on farming, but the prolonged drought has caused me to work as a charcoal burner to support my family. I have three children, who have been struggling to educate, and education, bursary one finished high school, the other is in university and the eldest of them is completing his teaching studies. As soon as I got enrolled, the first transfer was used to clear outstanding balances for all three of them, and what remained was just enough to buy four goats. I used my second transfer of $210 as the final payment for my eldest daughter to complete her attachment, which included accommodation, food, and teaching materials. I bought a bale of corn flour for $24. I sold a goat for $60 and with the remaining cash, could buy a 5000ltr water tank. For years, I was drinking dirty water, and with the rains and the gutters that had been installed sometime back was the only way I could take advantage of the short rains experienced in the area."
View Philister's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"The biggest success is that through the unconditional transfers, my children are in school. I doubt with the outstanding fee and the financial constraints faced by my husband if my children could continue with their education. The support program enabled my family to own a piece of land which I almost gave up on. My experience with the GiveDirectly officer's training and helping me to plan before getting the funds is one thing I would advise the organization to pass on to the new recipients."
View Umazi's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"My husband is a turn boy in a company that transports sand in Kilifi town. We have three children together. I am unemployed and most of the time we depend on my husband whose source of income is not reliable. His work is seasonal and most of the time, he is not here with me and sends what he has earned every week. When the funds were sent, we discussed and improvised our home from a single-thatched house to a two-roomed house. The remaining amount took care of our food and cleared an outstanding school fee for my children. The second transfer of $150 bought a bed and a mattress, two bags of corn, which was $100, and $3 for transport of the same. I also gave my husband $100 to give to my in-laws as part of my dowry. I bought my children some clothes and two suitcases to store their new clothes for about $40. The remaining cash was what I used to buy other foodstuffs, washing detergents, and water. The money spent on the water was a lot because of the drought. It would cost me $4 in a day’s consumption."
View Catherine's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is one reason I could build a bigger house that would accommodate my children. The funds have allowed me to open my business. I have no criticism of GiveDirectly other than my request that they would continue enrolling more villages in Kilifi county and help in eradicating poverty."
View Pendo's
over 2 years ago
received a $231 initial payment.
"Firstly, I will give God all the glory and say a big thank you to GiveDirectly for this life saving opportunity. This money came right at the time we needed most. Before my transfer I got very ill and was rushed to the hospital and my husband and other family members were running here and there looking for money for my treatment. Blessedly I received the alert and I can't explain how grateful and excited I was knowing that my prayers had been answered.""
View Serina's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
""Since I started receiving payment from GiveDirectly my life is filled with so much excitement and relieved lately. Before I got on this program life had not been easy for my children and I, since we lost their father two years ago. Even fnding good sleeping place had been one of the challenging issues for us to the extent that I have to separate them sending some of them to other neighbours or relatives house just to pass a night. This had been the struggled of our lives for the passed two years.This situations had been so embarrassing for us. So being a part of this great program is a dream come through for me. And with this opportunity I am hopeful that my family story will changed for the better.""
View Mampo's