GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Towards the end of the year, I plan to have expanded my herd of goats to ten. Thanks to the cash transfers, I already have three goats that I acquired in the previous months. Owning more goats will certainly increase my wealth, which I could trade in the future to raise money for my family’s basic needs like food. More so, rearing livestock would grant me a breather from the physical strains of making charcoal as a means of earning money."
View Nyevu's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Given the unstable state of our house, my husband and I have been talking about building a new one. We fear that the current structure may collapse from winds or rain, and leave our two children with no roof above their heads. The new three-room house will be made of brick walls and iron sheets, which will require more funds. To implement the plan, I intend to start saving $20 from every cash transfer, and supplement it with what my husband will raise from his income as a cook."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Last year, I joined a college in Mombasa to pursue Information Technology for the next two years. Although my father has been active in paying my school fees, I plan to actively contribute towards it as well. I understand that he has a huge burden on his shoulders providing for my younger siblings in primary school, and such support will go a long way in relieving some pressure off of him. Hence, for the next two years, I plan on directing $10 and $15 from each transfer towards my school fees and rent respectively."
View Samuel's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"This program has brought quite a significant change into my life and I am honestly going to be forever grateful. Through the funds I was finally able to build myself quite a comfortable house which I am proud of, especially since it had been a long dream of mine to finally build a better home for myself and my family. Now that I am done with the house I plan on investing in buying a couple of goats and poultry since they are quite cheaper compared to cows. I also happen to own a business where I sell 13th and groceries at one of my friends' stalls. I will also use some part of the money to ensure that I keep my business afloat."
View Mwanaisha's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"Your organisation has done us good . It is my prayer that God will bless you . I always wished to have my water back , and it is through Give Directly that it happened. Now I sell the water and earn a living . The best thing yo did is giving us non conditional transfers . How can I see wrong in good hearted people like you? Personally , everything you did was okay ."
View Mapenzi's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"My goal is to take my child to secondary school . He scored averagely in his K.C.P.E and I'll be so happy to finally enrol him in secondary school . He has already received a calling letter and is supposed to join on 23rd of this month , I'll need approximately $100 to be able to enrol him . So , I plan to sell 1 of the goats that I bought recently but my worry is that their prices have since dropped to almost a half . I'm trusting in God that I'll achieve this ."
View Nora's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"I'm also a part time bee hive farmer . I have a few bee hives and so my goal is to construct 1 super modern bee hive near our river . I ventured into bee hive keeping because very few people do it , so there is readily available market for me to sell honey and my family will also feed on some of it . I will require $700 to do this , so I hope to start saving the money I get from my 'bodaboda' business as from February . In 1 year's time , I shall have achieved this ."
View Gilbert's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"You know we have no stable source of income . I always look for firewood and sell to people around . My husband , who we depend on for basic need is a mason but employed on casual terms . A bigger part of the second transfer went on constructing my new house . The one I had before was not enough for my family of 4 children . So we decided to add 1 room and a verandah . I can't remember the exact prices and quantities but my husband went to buy cement and red oxide . I then spent $100 on sand and $105 on labour . My husband had never completed paying my dowry , so he too $100 and went to pay my dowry , this made me to feel so happy . I also spent $84 for school fees for my 3 children who are in primary school. They had accrued arrears of $28 each . We had no food in the house and the prices had really hiked , so I spent $80 on 1 bag of maize. Without this transfer I wouldn't have done all these with ease , I'm so grateful to Give Directly ."
View Joyce's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"Currently , I have a semi permanent house whose wall is wooden . I hope to build a 3 or 4 roomed permanent house in 3 years to come . I'll need approximately $6000 to achieve this and my plan is to raise this money from my sacco savings . I can also borrow a loan from the same sacco then pay later in instalments ."
View Kibet's
2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"Give Directly does everything well . You have created a direct link with residents . You always come directly to the ground to explain to us about your projects and good intentions , which clears any fears and doubts that we could be having about you . You have given us non refundable money which has helped us to do several developments in this village . Personally I have bought a mattress , a bed and a cow , these are things that I never knew I would buy . There is nothing to improve on , just continue helping people ."
View Halima's