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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 2 years ago
received a $233 fourth payment.
"I am spending most of my transfer on buying house building materials."
View Viola's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 tenth payment.
"Since I received my recent transfer, I have a noticeable improvement in my condition. Without the transfer, I would have not succeeded in seeking my medication. Once I fully recover, I hope to embark on my activities, especially cattle raising. It is a viable venture that can be profitable in the long run. As a result, getting additional income when the need arises will not be a major challenge for me."
View Christine's
almost 2 years ago
received a $233 fourth payment.
"Givedirectly is helping us financially"
View Alex's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 sixth payment.
"Owning livestock is what I wish to have accomplished in the next year and beyond. Right now, I do not have a reliable source of income, which makes me struggle to meet the need of my three children, including food and their school fees. I believe if I raise livestock, they can help me generate money to cover the household costs. So far, I have two goats that I acquired from previous transfers. My goal is to buy more and let them multiply, then trade them with cows later. Not only will I raise money by selling the cow's milk, but I could also sell the animals during financial emergencies. "
View Sidi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 sixth payment.
"Supporting the education of my two children is the greatest accomplishment I wish to have achieved in the following years. As they are still in primary school, I believe they have a long way to go until they graduate college. I hope that I will be able to fund their studies to the tertiary levels without having them miss classes. Apart from that, I plan to renovate my house, whose iron sheet roof has corroded over the years and leaks water when it rains. "
View Nyevu's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 tenth payment.
"Right now, my priority is to support the education of my son, who is currently in primary school. I would be heartbroken if he ended up like his three siblings who were not able to proceed to high school due to financial difficulties. Keeping livestock is the best chance to fund both his elementary and secondary education. As I have been saving part of previous cash transfers to buy goats, I plan to carry the same spirit. Besides, am hopeful that the wealth I could accumulate through livestock will help to enroll my other three children in college. Although I failed to take them to high school, it is not too late to support their further education. "
View Dama's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"There are several things that I wish to have achieved in the following years. First, am unhappy about the state of my current house. Due to a lack of money for a decent roof, I covered it with polythene paper, which is not appropriate for sheltering under especially with the harsh climatic conditions here. I hope to have the capacity to build a new two-room structure, with mud walls and a roof made of iron sheets. Also, three of my children are not enrolled in school because of financial hardships. This breaks my heart. I wish to be able to enroll them soon so that they study at the same pace as their peers. "
View Dama's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"For so long, I have depended on making charcoal, an endeavor that hardly provides daily meals for the household. I would like to venture into a better income-generating practice, that will hopefully fulfill all my needs such as food and clothing. So, in the next year and beyond, I wish to be owning and operating a kiosk business in the village. To establish this business, I plan to obtain a $200 loan from a self-help club I have been actively saving with for the past year. Besides earning me profit, this kiosk will save my community members the energy and time they spend to find a shop in the next village, which is a two-hour walk away. "
View Kahindi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 sixth payment.
"My dream has always been to own livestock like goats and cattle, but financial constraints have hindered me. Mostly, I have been spending my every penny towards the education of my six children, which has left me with nothing to save. However, I hope to be capable of saving part of my future cash transfer to acquire the livestock. Am happy that previous transfers allowed me to secure a goat. I believe that keeping these animals will equip me with the necessary financial resources in the future that will help cover my family’s needs."
View Kabibi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"When my husband passed away, I took on charcoal burning as a means to raise money and take care of my six children. Through the practice, I make at most $8 after a week, which barely affords food for the entire week. This has made fulfilling other needs like school fees a struggle. With the monthly cash transfers, I plan to invest most of them in goat rearing. By the time my two grade-six sons are joining junior high school, I wish to have accumulated enough wealth through the goats to fund their tuition. "
View Mariam's