GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Bessie's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Bessie enrolled.
"My challenges I am faced with is the process of sowing and getting other house work done on a daily basis. For the brushing my family and my husband family do that, but to sow and weed the grass my self do them. The daily house work is done by me; if I had child/ children do you think this will be happening? no but here I am today cooking, washing and even at times harvesting for myself. My greatest life challenge is losing a family and not having a child to help by your side when you really need them. At times I sent my little sister children to fetch water. Money and other are also a challenge for me."
Esther's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Esther received a $283 initial payment.
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Nancy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Nancy enrolled.
"My biggest hardship I'm facing right now is the lack of money for my daughter to further her education.My daughter graduated from high school last year and is unable to further her education and I'm very uncomfortable with the condition I'm in.Even though I make farm but the income I get from the farm is what I spend on food.I will really appreciate any assistance provided to me by GiveDirectly to improve my livelihood"
Angeline's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Angeline enrolled.
""The biggest hardship facing me now is the lack of money to support my dream of becoming a successful Cocoa farmer in Liberia. If I become a successful Cocoa farmer in Liberia, it will help me cater to my family by providing them quality education, better food and basic necessities. Though I cut oil palm to produce oil to sell and make money, but it is seasonal which takes place only between February to March each year. This makes it very difficult for me to save enough money to invest in the Cocoa farming. Therefore, any assistance that Givedirectly can render to me and my family that will change our lives will be appreciated"."
John's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
John enrolled.
""My major challenge right now is shelter. The house we live in is very old. It leeks, what we use as doors are mats. My wife and I are old that we are unable to work. We need money to renovate our house"."
Gabriel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Gabriel enrolled.
"There are series of challenges that I am currently facing but the most of all is the lack of money, which has led to food shortage in my home. As we speak, I didn't even eat yesterday and even up to today because I don't have any money to help me out. I usually get money from doing a daily higher work ( Day boy Job) from community dwellers, since these few days there isn't any one with job available for me to do as means of earning money, things have been very difficult for me recently. The last work I did for one man in this town by the name Abraham, was to brush his cocoa farm. Through that, I was able to raise an amount of $5,000 Liberian Dollars as an advance payment of the total $10,000 Liberia Dollars that I charged him. However, due to the opening of schools, I had to sent the entire money ($5,000.00) to one of my son's who is residing in Pleebo, Maryland county as a part payment of his school fees for this Academic year leaving behind nothing to keep me up interns of food or even food kinds."
Chris's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Chris enrolled.
"My main challenge now is this house. I am worried when ever I see the weather change. I am like God please help stop this rain from coming down because we will not sleep well as the result of the leakage from to roof of this house."
Mary's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"" If I am successful in this program, I will use my cash transfer to support my children's education. Since the death of my husband, things haven't been easy. My children have been out of school for an academic year. Once I have settled the children's school fees and I am left with some money, I will use the remaining money to improve on my bread making business. I believe by doing so will help raise additional money for the family.""
Joseph's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Joseph enrolled.
""If I be lucky to receive cash transfer from Givedirectly, I intend to build a house for my family. Though I already have a house that was built from mud, sticks and tarch, the house I want to build should be built with mud brick and cement so that it can last longer. Even though I cut palm nut and make oil to sell, but the money I get is not enough to build the type of house I dreamed of. Therefore, if Givedirectly can give me any help that will change my life will make me happy"."
Comfort's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Comfort enrolled.
"My current challenge is lack of sufficient food. I didn't make farm tgis year because I was focused on building my own home. As such, we don't have food to eat which cause my children to go begging in the community."