GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Florence's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Florence enrolled.
"The achievement that make me proud is that I have managed to buy a cow which provides me with milk."
Grace's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Grace enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I have faced in life is that I have lost my close relatives I.e my husband, daughters and sons to cruel hand of death. This has affected me emotionally and it has been hard to accept the situation."
Helena's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Helena enrolled.
"The biggest hardship is that I have faced in my life is that of poor health. I have been sickling and at times I have become bedridden therefore not able to provide food for my family."
Reuben's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Reuben enrolled.
"The achievement that make us proud is that despite living under hardship conditions, we have managed to build iron roofed house."
Mary's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"The achievement that makes me proud is that I have managed to raise my kids despite the fact that am poor."
Mary's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face in my life is that we usually hire a plough to be used in our farm and during harvest we split the harvest with owner of the plough making us to remain with very little harvest."
Damarice's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Damarice enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face in my life is that I am a widow and I have five children so getting them food to eat, medicine when they are sick and paying school fees for them is really a big problem for me."
Margaret's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Margaret enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face in my life is that my income from the business I run is very little and I find it hard to sustain myself, my child and my mother."
Mary's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face in my life is in terms of inadequate food as at times I am forced to go a day without a meal."
Fredrick's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Fredrick enrolled.
"The achievement I am proudest of is being able to build the house I am staying in currently and also managing to take my children to school."