GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Ali's family
access_time 29 days ago
Ali received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I am planning to invest in a poultry business. I had already started with a good number of chickens, but unfortunately, there was a disease outbreak that killed almost all of them, leaving only six. Despite this setback, I am not giving up, and I plan to use my transfer to buy more chickens once the disease clears up. I chose this project because once they multiply and I have a good number of chickens again, I can sell them and invest in buying goats. This will enable me to support my family financially by selling some of the chickens and generating income."
Janet's family
access_time 29 days ago
Janet received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I finished tailoring school last December. After completing eighth grade, financial constraints prevented me from attending high school. Fortunately, GiveDirectly, through the transfers they send each month, enabled me to enroll in tailoring school and acquire essential tailoring skills. My immediate goal is to purchase a sewing machine and expand my inventory of materials for my tailoring business. I have already secured a workspace where I will create dresses and school uniforms. I believe with the good work I will do, my neighbors will make me the number one on their tailoring list, when looking for someone to make their dress. My ambition is to improve my family's quality of life and raise our living standards through this enterprise."
Kauchi's family
access_time 29 days ago
Kauchi received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I currently live in a two-room house. My goal is to build an additional room for my sons, who are currently in school. I believe it's important for them to have their own space once they finish their studies. Living with grown men in the same house doesn't feel right to me, and I want them to have their own place. To achieve this, I plan to purchase metal sheets gradually and store them until I have enough to start building. I am confident that with the financial support I receive from GiveDirectly and the income from selling charcoal, I will be able to reach my goal of providing a better living arrangement for my family." (Occupation: Small business)
Anastasia's family
access_time 30 days ago
Anastasia received a $425 initial payment.
"I took $150 as lock savings so that when I get the 2nd transfer I will use it to start a business. I then bought 2 2 matresses and a bed using $180. I had a very old mattress and no bed and we used to sleep on the floor. One of the mattresses was for my mother because she was staying with us as she was unwell. I then bought a mosquito net using $15 to ensure that we were safe from mosquitoes and bought a water container to collect water as we have a water scarcity in our area.and this costed me $29 I then bought some household utensils using $15. I then used the remainder to buy household food items, clothes and on my mother's transportation as she went for prayers when she was sick."
Changawa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Changawa received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My main objective is to enhance our farming operations by acquiring two bulls. Currently, we manage four acres of our family land, and the cost of preparing it is high, requiring us to hire a tractor at $10 per acre. This cost restricts our farming capabilities, prompting the need to invest in bulls that can increase our cultivation on unused land. Each mid-sized bull costs around $300. Initially, I plan to purchase two and expand gradually as the business grows. To achieve this goal, I save a portion of my transfer in our savings group. These bulls will not only help cultivate our land but also generate income through good harvests and sales, meeting our family's financial needs. Moreover, I will use them to plow other people's land for a fee, generating additional income to buy more bulls in the near future." (Occupation: Small business)
Kalume's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kalume received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"As I had planned earlier to invest in watermelon farming, I couldn't proceed due to unfavorable weather conditions. Instead, I decided to focus on investing in a goat rearing business. I've begun saving part of my transfer for this project because goats multiply quickly, and I can sell some if I need money for other projects. This season, I also invested in maize farming, planting a larger area expecting a bumper harvest. Unfortunately, we didn't receive enough rain, and harsh weather conditions destroyed everything. This experience has reinforced the importance of having a backup plan, such as goat rearing."
Changawa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Changawa received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Initially, my plan was to build a new house for my family, as the one we were living in was not in the best condition. However, due to limited resources, I had to restructure my plans and opt for a renovation instead. I am happy with the progress I have made on the house renovation, as it will provide my family with a more comfortable and durable living environment. Additionally, to secure a financially sustainable future for my family, I have decided to focus more on expanding my chicken farming business. During school breaks, when I don't have to pay school fees for that month, I plan to use some of the transfers to purchase additional chickens. My hope is that these chickens will multiply and increase in number, allowing me to eventually sell them and use the profits to cater for my family's needs and pay my children's school fees. I am grateful for the support I have received from GiveDirectly, as it has enabled me to make these important investments in my family's future."
Andrew's family
access_time 1 month ago
Andrew received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"As an aspiring agribusiness entrepreneur, I have a deep passion for expanding my current chicken rearing project into something bigger. My dream is to eventually venture into cattle farming as well. I know the journey ahead is not an easy one, given my limited resources. However, I am determined to achieve my goals. I plan to continue with my chicken rearing project, hoping the flock will multiply and increase in number. I will then sell some of the chickens and use the proceeds to buy goats. I am hopeful that the goat herd too will also grow in size and value as well. Once I have built up a sizable herd of goats, I intend to use the profits from selling some of them to purchase cows. The female cows will be kept for breeding and milk production for sell, while the male cows will be sold at a higher price when fully grown. This will allow me to reinvest the profits into acquiring more young cows for rearing and selling. Alongside my agribusiness plans, I will continue to use the GiveDirectly transfers to pay for my children's school fees. Once my agribusiness project has reached its peak and is generating substantial profits, I plan to use those earnings to further educate my children. I am hopeful that this dream of mine will come true, as it holds immense significance for both myself and my family. The prospect of building a successful agribusiness and securing my children's education fills me with a deep sense of determination and optimism."
Jumwa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jumwa received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My goal is to save part of my transfer in our savings group and accumulate enough funds to purchase land, liberating my family from over two years of reliance on my uncle's hospitality. He had provided us with land, but now he requests that we either buy it or vacate. Once we secure the land, we'll construct a home, providing stability and security for my family. I also plan to ensure my children can attend school without the burden of school fees. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity the GiveDirectly transfers have provided us." (Occupation: Small business)
Khadija's family
access_time 1 month ago
Khadija received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I plan to build a two-room house that can accommodate my family well. To achieve this goal, I save $20 in our savings group. Our current house is a one-room house, which is too small for my three children. I am glad to have the support of my spouse, who is also working hard, selling charcoal to help make this dream a reality. Currently, I burn and sell charcoal to support my family by providing basic needs and ensuring my children can attend school by paying their fees. My spouse also transports our burnt charcoal to town for sale." (Occupation: Small business)