GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Zawadi's family
access_time 2 months ago
Zawadi received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"I currently make a living by selling small fish known as Omena. However, I have aspirations to diversify my income by investing in goats. I currently have five goats and my ultimate goal is to exchange these goats for cows, after they multiply. With cows, I aim to acquire bulls to help till our land and a dairy cow from which I can milk and sell the produce. The earnings from these ventures will not only assist in paying my children's school fees but also support my husband, who is the primary breadwinner of our family."
Furaha's family
access_time 2 months ago
Furaha received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"I pray to the Almighty God to guide me in transforming my life. I am determined to break free from my current circumstances and pursue a brighter future. My plan is to invest in livestock, starting with chickens and gradually expanding to goats and eventually cows. By selling the chickens, I will be able to acquire goats, which will in turn provide a foundation for obtaining cows. These animals will not only multiply, but also provide valuable resources like milk and the bulls that I will acquire will be used for farming. Additionally, I have ventured into buying and selling dried fish to further increase my income. Each step of this journey is driven by my desire to elevate our living standards and create a sustainable future for myself and my family."
Samuel's family
access_time 2 months ago
Samuel received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"In life, possessing essential skills is vital for survival. Presently, I am diligently saving to enroll in a driving school, aiming to acquire the necessary expertise to operate a large truck. As a current motorcycle rider and livestock keeper, I tend to five chickens and four goats. My strategy involves allowing these animals to multiply, eventually selling them to fund the acquisition of bulls and dairy cows. Bulls will assist me in land preparation, while dairy cows will provide milk for sale and personal use, such as in tea-making. The income generated will significantly improve my family's living standards."
Dama's family
access_time 2 months ago
Dama received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"As a mother of five children, I ensure their education remains my utmost priority. Recognizing the need for a sustainable income, I've decided to invest in livestock, focusing on goats for their ease of multiplication. At present, I have eight goats, with two expecting babies, alongside two sheep. Previously, when my children were sent out of school, I would sell chickens to cover their expenses. However, this strategy limited my long-term plans, as I intended to transition to goat farming. Thankfully, with the support from GiveDirectly, I can now directly invest in goats. My aim is to gradually expand my livestock holdings, eventually including cows, as they multiply. This approach not only ensures a stable income but also strengthens my ability to support my children's education in the long run."
Kadzo's family
access_time 2 months ago
Kadzo received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"My goal for the next year and beyond is to establish a large livestock-rearing project. I have already started this journey with my previous transfers by purchasing a few poultry. My main objective is to diversify my livestock by including cows, which will be beneficial for plowing land, eliminating the need for hiring the services from neighbors. To achieve this, I plan to allocate a larger portion of my monthly transfers of around $30, to save up for a cow that costs $170 to start me off."
Agnes's family
access_time 2 months ago
Agnes received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Since January, I've been part of a savings group where we each contribute a minimum of $10 monthly, with the intention of distributing the accumulated savings at year-end. My primary objective is to continue with the savings aiming to accumulate enough to purchase a cow by year's end. This investment, which typically costs between $20 to $25, is strategic, as I foresee its utility in providing financial security during challenging times ahead."
Nasibu's family
access_time 2 months ago
Nasibu received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"Initially, my ambition was to pursue livestock farming, specifically focusing on raising cows. However, due to the severe weather conditions prevalent in our region, cows are vulnerable to drought and perish quickly. After careful consideration, I have decided to pivot my livestock endeavors towards goats and chickens, as they exhibit better resilience to drought. Consequently, I intend to allocate half of my forthcoming transfers towards purchasing goats and chickens, with the expectation that they will breed and provide a valuable resource during times of financial need. The remaining half I plan to save in a bank, envisioning the opportunity to establish my own butcher shop and cultivate a successful business in the future."
Karisa's family
access_time 2 months ago
Karisa received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"As a livestock farmer, I am excited about the future and what I hope to accomplish in the coming year and beyond. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I now have 13 sheep, and my goal is to grow my herd even more. Once I have six rams, I plan to exchange them for a dairy cow. This will be a great investment for my family, providing us with milk and an additional source of income. A dairy cow will not only improve our nutrition but also offer financial stability."
Safari's family
access_time 2 months ago
Safari received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"My goal this year and beyond is to invest heavily in purchasing livestock. Livestock investment is very profitable for me, especially because goats multiply over time, helping to grow the herd. Once this happens, I will have the opportunity to sell some and reinvest the money in purchasing a dairy cow or a bull to help with tilling my land. I am very happy and appreciate the financial support I have received so far, which has greatly improved the quality of life for me and my family."
Hamisi's family
access_time 2 months ago
Hamisi received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"Two years ago, before being enrolled in the program, I worked as a casual laborer digging up tree stumps, burning them, and making charcoal for sale. This job was labor-intensive with very little return. With a family of eight members, I struggled to make ends meet, and often we lacked money to buy food, forcing us to sleep on empty stomachs. After receiving my first transfers two years ago, I made a bold decision to start a small business selling vegetables. I spent $68 from my transfers as starting capital to purchase the required stock. I am very happy that the business is picking up well, and the profits are currently helping me take care of my family. In addition to starting the business, I purchased a small goat for $23. This goat is a significant investment for the future. Once it multiplies, I plan to sell some and use the money to purchase a dairy cow, which is more profitable and valuable. I also paid $11 in school fees for five of my children, four are in primary school and the eldest is in secondary school. I am glad this payment ensured they stay in school and continue their education without interruptions. I am very grateful for the financial support from the transfers. The quality of my life has improved, and I no longer sell charcoal as I am now focused on growing my business and earning a good income from it."