GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Macha's family
access_time 3 years ago
Macha enrolled.
"We are so excited with the fund, our dreams and long preparedness is now slowly coming to manifest it's worth. I will now own a good house covered with iron sheet on the roof. I can not even wait to sleep comfortably on my matress which I am hoping to be available in no time."
Charo's family
access_time 3 years ago
Charo received a $493 second payment.
"My life is so different in such a way that I no longer struggle in seeking fir sheer life before. I have been owning a small house which was almost falling and the roof was so leaky especially when it rains there no peace at all. I had no choice other than to live in such emvinrinmnet because I could not afford to purchase the required materials for the renovation of the house leave alone constracting a new one. I am indeed a happy parent becasue I finally manage to construct a brand new one that can accommodate all my family members. Also, I have several goats that are now serving as the living assets that I can solely depend on in case of any emergency."
Diana's family
access_time 3 years ago
Diana enrolled.
"Receiving this money will enable my spouse and I to build a bigger house.We are currently a family of four and soon we will have an addition in the family.The hut that we live in currently serves as both our kitchen as well as sleeping place.Having one house serving all these purposes also means that the smoke from the fireplace affects the young children,and also my husband cannot sleep in late in the morning as I wake up early to prepare breakfast for the children because of the same.We intend to build an iron-roofed house which will cost us approximately Sh 40,000.Aside from having a comfortable house,buying a cow to provide milk for our three young children will also be worth doing at this point so that we do not have to infringe on the little that our parents would have rather sold to earn an income.I intend to buy a dairy cow for Sh 30,000 and use any remainder to buy food for my family."
Katsozi's family
access_time 3 years ago
Katsozi received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I had never received my transfers, in that I was able to build a spacious modern iron-roofed house and I am now sleeping comfortably with my family. Also, I own 2 indigenous dairy cows which will earn me income through the selling of milk. The income will help me meet our basic needs like food. My plan is to sell the offsprings when they reproduction to educate my children up to the college level."
Mercy's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mercy enrolled.
"I am a small farmer relying on my five chicken to earn a source of income through the sale of eggs. For a long time, I have desired to build a second house to accommodate my husband and I, including 2 of our children separately. The income I get from my chicken only takes care of small household needs with nothing to save. Since I cannot sleep in the same roof with my husband and grown up daughter, she goes over to my neighbor's house to sleep. This is a big worry for me knowing the risks my girl is exposed to every night trekking the village, problems I would have solved if I had money to build another house."
Ambrose's family
access_time 3 years ago
Ambrose received a $493 second payment.
"I utilized 340 USD of my second transfer on purchasing a cow for rearing to provide us with milk for consumption and sale of any surpluses. This is because we have been spending at least 0.3 USD daily on purchasing milk for consumption by my family. Having a dairy cow is an invaluable investment in my area. Also, I improved our kitchen using 150 USD by installing an iron-sheet roof to replace the initially grass-thatched one. I did that to ensure we have a more decent kitchen. Further, we bought some clothes for each family member using the remaining amount (about 40 USD). We bought the clothing because the ones we had were relatively insufficient and torn."
Kenga's family
access_time 3 years ago
Kenga received a $493 second payment.
"Owning a decent iron-roofed house is the biggest difference in my life. Currently, I am spending my nights in a comfortable place than before and my kids have a chance to wear nice clothes like other kids in the neighborhood. This makes me feel happy and respected because I am able to fulfil my responsibility as a parent."
Rashid's family
access_time 3 years ago
Rashid received a $510 second payment.
"I had begun the construction of a semi-permanent house using bricks by purchasing cement and sand. I was not able to complete the construction with my first transfer. After receiving my second I spent it to purchase roofing material including timber, 45 iron sheets, nails and pay labor charges. This is because the one I had was very small and did not fully accommodate my family and commodities. The remaining amount assisted me in educating my child who is in form 4 by paying his school fees."
Mwenda's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mwenda received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been because I am now sleeping in a decent house. Previously I used to shelter under a small house whose condition was poor, and day by day the condition worsened. Its roof is dilapidated and leaking excessively during the winter seasons. These were the worse days of my life. I had to seek shelter from neighbors becasue I could not afford to buy the materials required for the renovation leave alone constructing a new one. Also, the few goats that I am currently keeping in my compound have started reproducing and soon I will have many of these. I will decide on whether to start a business through them or exchange for a dairy cow once they multiply. I wouldn't have achieved all these if it were not for the financial support."
Sidi's family
access_time 3 years ago
Sidi received a $493 second payment.
"My life is totally different from how it was before becasue I am now sleeping comfortably in a decent spacious house. The previous one was a traditional hut with a grass thatched roof which was leaking whenever it could rain. At that particular moment, we used to seek shelter from friends which were very frustrating. I had no hopes of constructing a better one becasue I am a widow and a family's breadwinner. The little I could earn from the charcoal business was very little. The house has really brought joy into our lives in a way that we didn't expect. Secondly, my children are now studying without any dustranbacnes, unlike before whereby they could stay home for weeks becasue of the huge fee balances. This is now an encouragement to them and I am also assured that they will acquire g=better grades courtesy of GiveDirectly."