GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Pamela's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Pamela received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer to buy 20 iron sheets, a steel door, 2 steel windows, nails and poles as part of the construction materials that I will use to construct a new house as my current house is old and has been destroyed by wind and rain. I also bought a donkey that helps in fetching water from the river and the rest of the transfer was spent on medical expenses for my daughter."
Muwalo's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Muwalo received a $113 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer on buying a water tank to store water and cement to plaster my house because it had alot of dust and fleas. "
Rebecca's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Rebecca received a $113 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer on building a water mission flashing toilet. This is because I was tired of using pit latrines since they get full so quickly."
Agnes's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Agnes received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on buying a big water tank to store water since in my society we are always faced with water shortages and with the drought we are experiencing I though it wisely to take mitigation measures at an early stage."
Pelesia's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Pelesia received a $481 second payment.
"My former house was really dented and this could pour on us rain water and therefore when I received my second transfer I bought new iron sheets. I have replaced the old roof with the new one and we can now live more comfortably-we are no longer being rained on. Besides, I constructed a kitchen; my children has a place to sleep at and we have a kitchen to cook at-Life has become easier."
Marikus's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Marikus received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer to buy seats to place in my house since I did not have any and I was sitting on water containers. I also bought a new mattress, blankets and a bed which I did not have before so now I can sleep comfortably. The remaining amount was spent on buying food and shoes."
Rispa's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Rispa received a $96 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer on finishing my borehole construction hence now I have water in my compound. "
Mary's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Mary received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on purchasing a gate to prevent the neighbor's animals from roaming in my compound,paid workers to make the well dipper to get large amounts of water,bought a calf and spent some amount in my business which is currently doing well."
Caroline's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Caroline received a $96 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer on buying a sheep, a bag of maize for family consumption, a water tank and the remaining I spent on buying food to feed my family."
Robert's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Robert received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on buying a donkey because I wanted to earn some money through fetching water for people.I also built a cow shed bought a mattress,blanket and utensils."