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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadzo's family
access_time 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different now because money has transformed my life in so many ways and I will forever be thankful to GiveDirectly. Through the transfers, I managed to renovate my house, and it's now permanent. The previous one was grass thatched though quite spacious but my wish always to own a modern. This is because I have been exchanging the roof which was a bit expensive and I had thought of a permanent solution on the same. Having constructed it, I no longer have to worry about any kind of insecurities or even the rains and I will be saving that I have been using to renovate my house yearly and support other household needs. Also with the goats, they serve as the assets that I can rely on in case of any emergency unlike before."
Joel's family
access_time 3 years ago
Joel received a $493 second payment.
"Before receiving the transfer, I used to live in a grass thatched house and it was always leaking during the rainy season. Also, my old clothing's used to be my beddings and it was always uncomfortable sleeping on them. With my first transfer, I was able to build a more spacious iron-roofed house and also bought new beddings. Due to this, I no longer experience back ache and I always have a sound sleep as I also do not sleep worrying that I might get rained on. All this would not have been possible had I not received the transfer."
Selly's family
access_time 3 years ago
Selly received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been had I not received the transfer because I have been able to build a better house for my family. While living in my previous house, I used to get so much stressed during the rainy season. This is because the roof was leaking and I had to constantly move things from one place to another. Constructing another house has given me peace of mind and I can now go on with my daily activities nowadays without having to hurry back home when it rains."
Margret's family
access_time 3 years ago
Margret received a $510 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I now have a nice, iron-roofed spacious house that I am currently sheltering on. Before GiveDirectly came into my life, I used to shelter in a temporary hut that was grass-thatched and it was so stressful especially during the rainy seasons. We used to squeeze at one corner of the room and still end up being rained on. I had to force some of my children to seek shelter at our neighbor's house to avoid the case of being attacked with some cold-related diseases. However, after receiving my first transfer I had to prioritize constructing a decent house. I am now gald because I had even lost my dignity in society for always seeking shelter from neighbors. We are now living happily as a family and we no longer have to worry about the heavy downpours and my children are healthier as compared to before."
Riziki's family
access_time 3 years ago
Riziki received a $510 initial payment.
"For all those years I have been dreaming of owning a decent house since the one I am currently sheltering on is a single room with a damaged roof. I have always been worried about my family since it was growing and I had no coin to facilitate the construction of a new house. Therefore some of my children had to shelter in their friend's houses which were quite far from where we stay. I was always worried about their safety that maybe some wild animals might harm them on their way to their friends. In addition to that, they never had ample space and time to study at night and thus were ready to demoralize them, affecting their academic performance. However, it is all gone becasue, after the completion of the new house, we no longer have to worry about the rains, the wild animals and night, and even our privacy as a family. Also, my children can now comfortably study at night without any interference, and this promise will improve their performance in school courtesy of GiveDirectly."
Grace's family
access_time 3 years ago
Grace received a $510 initial payment.
"On receiving the first transfer, I was so excited to make a lot of changes in my household. As a widow, I have been struggling a lot to see things moving which even though it has been hard, I have never given up on trying. This transfer opened doors for me as I managed to purchase a large plastic water tank worth 15000KES that is currently collecting rainwater from the roof. This has drastically cut the cost of buying water as I had been paying 20KES for one to deliver a twenty-liter pot. With part of the remaining amount, I improved the roof of my house to facilitate clean water collection, bought enough foodstuff with the other 3000KES, installed a solar lighting system which I am paying in monthly installments currently, I also obtained a new piece of furniture which includes a bed and bedding and with the last bit, I managed to buy some chicken which I am rearing in a small chicken coop I constructed a year ago."
Mwenda's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mwenda received a $493 second payment.
"I spent the transfer to purchase 20 iron sheets, building poles and timber this was for the construction of a two roomed house for my family. In the past I use to reside in a small, grass roofed house which was about to fall down. I was very ashamed especially when I received important visitors because I had to shelter them in my neighbour's house due to poor condition of my house. In addition, I spent the remaining amount to seek for proper medication by attending the scheduled check up with doctor since I was receiving ulcers treatment."
Kadzo's family
access_time 3 years ago
Kadzo enrolled.
"Receiving this money means a better education for my daughter who is currently in form 3. As of now, I struggle a lot to ensure she gets settled in school, and in most cases, she misses exams due to huge fee balances. This does not give me peace of mind and I am always visiting bursary offices asking for help of which it's not guaranteed. With the help from GiveDirectly, I feel so relieved a lot since I plan to clear all the arrears that have given me a headache for a long time. I, therefore, intend to spend the first transfer ($500) to pay the school fees and this will bring me peace of mind. Part of the second transfer ($200) will help me to buy 5 goats that will act as my long-term investment project. The remaining amount will aid in other needs like food, nice beddings and repairing the roof of my house."
Sidi's family
access_time 3 years ago
Sidi enrolled.
"Receiving this money means purchasing goats for rearing. This is because my ambition is to achieve a good source of income that will sustain us. Currently I rely on subsistence farming for a living. My husband does casual jobs but he is quite old and he doesn't earn enough. It can take him 2 months to get a job and this means I have to hustle to make ends meet. In addition to this, I will renovate our house which has a leaking roof and damaged walls."
Evaline's family
access_time 3 years ago
Evaline received a $494 second payment.
"My life is different in than it would have been if I never received the transfer in that, I was able to start livestock rearing like others in the village with the help of the transfer. This is my reliable source of income which I will rely on whenever I face any financial needs. In addition, I was able to full pay schools fees for my kids for the rest of the year. Initially, I not able to pay their fees due to the poverty life and they could spend some weeks at home because of the huge fees. Also, we are now staying in a decent shelter after construct a new house . I will no longer have to repair my house frequently after construct an Iron roofed one. Back in the days, I use to stay in an grass-thatched house requires maintenance every 6 months."