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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Caroline's family
access_time 3 years ago
Caroline received a $493 second payment.
"My life is currently different than how it would have been had I not received the transfer. This is because I have been able to boost my salon business. Because of this, more people have started coming to my salon than before as they know that they will get more services under one roof. As a result, my income has started increasing and I can now meet most of our needs on time."
Mwenda's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mwenda received a $492 second payment.
"I spent my transfer to complete the construction of my house which I have started with my transfer by purchasing 5 iron sheets and a door. This is because the one I had was leaking due to the old, rusty roof. In addition, I purchased a water tanks which will assist me in storing enough rain water for the family. Furthermore, I invested some in my crop farming by hiring labor to assist me preparing my farm. The remaining amount assisted me to purchasing enough food for the family and constructed a separate kitchen. Previously, I use to cook in the same house which affected my health through the frequent from I get from the fireword."
Betty's family
access_time 3 years ago
Betty received a $509 initial payment.
"Living in a single house that has been both a living room, kitchen, and also a bedroom for the whole family has really been hard for us. I have been working hard in the past years to raise some money to construct a more decent and spacious house with at least more than a room but has never been possible. On receiving the transfer, I decided to obtain construction materials worth 25000KES and later put up a new structure roofed with 18 iron sheets. I also managed to install solar panel lighting pieces of equipment, a battery, a stereo system, and also a new piece of furniture. I used the remaining amount on purchasing a goat that is now part of the livestock I keep."
Mary's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"The cash gift will solve alot of financial issue in our family. Firstly, we depend much on my husband's work as a carpenter, major in roofing. Before covid 19 pendamic, he used to have a good number of clients but things has changed. Ever since we started this year he was only contracted to roof one house at the most cheapest price. The cash gift will enable us to invest into business and to buy building materials to improve our house."
Dama's family
access_time 3 years ago
Dama received a $492 second payment.
"My life life is different than it would have been if I never received my transfer in that, I was able to get proper medical care and at the moment l am feeling well. Also, I was able to construct a proper shelter for my family, Back in the days I was living in a old, grass roofed house which was leaking during the rain season. Furthermore, I am now sleeping well in a comfortable beddings unlike before when I use to sleep on a traditional bed with a broken leg and using mats as beddings. This was not a comfortable considering that I had a backbone problem. Lastly I was able to start a livestock rearing a future investment for the myself."
Dama's family
access_time 3 years ago
Dama received a $492 second payment.
"I have desired to own a decent house for my family but due to lack of finances I have not been able to fulfil my desire. After receiving the transfer I used $300 to build a two-roomed house for the family. Previously, my house was small, with an open roof and the rain was pouring on us during the rains season. In addition, I bought a bed and mattress this is because I use to sleep on a mat which was not comfortable. Furthermore, I restarted the goat rearing business which I was doing it previously but due to school fees problems I was forced to sell all the livestock and educate my children. The remaining amount assisted me to purchase enough food for the family."
Sidi's family
access_time 3 years ago
Sidi received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I had never received the transfer in that, I was able to clear the huge fees balances for the children. They are now concentrating with their studies without being interrupted due to lack of fees. Furthermore, very soon I will be living in a comfortable house with my family once I finalize with the construction of the roof."
Sara's family
access_time 3 years ago
Sara received a $381 initial payment.
"I started buiding a house and have bought all the required materials for finishing the house, roofing nails, timber, cement, and window and door frames"
Lasya's family
access_time 3 years ago
Lasya received a $381 initial payment.
"I receiverd my transfer and immediately started moulding bricks, bought iron sheets and timber for roofing. All that is starting building the structure which I inted to use the second transfer"
Mariam's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mariam received a $510 initial payment.
"I spent part of my first transfer on starting a new business of selling second-hand clothes 'mitumba' at KES 25000. This has always been my dream to at least get capital to start this business but I could not afford to raise the capital needed. I am also planning to buy a few building materials such as iron sheets, building poles, nails, and thread. This will majorly for the construction of a new shelter becasue the previous one is grass thatched with a leaky roof. Also, I am planning to send my firstborn to school in two months' time."