GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Patrick's family
access_time 6 years ago
Patrick received a $472 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that my family is happy because they got a bicycle for fetching water, a cow and a goat that will support family development. We are also happy because we will be able to hire the garden next year."
Cynthia's family
access_time 6 years ago
Cynthia enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face in my life is that I walk for almost 1Km in search of water for irrigating our farm where I have planted kales and tomatoes. This is tiresome and time consuming for me. "
Vincent's family
access_time 6 years ago
Vincent received a $254 initial payment.
"My new goal is to buy a water irrigation machine. This will help in irrigating my farm and I do have to worry of the outcome even during drought.This means more profits regardless of the seasons."
Robert's family
access_time 6 years ago
Robert received a $476 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer on buying bedings, utensils and some building materials such as nails, poles and iron sheets which I am now using to build my house. We can not build with bricks since it is a water logged. I am now going to sleep well then before."
Rose's family
access_time 6 years ago
Rose received a $473 initial payment.
"I spent my first transfer to get back my land which I had given out in exchange for money that I had used to educate my children because I had no place to plant my cassava. Most gardens that I had are all water logged and one can not plant cassava there. I also my transfer to finish up paying my children school fees. This is because there was a burning date for their fees."
Elena's family
access_time 6 years ago
Elena received a $235 initial payment.
"I expect to my house to have changed from mud floor to a plastered floor and I expect to have bought a water tank to aid in storage."
Hellen's family
access_time 6 years ago
Hellen enrolled.
"Receiving this money means constructing an iron roof house. This will provide a comfortable shelter and also enable my household harvest rain water during rainy season."
Joyce's family
access_time 6 years ago
Joyce received a $235 initial payment.
"The biggest difference is that these transfers have enabled me to buy a motorcycle which is used for water transport."
Selly's family
access_time 6 years ago
Selly received a $23 sixth payment.
"I have a plan of buying a big tank that will help me harvest water from my new house and this will make me very happy having such a dream life."
Dolrosa's family
access_time 6 years ago
Dolrosa received a $23 fifth payment.
"My new goal in the next four months is to cement my house because it emits alot of dust hence I have to sprinkle water to reduce dust everyday which is hectic."