GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadzo's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kadzo received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My initial priority was to complete the construction of a safe and comfortable home for my family. I am overjoyed that my house is now fully built. This provides my loved ones and me with a warm, secure place to reside. Having a stable living situation is a crucial foundation for my family's well-being. Now that this crucial task has been accomplished, I am shifting my focus to a new goal - acquiring a cow. As a first step, I intend to use a portion of my GiveDirectly cash transfers to buy goats. I am hopeful that these goats will multiply and increase in value over time. Once I have accumulated a sufficient number of goats, I will then trade them to acquire a cow. Owning a cow is a significant milestone, as it will provide milk, potential offspring, and the ability to sell the animal when needed. Obtaining a cow holds deep personal meaning for me. It represents a transition towards a more self-reliant and resilient future for my family. I am excited to embark on this new phase of building my livestock farming aspirations." (Occupation: Small business)
Kahaso's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kahaso received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I have always dreamt of becoming a livestock farmer. To turn this ambition into reality, I have been using a portion of my GiveDirectly cash transfers to purchase goats and a guinea fowl. I am excited to see these animals multiply and increase in value over time. Looking ahead, I plan to allocate a part of my upcoming transfers to acquire more livestock. My hope is that these animals will continue to grow in number and value. In the future, I intend to sell them when in need, providing a valuable safety net for my family. In addition to my livestock farming aspirations, I also own a small kiosk where I sell various goods. I have been saving in a merry-go-round savings group, eagerly awaiting my turn to receive the pooled funds. Once I have access to these savings, I will use them to expand my kiosk business. Even after this initial expansion, I intend to keep saving in the merry-go-round group. This will allow me to further grow my business and increase its revenue. The income generated from my expanded kiosk will help me better provide for my children's needs. I am thrilled with the progress I have made and the direction my business is taking." (Occupation: Small business)
Joseph's family
access_time 1 month ago
Joseph received a $428 initial payment.
"When I first received the GiveDirectly transfers, I had so many plans. The biggest one was to repair my motorbike, which I use for my business. However, my mother's health started to decline rapidly, and I had to make a difficult choice. I ended up spending all the money on her medication, hoping it would make a difference. Unfortunately, her health continues to deteriorate, and I haven't seen any improvement despite the expenses. It's been heartbreaking and frustrating, feeling like I'm running in circles with no progress. Still, I remain grateful for the assistance I received. I continue to pray for her healing because I know that if she recovers, I'll be able to redirect my efforts and resources towards other things that will allow me to progress in life. Right now, my focus is on her well-being, and I hope that better days are ahead for both of us."
Furaha's family
access_time 1 month ago
Furaha received a $428 initial payment.
"With the money I received, I was able to start my own business baking cakes, bread, and cookies. Now, on a good day, I can make about $6. It may not seem like much to some, but compared to my previous situation, it's a world of difference. Before this, I used to burn charcoal and take on other casual jobs, and those would only bring in around $10 every two weeks. Plus, the work was extremely exhausting and labor-intensive. I was always tired and barely making enough to take us for some time. Now, not only am I earning more consistently, but the work I do is much less physically demanding. The most rewarding part is that I can now provide for my children’s daily needs, including their school requirements, which was something I could never do before. The financial stability and the ability to support my family have been life-changing."
Moses's family
access_time 1 month ago
Moses received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I run a motorbike taxi business to support my family. However, due to increasing fuel prices, my work was reduced, and I had to relocate to town to look for casual jobs, which did not bear fruit as I was expecting. Eventually, I returned home, and life has become a bit easier since I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly, which have reduced the burden of school fees. I am thankful to GD for the support. Food is a basic need, without which my children cannot study properly or stay alert in class. Therefore, I spent $35.50 on food to ensure my children have enough to eat. I allocated a total of $66.50 for school fees because I want my children to have the education that will help them support themselves in the future. I was not privileged to go past class eight, and I wouldn't want my children to remain at the same level. When you are educated, you have better opportunities and can improve your life."
Safari's family
access_time 1 month ago
Safari received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"My wife, children, and I live with my parents in the same homestead. Initially, my plan was to focus solely on using my income to educate my children. However, now I aim to buy land and build a home where my family can live independently. Having our own space will give me peace of mind and the motivation to invest in various projects, like livestock farming, more easily than when we share so many resources. Currently, I am raising goats to accumulate enough money to buy land. Once I have enough goats, I plan to sell some to invest in cows. A large cow costs around 45,000 KES, so my goal is to have as many cows as possible to fund the purchase of land for our home. I also intend to use part of my financial transfer to pay school fees and buy goats to help achieve this dream. In addition, I run a charcoal business and engage in farming to support my family. This transfers has been greatly beneficial to me and has significantly improved our situation." (Occupation: Small business)
Dama's family
access_time 1 month ago
Dama received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"As a single mother of a four year old child, currently undergoing treatment for a leg issue in Machakos, my priority is ensuring my child receives the care he needs. I spent $28 on transportation to and from the hospital, and $14 on food to sustain us during this challenging time. Utilizing NHIF for his treatment is crucial to aid his recovery so he can walk again. To strengthen our future, I have ventured into selling fish, investing $28 to expand my stock and increase profitability. This business provides stability for us. Additionally, I bought a pair of shoes for $2, bringing me joy amidst the responsibilities. With the remaining $32, I purchased a goat, adding to the two I already had. These goats bring me immense joy because they can multiply easily, providing opportunities to sell them and further expand my business. This signifies hope for a better future for my child and I."
Rukia's family
access_time 1 month ago
Rukia received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"Once I finish my studies, my goal is to set up my own tailoring shop. I have set my sights on purchasing a sewing machine, which I have discovered costs around $200 or more. Determined to achieve this, I intend to save diligently from my transfers until I can afford a quality machine. I plan to make gradual payments to clear any remaining debt, while using my savings to buy essential materials like fabric and needles. My business will focus on creating dresses, uniforms, and other fabric items, aiming to enhance not only my life but also that of my family. This venture represents a significant step towards securing a better future for us all."
Fatuma's family
access_time 1 month ago
Fatuma received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I produce and sell charcoal. Right now, I own twenty chickens, four goats, two cows, and four sheep. Seeing my business struggle, I took time to think and concluded that investing more in poultry and livestock is the best move. I see it as a smarter choice than holding onto cash, which could easily be spent on ongoing expenses. Animals can easily multiply and I can sell them when I encounter difficulties, providing a more stable finance for my family."
Kadzo's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kadzo received a $428 second payment.
"I have always dreamed of owning my own piece of land where my family and I can live, and thanks to the transfers I received from GiveDirectly, this dream has become a reality. With the support from GiveDirectly, I was able to purchase an acre of land and I am currently in the process of building a new house there. My goal now is to complete the construction of this house using my own financial resources. I am grateful for the assistance from GiveDirectly which has made a significant impact on this project. In addition to building my house, I have also started a business buying and selling cashew nuts with the second transfer I received. My aim is to expand this business as it has proven to be profitable, allowing me to earn around $5 on a good day. This business has provided me with a more stable source of income compared to my previous work as a casual laborer on other people's farms, making it easier for me to meet my needs."