GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Misoi's family
access_time 1 month ago
Misoi enrolled.
"My son was living in a grass thatched house which was made of mud. This was not spared by flash floods which occurred two months ago. His house was totally destroyed and we ended up living together in one house. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will help me to build him a one room house made of iron sheets. This will cost me $ 400 of my transfers. We use water from the river Perkerra to irrigate our farms, this is challenging since I do not have a generator to pump water to my farm. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will help me purchase a generator which will cost about $300. I am dreaming of starting a livestock farm with my transfers from GiveDirectly."
Fredrick's family
access_time 1 month ago
Fredrick enrolled.
"After struggling to afford fuel for irrigating my maize farm, I found relief when the rains started. This spared me the expense of purchasing fuel. The rainwater, which is beneficial for crops, has resulted in flourishing growth in our fields, promising a bumper harvest."
Noontasimi's family
access_time 1 month ago
Noontasimi enrolled.
"In the past six months, my greatest source of happiness has been the fact that despite the recent flood that affected us, my family and I are healthy. While we did face some illness due to waterborne diseases, I'm grateful that none of my family members are currently sick."
Francis's family
access_time 1 month ago
Francis enrolled.
"I am a farmer and I have a big Piece of land but due to financial challenges iam not able to cultivate it. I use to depend on other people's water pumps for irrigation. iam planning to use KES 45,000 of my cash transfers to buy my own water pump to irrigate my farm. We are really blessed in our village because if you have water pumps and pipes you get rich very fast because watermelons, and Tomatoes, maize beans, vegetables and green grams does well, in a period of two to three months they are ready. I am planning to use the remaining money on farming, livestock keeping, stock food for my family and buy clothing for my children"
Naomi's family
access_time 1 month ago
Naomi enrolled.
"Seven months ago, I ventured into retail shop business to generate income for my family of seven. I have been eager to expand this business, but financial constraints have held me back. Since we rely on farming for our livelihood, most of our earnings go towards basic needs like food, clothing, and school fees for my children, leaving little room for savings. When the transfers come through, I am determined to invest $400 into expanding my retail venture. This opportunity not only promises extra income but also fills me with hope to better serve our community. Another $300 will go towards a new water pump for irrigation; our current one is damaged, and ensuring reliable irrigation is vital for our farming. These decisions are more than just financial investments; they are steps towards securing our family's future."
William's family
access_time 1 month ago
William enrolled.
"As a parent, my greatest wish is for my children to pursue their studies without any interruptions. Unfortunately, the flash floods two months ago destroyed our maize crop, which I rely on to pay their school fees. With the harvest looking low and the urgent need to support their education, I am determined to find a way to cover their fees.Thanks to GiveDirectly's support, I plan on spending $300 towards school fees for my daughter in grade 9. Additionally, I intend to invest $300 in cultivating watermelon on our two acres of land. This crop will not only provide income but also ensure food security for our family of seven.The remainder of the transfer will be spent on acquiring dairy cows. This investment will not only supply us with food but also generate additional income over time. These steps are crucial in sustaining our livelihood and ensuring that my children can continue their education uninterrupted despite the recent challenges we have faced."
Naitoti's family
access_time 1 month ago
Naitoti received a $350 second payment.
"With my final transfer from GiveDirectly, I plan to invest in fruit farming, focusing on growing bananas, papayas, and mangoes. These crops thrive in our region and have a readily available market, allowing me to generate profits to support my family's daily needs. To address the water shortage issue, I will purchase a pipe and generator to facilitate irrigation for my fruit trees, which require less water compared to other crops. I'm confident that within the next three years, this investment will start yielding a steady income, complementing my husband's low earnings as a primary teacher. By diversifying into this more reliable and water-efficient farming investment, I aim to provide a more stable financial foundation for our family."
Esther's family
access_time 1 month ago
Esther received a $156 initial payment.
"Life was really tough for me, taking care of my five kids without a job was stressful. My husband also didn't have a job. We did odd jobs like working on other people's farms and burning charcoal. Sometimes we couldn't find work on farms, and the charcoal permit was closed, so we went hungry. We were very poor and couldn't afford a toilet, so our sanitation and hygiene were very bad. We used a nearby farm to dig a small hole for a toilet, but when it flooded, dirty water came into our house and made it smell bad.When we received the money, I used $56 to buy enough food. This helped me have energy to work on my small maize farm. I used $50 to build a small toilet to cover the shame of using the farm and open places where everyone could see us. With another $50, I paid school fees for my children, so I could stop looking for odd jobs and focus on my own farm. Finally, with the remaining money, I bought clothes for my children because their old ones were too worn out to wear outside. Thanks so much to GiveDirectly for giving me hope for the future. I really appreciate it."
Kadii's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kadii received a $428 initial payment.
"I had to make some important decisions about how to spend the money I received. As a widow relying on charcoal burning for sustenance, I have faced many challenges, especially since trees have become scarce. My old house was collapsing, making it unsafe to live in, so I decided to build a new one. For the house to stand tall, I bought 16 pieces of iron sheets for $230, building poles for $47, roofing poles for $52, nails for $13, and water for $15. I also hired a contractor who charged $130 to construct the entire house. I am happy to say that the house is ready, and I now sleep in a comfortable and safe shelter. After the house was built, I realized I needed a good place to sleep. Previously, I slept on a thin mat, which was uncomfortable. With the remaining money, I bought a mattress for $50. Now, I sleep well and wake up refreshed, ready to face the challenges of each day. This investment in my new home and a proper bed has greatly improved my quality of life, providing me with a sense of security and comfort that I hadn't felt in a long time."
Mercyline's family
access_time 1 month ago
Mercyline received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"In the coming year, my main goal is to use the GiveDirectly cash transfers to rebuild our house, which has become too small for our growing family. It's also in a bad state; whenever it rains, water seeps in from the ground, and the mud on the walls falls off. This poses a health risk to our family and is not safe at all. My current focus is on plastering our house because of its poor condition. The thought of the transfers fills me with boundless gratitude, and each time I receive the cash, I feel hopeful about achieving this dream of rebuilding our home."