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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Chengo's family
access_time 1 month ago
Chengo received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"The goal that I have had in mind for quite some time is to have my own decent, spacious house. The current house condition often forces me to sleep outdoors, which is far from ideal. Luckily, I have already started the purchase of the necessary materials, and the construction is underway. Though the materials are still insufficient, with the incoming transfers, I am sure that I will finish them. Having a safe and secure place to live will give me peace of mind and immense relief. Knowing that my family and I will no longer have to worry about shelter is the motivation that keeps me pushing forward every day." (Occupation: Small business)
Florence's family
access_time 1 month ago
Florence received a $427 initial payment.
"First, we used $130 as a deposit to start my husband's driving course. He has always wanted to get a driving license because riding the motorbike is risky for his health, especially during cold and rainy weather. This new skill will open up more opportunities for him, and we both feel it's a step towards a more secure future. Next, I spent $100 on a mattress and a bed. For too long, we had been using a mat and sleeping on the floor ever since our old bed broke. This new bed has brought us much-needed comfort and better rest, which has already made a positive difference in our daily lives. Additionally, I used $100 to buy 18 iron sheets to roof the house I've been building. The current house had a leaking roof since we had used palm leaves for it's roof and it would leak during the rain season. Improving our home is a priority, and these iron sheets are a crucial part of that process. I then used $110 to buy a sewing machine, as I have been training to become a tailor. Owning my own machine makes practicing much easier and brings me closer to starting a tailoring business. I also bought a goat for $40, which will be valuable in times of emergency. Finally, I used the remainder of the money to buy water containers and essential food items. These purchases have not only improved our immediate living conditions but have also laid the groundwork for a more stable and prosperous future."
Elvin's family
access_time 1 month ago
Elvin enrolled.
"I plan to allocate $423 towards covering the fees for my two children in secondary school and partially funding the fees for the student entering college. This will ensure their education continues uninterrupted. Additionally, $231 will be dedicated to constructing a new house for my family, replacing the one destroyed by floods. This will provide ample space and comfort for my family. Furthermore, $192 will be used to purchase food and clothing, as well as to establish a small grocery business selling vegetables and milk. This initiative aims to address our food shortage and create a sustainable source of income for the family in the future."
Rose's family
access_time 1 month ago
Rose enrolled.
"When I receive my first transfers, my priority will be meeting the basic needs of my family of seven, including food and clothing. Currently, I live hand-to-mouth, relying on unpredictable casual jobs to put food on the table. With the second transfer, I have planned a strategic spending: $250 will go towards purchasing five goats, adding to the three I currently own. These goats represent a future investment for my family, ensuring our financial stability in a pastoralist community where livestock signifies wealth. Additionally, I will spend $100 to cultivate my 1-acre plot of land, aiming to provide food directly for my household. The remainder of the funds will be invested in starting a retail shop business. This venture aims to provide a stable source of income, eliminating the need for unreliable casual jobs. I envision using the profits from the shop to not only support my family but also to reinvest in the business and further improve our quality of life. With these plans, I am determined to break free from the cycle of hardship and create a brighter future."
Kalume's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kalume received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"On receiving the cash transfers, I used about $34 to purchase a goat, which now grazes on my homestead. Owning a goat has been a long-held dream of mine, but financial stress has always made it seem out of reach. With this new addition, I envision a future where the goats reproduce and multiply, allowing me to sell the offspring to meet our basic needs and pay bills. This sense of security is something I have craved for years. Additionally, I contributed $20 to the Merry Go Round that I joined with my colleagues. Our collective goal is to accumulate enough money to buy building materials and build new homes. For me, this means a larger house for my family, a significant upgrade from our current cramped living situation. Furthermore, I allocated $20 to cover the school fees for my five children in primary school. Knowing they are all settled in school and no longer at risk of being sent home for unpaid fees brings me great joy and peace of mind. Moreover, with $28, I can buy food and other household necessities. Previously, my charcoal business was no longer productive, making it a challenge to provide for my family. Now, we have enough to eat, and I can comfortably meet our household needs."
Katumwa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Katumwa received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"For now, the plan that I have in mind is to start a chicken project within my compound. I plan to use the money from my transfers and the profits from my charcoal business to kick off this project by next month. Once I succeed, this will be an additional source of income to support my family. This new venture will make it easier to pay fees for my children, unlike before, when I used to strain a lot. The chicken project will provide a steady and more reliable income, reducing the financial stress we've been facing. I am hopeful and excited about this new beginning, and I am determined to make it work for the betterment of my family's future."
Viola's family
access_time 1 month ago
Viola received a $349 third payment.
"My plan now is to sell some of my maize after harvesting and store the rest. With the money I earn, I will open a small kiosk business. This business will help me pay for my children's school fees. As the business grows, I plan to expand into raising chickens to further support and grow my business."
Maria's family
access_time 1 month ago
Maria enrolled.
"My utmost priority at this moment is ensuring my children receive a good education. To achieve this, I plan to establish a business in our village, bridging a significant gap that currently forces us to travel approximately 10 kilometers. Successfully launching this venture will not only provide essential local services but also secure a stable income to support my children's schooling in the years to come. Additionally, I am determined to address the immediate challenge of school fee arrears. I intend to settle these outstanding fees promptly to ensure my children can continue their education uninterrupted this term. This goal is driven by my deep commitment to their academic success and future opportunities."
Selly's family
access_time 1 month ago
Selly enrolled.
"Receiving this money is a dream come true for me because it signifies the opportunity to rebuild my life. After experiencing firsthand the devastating impact of floods, I am resolute in preventing such hardships in the future. My immediate plan is to use the funds to relocate to a safer area. Addressing food shortages is another priority, and I intend to invest in climate-smart agriculture by acquiring irrigation equipment, which will allow me to cultivate crops even during dry seasons. Any remaining funds will be allocated towards expanding my hotel business, contributing to a more secure future for both myself and my community."
Shaban's family
access_time 1 month ago
Shaban received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Most days, we lacked food in the house because my mother is the only breadwinner. She does manual jobs like washing clothes for people to raise income to support us with basic needs, such as paying our fees and providing food. Due to limited resources, we often went without. When I received my most recent transfer, I spent $60 to give my mother for buying food so we wouldn't go hungry. I also used $5 to pay my remedial fee and $6.50 to buy a textbook required at school. Additionally, I saved $2.50 for future emergencies, like buying books when needed, and I saved $20 in my account because I want to buy a bed since I currently sleep on the floor. I also bought a t-shirt for myself with $4 and saved $15 in our chama. This savings will help me start a business after I finish school while I wait to join college."