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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dama's family
access_time 3 months ago
Dama received a $26 eighteenth payment.
"My aim for this year is to purchase a cow. Once it reproduces, it will not only provide us with milk but also serve as a valuable investment that can be sold later. I plan to allocate my savings and upcoming transfers towards this goal. Investing in a cow is a significant decision for my family, one that will bring much-needed relief and stability. I am grateful to be part of this worthy cause, which brings a sense of fulfillment and joy."
Charo's family
access_time 4 months ago
Charo received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Right now, I'm focusing on breeding goats because they reproduce quickly. Once my goat herd multiplies, I aim to exchange them for cows, as the market rate is around 5 goats for a cow, and also get their nutritious milk. With cows and on the farm, I'll have extra help for tilling the shamba hence saving the amount that I could have used tilling using the tractor for other investments moreso they'll be a source of income too. I'm hopeful that by this time next year, I'll have around four cows and at least sixteen goats. It's a simple plan, but it fills me with excitement and hope for the future of my farm."
Katsaka's family
access_time 4 months ago
Katsaka received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My objective is to launch a goat-rearing business, which shows significant potential, particularly if the goats multiply successfully. This venture is perfectly suited to our region, and if it prospers, I intend to exchange some goats for a cow. I will utilize the saved transfers to start this business. Having an extra source of income will guarantee the well-being of my family and allow me to provide a comfortable education for my children. I am deeply grateful for the chance to participate in this program as it has changed my life for the better."
Kang'ombe's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kang'ombe received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"As a small-scale farmer and vegetable vendor, my income barely covered our basic needs. However, with the quarterly transfers from GiveDirectly, I saw an opportunity to secure a better future for my family. I put $30 into a merry-go-round savings scheme, ensuring a safety net for emergencies. Then, I used $24 to pay my children's school fees, bringing immense relief knowing they could return to school without worries. With $20, I invested in a goat, seeing it as a stepping stone for future prosperity. Through careful breeding and exchange of 3 goats that initially bought through the transfers, I now own a cow, a testament to the success of my initial investment. Determined to improve our living conditions, I've accumulated nine iron sheets, inching closer to my dream of a two-roomed house. With plans to expand my livestock holdings to five cows and ten goats, I'm grateful for the stability and opportunities that GiveDirectly has provided."
Jumaa's family
access_time 4 months ago
Jumaa received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"For the past 20 years, I have been involved in electronic repairs, specializing in radios and mobile phones, to support both myself and my family. Initially, it was challenging as the business was not always guaranteed, making it hard for me to earn a living. However, I am thankful for the assistance provided, as it has served as an additional source of income. Recently, I expanded into livestock farming and I have so far acquired four goats which I will raise and eventually trade them in for cows. With the transfers received, I allocated $68 to purchase two goats, which I added to my existing herd. Additionally, I used $15 to buy new clothes for myself, as my old ones had worn out. The remaining amount was invested in acquiring more tools for my electronic repair business, essential for improving efficiency in my work. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to improve my life and the lives of my family members."
Kadzo's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kadzo received a $407 second payment.
"Once I have saved up enough funds, my next goal is to expand my livestock investment by purchasing a cow. With the ten goats I currently own continuously reproducing, adding a cow to the mix will not only provide milk for my family's consumption but also offer the potential to sell the offspring for additional income when necessary. This strategic move will further diversify my assets and contribute to the long-term sustainability of my household's financial security."
Dama's family
access_time 4 months ago
Dama received a $424 second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I aim to further improve my family's livelihood and secure a stable future. With the support I've received, I plan to expand my livestock holdings by acquiring a cow to complement my current 10 goats. Having a cow would not only provide my family with a sustainable source of milk but also offer the potential to generate additional income by selling the offspring when necessary. This step towards diversifying my assets will enhance our resilience to economic challenges and contribute to our long-term prosperity."
Naitoti's family
access_time 4 months ago
Naitoti received a $140 initial payment.
"Receiving the money has made a big difference in my life. Now, I feel much calmer because I don't have to constantly worry about how to buy food for my family. I'm also thankful for the seeds I got because when planting and harvesting they can help make sure my kids have enough to eat and take care of our other needs. Instead of selling our cows for other things, we're using them to invest in our future.Life is better now. We have fewer problems to deal with, and my family is really happy. Since it's a holiday and the kids are home, we're excited to start planting on our farm. We've enjoyed the money in a way that makes us wish we could get it every month."
Charo's family
access_time 4 months ago
Charo received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I utilized the cash transfers to cover the school fees for my three children, addressing a debt that had accrued that month by allocating $30 toward clearing it. I'm pleased that this ensured my children could continue their education without any interruptions. After that, I invested $20 in purchasing ten chickens and $30 in acquiring a goat. With these additions, I now have a total of five goats and ten hens, all obtained through the cash transfers. My ultimate aim is to exchange these animals for cows, which will serve multiple purposes such as agricultural activities like plowing and providing milk for domestic consumption. I spent the remaining amount to buy food for my family. Currently, I rely on occasionally making and selling charcoal. However, with the onset of the rainy season, I have shifted my focus to agriculture. During this period, the cash transfers have played a crucial role in covering my children's school fees and providing food as I work on my farm."
Nzingo's family
access_time 4 months ago
Nzingo received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"After enduring a relentless six-year drought, I faced the heartbreaking decision to sell nearly 30 goats and 10 cows to mitigate the impact of hunger on my family. Though the proceeds were modest, they provided essential funds to purchase food for my household of five. Enrolled in a program aimed at rebuilding lost assets, I was determined to restore the wealth I had prior to the drought. From my previous transfers, I managed to save $150, which I invested in purchasing a bull. This investment has proven invaluable in several ways. Firstly, the bull assists me in fetching water from the nearby water pan, a task I struggle with due to my advancing age. Additionally, it aids in plowing my 2-acre farm during the rainy season, allowing me to cultivate crops and generate income by offering plowing services to others. The earnings from these endeavors have been instrumental in supporting the education of my three grandchildren, whom I care for. Recognizing the importance of future investments, I recently acquired a goat for $30. I view this as a long-term asset, particularly beneficial for my grandchildren's future. As the financial support continues over the five-year duration, I anticipate having a reliable source of income to finance their education and other needs. With the remaining $4, I purchased new clothes to replace worn-out garments, enhancing our quality of life.I am profoundly grateful for the financial assistance provided."