GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kitsao's family
access_time 3 months ago
Kitsao received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"As I look ahead to the coming year and beyond, I have a clear goal of starting my own animal vending business. With the transfers I'll be receiving, I plan to save up enough to kickstart this venture. My dream is to buy and sell cows, inspired by seeing others thrive in this business. I'm hopeful that with hard work and determination, I'll be able to make it a success too. This isn't just about making money; it's about creating a sustainable future for myself and my family. I'm excited to embark on this journey and see where it takes me."
Magdaline's family
access_time 3 months ago
Magdaline received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"I have a straightforward plan: to buy a dairy cow from my Merry Go Round group in July. With that cow, I'll have a consistent supply of milk, which I can sell to generate income. This will be a game-changer for me and my family. With the extra income from selling milk, I'll finally be able to settle my bills with ease. No more struggling to make ends meet or worrying about how I'll manage to pay the bills or my children's school fees. It's a simple but powerful step towards financial stability and providing a better future for my family. I'm excited about the possibilities this opportunity will bring, and I'm determined to make the most of it."
Haziz's family
access_time 3 months ago
Haziz received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"Investing in livestock has proven to be a valuable asset, with their value increasing over time. Looking ahead, my goal for the coming year and beyond is to further expand my livestock holdings, particularly focusing on acquiring more goats. With the funds provided by the transfers, I can currently afford to make these purchases. My strategy involves eventually trading some of these goats for a dairy cow. By transitioning into dairy farming, I aim to generate income through milk sales, which will significantly contribute to my financial stability. This shift represents a step towards creating sustainable wealth for myself and my family. I'm grateful for the financial support from the transfers, as it has enabled me to stabilize my income and pursue opportunities for wealth creation through livestock investments."
Francis's family
access_time 3 months ago
Francis received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"I plan to use my upcoming transfers to further expand my livestock holdings. In addition to rearing turkeys, I aim to invest in goats initially and eventually move on to purchasing cows. By diversifying my livestock, I hope to create multiple streams of income that will support my family's needs. The financial support from Give Directly has been instrumental in transforming our lives. With the assistance received, I have been able to overcome the financial challenges that once burdened my family. Now, I no longer struggle to provide for my loved ones, and I am grateful for the stability and security that the transfers have brought into our lives."
Elizabeth's family
access_time 3 months ago
Elizabeth received a $416 initial payment.
"I have been surviving on menial jobs, including doing construction work for years to make a living and educating my two children in college. Their educational journey has not been easy, and at times I failed to raise their fees on time, causing them to stay home before I could pay. As a parent, my main goal has always been to ensure that my children achieve their educational goals. Receiving my first transfer of $200 brought me great relief, as I could pay for their tuition fees on time. They can now continue with their studies without any interruptions due to fees. I am no longer engaging in casual jobs, currently doing subsistence farming in the village and I am happy that the transfer has catered for my children's education. In addition to paying fees, I also acquired six goats and six chickens for $230, which I am currently keeping in my homestead. These are assets that I can sell to cater to my financial needs, such as paying fees for my children. I previously had some livestock, but I had to sell them to raise fees for my children. These new assets will allow me to breed and multiply them to sell or exchange them for a dairy cow. I also spent $30 on hiring a tractor since it was the planting season. I paid for the services to ensure timely land preparation and cultivation. My acreage was fully utilised, and I am hoping for a good harvest. The remaining amount was spent on buying foodstuffs for my family and some household items, such as utensils that were lacking."
Anderson's family
access_time 3 months ago
Anderson received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, my main goal is to expand my livestock farming. I plan to grow my herd of goats and eventually exchange them for a cow. With one cow being equivalent to eight goats, I aim to carefully manage my herd so that when the time comes for exchange, I'll still have a substantial number of goats for reproduction. This strategy not only increases the value of my livestock but also ensures a sustainable source of income. The high market value of goats will facilitate the smooth funding of my children's education through secondary school without putting excessive strain on our resources. By strategically investing in livestock, I aim to secure a brighter future for my family, where education is not just a dream but a reachable goal."
Dama's family
access_time 3 months ago
Dama received a $26 thirtieth payment.
"Recognizing the importance of strategic investment and seeking additional sources of income, I've decided to invest in purchasing a dairy cow. By selling milk, I aim to generate additional funds to support my family's needs. To realize this goal, I've joined a savings group, where I contribute regularly. This disciplined saving approach will enable me to accumulate sufficient funds by the end of the year to purchase the cow. I'm deeply appreciative of the financial support provided by Give Directly, as it has significantly contributed to improving my life and providing opportunities for sustainable income generation."
Rajab's family
access_time 3 months ago
Rajab received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"My plan is to purchase cows, both dairy and ploughing bulls using the GiveDirectly transfers. My goal is to sell the milk and rent out the bulls for ploughing to generate income. Although I initially intended to use the transfers to start a driving course, unforeseen circumstances, such as the loss of my Mother and my wife falling ill, altered my plans. However, I remain hopeful that things will fall back into place, and I can pursue my previous plan of attending a driving school.."
George's family
access_time 3 months ago
George received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"My main goal is to purchase two cows, which will serve as a reliable source of income during financial difficulties and emergencies. Once I complete building my house, I intend to continue to save in savings group where we pool money together regularly. This way, I can save up to buy the cows. I am excited about achieving this because, in the past, I couldn't do it due to the lack of a steady income. Now, with this plan, I feel confident that I can secure a better financial future for myself and my family."
Chengo's family
access_time 3 months ago
Chengo received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"My dream is to expand my goat herd and purchase chickens. I believe this will be crucial for my financial security, especially after the GiveDirectly project concludes. By growing my flock, I aim to become self-sufficient, ensuring I can meet emergencies and support my family's needs. I also plan to save and invest in more livestock, aiming to reach at least 20 goats. Eventually, I hope to exchange some of these goats for a cow, which will provide milk for personal use and an additional source of income. I rely on the support I receive from my salary and the assistance from GiveDirectly to make these dreams a reality."