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Newsfeed > Sidi's Profile
Sidi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal for the coming year and beyond is to purchase more livestock. I’ll soon receive my share of the money from the savings group, and I plan to use it to buy more goats. As the herd grows, I’ll have the opportunity to sell some for a good profit, which will allow me to take care of my personal needs without relying so heavily on my son. This investment provides a path to financial independence even after the five-year transfer period ends. I’m very grateful for the financial support, which is helping me improve my life and work towards a better future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I rely heavily on my son for financial support. He works as a hawker in Mombasa, but his income is not enough to fully support our family of eight. After joining the program, I became a member of a savings group with 15 others. Each month, we all contribute $20, creating a total of $150 that is given to one member to invest in a project to improve their life. Last year, I received my share and used it to purchase four goats. I plan to buy more goats when it's my turn again. My goal is to sell the goats at the market for a profit and reinvest in more livestock in the coming years. I also bought three ducks for $15 and now have over 30 goats. When faced with financial difficulties, I can sell some of them to cover my needs. To ensure the ducks grow well and stay healthy, I spent $19 on animal feed. I'm glad they have plenty of food to support their proper growth. I also paid off a $40 school fee debt for my eldest grandchild, ensuring he could continue his education. Additionally, I spent $10 on a hospital bill after falling ill, and I'm happy to say that my health has since improved. With the remaining $8, I bought food, including milk, which helps me take my prescribed medication. I am very happy that the livestock I’ve acquired will provide a steady source of income in the future once I start selling the goats.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal is to invest my subsequent transfers in purchasing more livestock. As the herd grows, my initial investment will also increase, making it a valuable asset. In times of need, I can sell some livestock and use the money to take care of my immediate needs. I am very appreciative of the financial assistance I am receiving, which is helping me improve my life and plan for my future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent a significant portion of my transfers to purchase livestock. I currently have four goats, all acquired with the help of these transfers. Additionally, I purchased some ducks, and after they hatched, their number has grown to thirty. As old age catches up with me, I can no longer engage in manual labor and heavily depend on my son, who works as a casual laborer, for financial help. Recently, I purchased two more goats for $79, adding $13 from my own savings to make the purchase. I am optimistic that the goats will multiply just like the ducks. If that happens, I will accumulate a lot of wealth since the value of goats increases over time. I also bought a piece of iron sheet for $10 to build a pen where the goats can stay safely. Additionally, I saved $20, which I plan to use to purchase more goats in the coming months. I spent $6 on food, ensuring that I had enough to eat and never lacked food in the house. I am very appreciative of the financial transfers because I can now financially depend on myself and take care of my immediate needs without relying solely on my son.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been relying on my sons for support with various expenses, but I feel like this is becoming a financial burden for them. As I have grown older, I am no longer able to work, and I depend on transfers to cover my daily needs and medications. These transfers not only bring me relief but also relieve my sons from the burden of having to support me financially. With the funds I receive, I am planning to expand my livestock holdings by purchasing more goats and also breeding them. My goal is to create a financial safety net for both myself and my sons in times of economic instability. Currently, I have 12 goats and plan to exchange my 46 ducks for additional goats. This strategy will allow me to rely on my livestock assets when my sons are unable to support me financially.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been saving my contributions in our local savings group with the goal of acquiring goats in the future. I managed to set aside $20 from my recent transfer and I am optimistic about reaching my goal when my turn arrives. Throughout the years, I have been exploring income-generating activities to achieve self-sufficiency. Although my sons have provided support, their modest earnings from menial jobs, along with the new responsibilities of raising their own families, prompted me to initiate a duck-rearing project. The plan is to exchange the ducks for goats as they multiply. Consequently, I spent $34 to purchase two iron sheets and feed for the ducks. I renovated their coop to enhance their health and provide a secure environment for optimal growth. The ultimate objective is to expand this venture, ensuring a steady income through this project. Additionally, I spent $35 on medication for my heart problems that required hospitalization. Fortunately, the medical expenses were covered by the transfers, and I received adequate treatment before being discharged. Lastly, I invested $14, combined with my savings, to purchase a goat. With a current total of 12 goats, these assets provide an additional means of meeting my future financial needs.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My objective is to acquire additional goats to raise on my homestead. In our region, livestock ownership is regarded as a promising venture, and I am eager to build my herd. Ultimately, I plan to sell these animals and embark on a new viable project, like starting a shop. Previously, I primarily engaged in manual labor, specifically charcoal production and sales, which had detrimental effects on my health. After years of this occupation, I now find myself frequently under medical treatment. Given my current lack of a stable income source, I view my growing goat herd as a reliable financial fallback option. At present, I own a total of eighteen goats along with some sheep, which I consider a significant investment. My plan is to buy more livestock with the intention of selling them to start a new income-generating project.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a long time, I was involved in the laborious and low-paying business of producing and selling charcoal, which had a negative impact on my health. I am currently undergoing medical treatment, and because I have stopped doing casual labor, it has been a difficult endeavor to save money for my medical expenses. In addition, I was advised to eat a well-balanced diet in order to maintain a stable state of health. All of this proved to be quite difficult, especially with such little help from my family. I am grateful because the financial assistance I have received has allowed me to cover essential medical costs totaling $30 and consistently afford daily meals. Furthermore, I have resolved to transition away from charcoal production, as I no longer wish to pursue that occupation. Given my current lack of a reliable income source, I decided to invest in livestock. I recently purchased three goats for $87 to add to my existing goat herd. I take great pride in being the owner of these living assets, which have increased my goat herd to a total of 18. I believe they will reproduce, and I can easily sell them in times of financial need to generate much-needed funds.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Currently, my focus is to build a new two-room house to provide a conducive habitat for me. After my old house was damaged by the rains, I had to move into my grandson's space. I feel like am depriving him of his privacy, which necessitates me to build my dwelling structure. After that is done, I aim to expand the number of goats in my shed. Currently, I have 13 goats, and I aim to increase the count to at least 19 in the coming year. This will provide me with a sustainable source of income to meet my needs. Additionally, I intend to sell some of these goats and use the proceeds to start a vegetable-selling business, which will further support both myself and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I mostly utilize the cash transfers to fulfill three main needs: purchasing new iron sheets, paying school fees for my five grandchildren, and acquiring food. The primary goal I have in mind is to use the iron sheets to construct a new house. Due to the recent damage caused by the ongoing rains on my old house, I had to relocate to my grandson's house, where I have been sheltering ever since. The remnants of my previous structure are currently being used to provide shelter for my goats. However, the ongoing rainfall makes the space damp, exposing the goats to cold infections. As am determined to acquire building materials before constructing the new house, I have been allocating $18 each month to purchase two iron sheets. Additionally, $10 is designated for school fees, specifically for my grandchildren. I do this to support their parents, who lack a stable source of income to cover all their children's needs. The remaining funds are used to secure additional food for the household.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The accomplishment I wish to have done in one year’s time is building a kitchen structure. Right now, the structure am using for cooking is not only in poor condition, but also serves as a shelter for my 12 goats. I plan to start saving towards the purchase of iron sheets and building poles so that I can begin building the structure. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the recent transfer, my farm was in dire need of weeding to provide ample space for the maize crops I had planted to grow. My son, who I mostly depend on, could not raise money for the activity. So, I was prompted to hire people to work on the farm and paid them $16 from the transfer. Next, I used $6 to pay school fees for my two grandchildren who had been sent out of school to collect the balances. I used the remaining amount on food as the household was running low on it. I spent the entire amount from the December transfer to buy a goat for rearing. I pray this animal reproduces in the future so that I can sell the offspring to raise money for my needs. In November, my daughter-in-law fell severely ill and there was no money to fund her medication. So I used the entire transfer amount to cover her hospital bills.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
After receiving assistance from the organization to improve my life, I am overjoyed. Since I lost my only source of income three years ago, it has been a living hell. I applaud the organization for giving the less fortunate members of society a helping hand. However, I implore the organization to take into account raising the monthly stipend in order to assist us in coping with the high costs of necessities like food.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After a prolonged drought of three years, we finally experienced some light rains a month ago. I immediately started working on the farm because I was so excited about it. I've been compelled to pay exorbitant prices for food from the shops for the past three years. Due to a lack of funds to purchase food, I occasionally went to bed hungry. When I got my transfer, I used a sizable portion of about $20 to get the farm ready for planting. To prepare the farm I had to cut down the dense bushes, dig up the soil that had become hard, and plant the seeds. After losing my only source of income due to the effects of the drought, I was eager to start working on the farm again. Unfortunately, after two weeks, the rains stop, and the crops I planted all withered from a lack of water. I could do nothing but watch as my considerable investment in cultivating the crops was wasted. In addition to using the money to till my two acres of land, I also had to spend $5 on medicine because I got sick. I purchased food, particularly fruits, to strengthen my immunity after getting better from my illness with the $5 that was left over.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was laying on my bed at home because I wasn't feeling good. My son broke the joyful news that I had received my first transfer when he sprinted into my house carrying my phone. My son's words initially left me speechless, so I asked him to repeat them since I couldn't believe what I had heard. Indeed, he attested to the fact that I had received my first transfer. I prayed a quick prayer of appreciation while kneeling next to my bed since I was so grateful for the miracle.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I felt very forlorn and unproductive after losing my source of income as a result of the drought because I had no work to do. For a very long time, I had considered starting a chicken farm, however my lack of money prevented me from doing so. I'm pleased that the transfer of funds made it possible for me to realize my long-held goal, and I have hope that doing so will lead to financial success and other improvements in my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am an elderly widow. I occasionally rely on my son, a whacker in the village, to help me out financially so I can buy food, medicine, and other personal effects. On my two acres of land, I grow my own food. I haven't planted anything on my farm for the past two years, owing to a lack of rain. Because I was starving, I ate every grain I had kept in the granary. I'm now interested in starting a chicken farm as a secondary source of income. This will enable me to relieve some of my son's financial burden. I purchased five hens when I got my first transfer. This is a wise investment in my aspirations to own a poultry farm. They will grow in number over the next few months. I'll sell a small portion so I can make money and take care of my most important needs.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have desired to start livestock keeping especially goats to have a long-term project for myself that I can depend on. This has remained an unfulfilled dream because I lack money for the investment. Since I have experience in this venture and also we have a big piece of land for grazing, it won't challenge me. With these transfers, I intend to buy 1 goat every month to hit a target of 10 goats in a year. This will be a good start and since they breed fast, I will be assured of a high profit within a short time. Portions of my transfers will help me to buy food and other household needs. Thus, this is basically what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite the many challenges that I am going through in my life, I am grateful for my son who has been so helpful to my household over the last 6 months. Although he is a casual laborer he has consistently sent us 500 KES every week to buy food. What a child's love for a mother! This has given me hope in life and I consider it as what has brought me joy in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a subsistence farmer and I majorly depend on the rains to get harvests. Considering the weather patterns of our area, it have been so unreliable because we have experienced long drought seasons. This forced me to start selling tobacco, a business that has a very low profit usually 50 KES per week because I have a capital of 200 KES. My profit is very minimal and it can not fully cater to my needs. I, therefore, consider the lack of a stable source of income as my greatest challenge.