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Newsfeed > Zawadi's Profile
Zawadi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my top priority is to finalize paying off the $25 remaining on my solar loan. Once that is settled, I will shift my focus to expanding my cramped one-room mud wall house, especially since my two grandchildren live with me. I dream of adding a second room to give them the space they need to sleep comfortably and study without distractions. I will save bit by bit and work hard to gather the materials needed for this expansion.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of three, with an elderly husband who is no longer able to work, and I am unable to work myself due to my health conditions. We both depend on our elder son, who works as a casual laborer to support us. With the last three transfers totaling $102, I set aside $20 to pay for my monthly medication, as advised by the doctor. My health is important, and without this medicine, I wouldn’t be able to manage my daily life. I also felt it was necessary to pay $20 in school fees for my two grandchildren, who are orphans. Their mother is in town searching for work, so it’s my responsibility to ensure they continue their education. With the remaining money, I made sure to cover other essential needs. I paid a $10 installment for a solar system that I bought on hire purchase, which has been a source of lighting at my home. I bought detergent for $4 to keep our home clean and hygienic. I then invested $35 in buying a goat, bringing my total to two goats. This is a small step towards building a more secure future for our family. Finally, I used the last $13 to buy food, ensuring we had enough to eat. These transfers have been a lifeline, helping us meet both our immediate needs and plan for a more stable future.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I currently have three goats, all purchased with the help of the transfers. My goal for the coming year and beyond is to purchase more livestock with my subsequent transfers. I plan to save a portion of my transfers each month, and once I have enough money, I will purchase another goat. Over time, they will multiply and grow the herd. In the future, when I need money, the livestock will come in handy because I can sell some and use the money to attend to my needs. I am very appreciative of the financial transfers and how they have helped me improve my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Sixteen years ago, I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers, and the doctor advised me to abstain from heavy work and only engage in light duties. My husband is very old and cannot work, which forced my daughter, who recently completed her class eight studies, to go and work to take care of our family. When GiveDirectly enrolled me into the program, it was a huge relief for my two children, especially my son, who sells toothbrushes to earn a living. I am very happy that with the money from the transfers, I can buy medicines and food for myself without heavily relying on my son and daughter. Recently, I spent $20 to pay a medical bill for my grandson, who had fallen ill and was admitted to Mariakani Hospital. I am glad he is well and his health has improved. I also spent $14 to buy medicines for my ulcer condition.To address the high cost of kerosene, I purchased solar lighting for my house and paid $20 to cover the monthly fee for the purchase. Additionally, I paid $10 in school fees and $4 to buy stationery items for my two grandchildren, assisting my daughter who could not pay their school fees after she briefly fell ill. Finally, I purchased a goat for $34. I consider this a future investment that will help me raise money even after the financial aid ends. I am very happy and appreciative of the financial transfers from GiveDirectly.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been struggling with stomach ulcers, which require frequent and expensive medication. Thankfully, I am now able to manage this condition effectively, ensuring timely treatment and the ability to cover the associated medical expenses. The transfers I receive have been instrumental in making this possible, especially given my inability to engage in regular employment due to health restrictions. I used to sustain myself through menial jobs, but I now rely on the transfers to secure the necessary medication. My primary goal is to regain my health, overcome this illness, and eventually return to a state of normalcy.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I diligently saved $20 from my recent transfers over the past few months intending to buy a goat. I am delighted to share that I have successfully made the purchase after accumulating sufficient savings. The goat cost me $60, and now I have two goats. I am optimistic about the potential for these goats to multiply and provide a source of income in times of financial need. Due to my stomach ulcer diagnosis last year, I am unable to engage in strenuous physical labour. As a result, investing in livestock such as goats seems to be a wise choice for me. Furthermore, I have recently acquired a solar panel for my household on credit, which requires a monthly payment of $10. It serves as my primary source of power for lighting and charging devices. I am pleased that I have paid a total of $30 over the past three months, ensuring a consistent and reliable power supply. I spent the remaining portion to pay school fees for my two grandsons, who are orphans under my care. I am committed to supporting their education and ensuring they stay in school. I derive great satisfaction from contributing to their academic aspirations, and my aim is to see them achieve their educational goals throughout my participation in the program.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am presently undergoing medical treatment and frequent check-ups due to my diagnosis of ulcers. This health condition has rendered me unable to work, and I have come to rely on my sons for support. However, they often struggle to provide for me, as they have larger families to care for. Participating in this program has been an enormous relief, as it has alleviated my struggle to access necessary medical treatment. My primary goal is to ensure that I can receive timely medical care and afford a balanced diet as recommended by my doctor. Achieving this would have been a significant challenge for me, but thanks to the financial support I've received, accessing medical treatment has become more manageable. I am also considering the prospect of purchasing some goats to raise. To facilitate this, I have joined a local savings group where I contribute $10. When my turn comes to receive the money, I plan to use it to buy goats, allow them to reproduce and become valuable assets that I can rely on in times of financial need.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the past, when emergencies arose, my only option was to borrow from neighbors, which often led to unnecessary debts. Now I make it a point to set aside at least $10 in our local savings group, with the aim of both addressing unforeseen financial crises and saving for my future goal of purchasing goats. Also, a moment of great distress occurred when my daughter passed away suddenly after a brief illness. I found myself in dire financial crisis, unable to cover her outstanding expenses. Even the cost of travelling to her matrimonial home seemed impossible, and I could only hope for a miracle. It was precisely at that moment that I received the $34 transfer, which brought immense relief. This support enabled me to travel to lay my daughter to rest and contribute towards settling the accumulated medical bills. Moreover, I allocated $40 for my own medical needs and regular check-ups, as I had been diagnosed with stomach ulcers. Knowing that I can count on this monthly transfer has brought me peace of mind, as it ensures that my medical expenses are covered, allowing me to access the necessary treatment. I am also able to maintain a balanced diet as advised by my doctor, all thanks to these transfers. Without this financial support, affording both medication and a nutritious diet would have been a considerable challenge.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I intend to allocate a significant portion of my monthly stipend towards purchasing medicine that has effectively alleviated my pain. Additionally, I bear the responsibility of financially supporting my two children's educational expenses, specifically their school fees. The monthly stipends present a valuable opportunity to promptly settle their fees, enabling uninterrupted learning and ensuring their success in exams with flying colors.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
It has been 20 years since I was diagnosed with ulcers. The unbearable pain I experience forces me to buy medicinal drugs to cope. Every month, I spend $10 on medicine from the pharmacy. In addition to medication, I allocate $14 to purchase food. Thankfully, a monthly stipend has been a great support since I am unable to engage in hard and tedious work, as advised by my doctor. With this assistance, I can buy plenty of food that lasts me almost three weeks, ensuring I no longer miss meals or go to bed hungry. Furthermore, I have hired people to help prepare my land for farming, taking advantage of the arrival of the rainy season. This preparation will contribute to a fruitful harvest, providing an abundance of food for the future.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been suffering from ulcers for almost five years now. I depended on my two sons who were paying for my medical expenses but it was not easy for them since they have their own families to look after. Ever since I started receiving the monthly transfer, I have been able to cater for the medical expenses on my own, buying the medicines every month and going for check-ups. Being able to cater for my medical expenses was a big relief to my sons, and I am planning to spend any surplus to buy more goats to keep on my homestead, I currently own 7 goats.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers three years ago, and the doctor advised that I stop working manual labor-intensive jobs like farming and selling charcoal. I need to buy medications that stop the excruciating stomach pains in order to keep my condition under control. I bought prescription drugs with $5 of my September transfers. I then spent the remaining $20 on food after purchasing a hen for $5. We all rely on our two older sons, who work manual jobs selling charcoal and building houses because my husband, just like me, is unemployed. My October transfer was largely used to purchase a goat for $28. Due to the fact that the prices of livestock increase over time, I have had the desire to own livestock for a very long time. With the extra $2, I also purchased 1 kg of sugar. My family had a difficult month in November as a result of the drought's severe effects. We were unable to harvest anything from our farms because every crop we planted withered. As a result, I used the entire transfer amount to buy food for the family. I lost my younger brother at the start of December last year, and getting the money was a huge relief for me because I used some of it to get him a decent burial and prepare for his funeral. I set aside the remaining $24 so that, after topping it up to $3, I could purchase a goat. As their prices rise over time, the goats will be crucial to increasing my initial investment.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, Givedirectly did well in enrolling everyone without excluding anyone from the program. Additionally, conducting sensitization meetings before the actual enrollment helps us to understand and accept the program better.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For over 2 years, I have desired to start goat keeping as my reliable source of income. This is because it is a light activity and does not require a lot of time to perform. Additionally, I am suffering from severe ulcers a health condition that I have been struggling with for so long. I spent my recent transfers to acquire on goat for $20, My aim is to sell its offspring once it reproduces to cater for the basic needs as well as seek advanced medical assistance. Furthermore, my daughter-in-law had been blessed with a newborn baby so I spent the remaining amount to purchase sufficient food and gifts for her and the child.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Around 8 p.m., I was lying in bed when my phone rang with a message alert. Because I cannot read, I asked one of my grandchildren to assist me to check the message's contents. When she told me that Give Directly had sent me money, my heart was flooded with delight and gratitude. I'm still happy to date!
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before the transfer, my household lacked decent utensils. Particularly, I was in dire need of obtaining jugs for serving tea and new plates. The old ones were all broken and inconvenient to hold liquid food. However, I did not have money to buy the items until Give Directly sent the cash transfer. I am happy that my family eats from better plates and bowls.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I cannot do strenuous activities to support my family because I suffer from stomach ulcers. This has forced me to rely on my son, who performs odd jobs for money such as doing people's laundry. However, the little money he receives is barely sufficient for food and cannot fulfill anything else, such as household utensils or clothing. My dining plates and bowls were all broken and worn out and needed to be replaced. In addition, I needed to get a blanket to keep myself warm at night. This is why I utilized the KES 500 and KES 550 transfer funds to purchase a blanket and utensils, respectively. I used the remaining funds to buy medication for my stomach ulcers.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving these transfers means a relief from the customary struggle of making ends meet. I have always hoped that one day I will get out of the daily suffering of charcoal burning that has left me with a respiratory disease just to feed my family. I am glad that my dream of financial freedom has finally come true. I plan to spend these transfers mostly on food and my medications because they are the most pressing issues in my family at the moment.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My family is composed of 10 people. Feeding and educating my children has been the most challenging thing I have ever done in my life. The struggle to do all these is frustrating and stressful and sometimes I feel like giving up in life. What gives me joy is that amidst all these struggles my children have never fallen sick.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have ulcers and a respiratory disease that was caused by the smoke I used to inhale daily from the charcoal burns. These conditions forced me to stop doing the only business that was helping to provide for my family. Currently, we fully deep on my husband whose daily income is insufficient to feed 7 children as well as educate them. Insufficient income in the family is therefore my current challenge.