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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($344 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal for the coming year is to improve my family's living conditions by building a better house. I aspire to construct a three-roomed iron sheet house to provide more space and comfort for myself, my two daughters, and my spouse. Currently, our living situation is cramped as we all share a single-roomed house; my spouse my two daughters and I, which makes me feel uncomfortable are my daughters are grown. The room also serves as our living room. With the third transfer, I have already purchased the necessary iron sheets and frames to begin construction. I am hopeful that this year's maize harvest will be great, as we have experienced favourable rainfall and abundant water for nourishing my crops. Upon harvesting the maize, I plan to sell it and use the income to acquire additional materials needed for construction, such as building nails. I am eager to commence building the new house and provide my family with a better and more spacious living environment.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly has done a commendable job in providing cash transfers without strings attached, which empowers us to utilize the funds according to our unique needs. The flexibility this approach offers has allowed us to address our most pressing needs without restrictions. Moreover, the fact that the transfer is channed directly to our Mpesa accounts, ensures that we receive the full intended amount without any deductions or intermediaries. Since my engagement with GiveDirectly, I have consistently received all my transfers without any issues. I have not encountered any shortcomings or areas for improvement in the organization's operations. It seems to me that GiveDirectly is fulfilling its mission effectively, and I encourage them to continue their excellent work
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I rely on farming my one-acre land, primarily growing maize for sale to the Kenya Seed Company. However, last year, a severe drought devastated our crops, resulting in significant losses. This unexpected disaster left me unable to pay my son's school fees in full at the beginning of the year, as I usually do. When I received the third transfer, I prioritized using $150 to cater for his second-term fees. He is currently in his final year of secondary education, and ensuring his fees are cleared keeps me relieved of the worries of him being sent home. This is crucial, so he can focus on his studies without interruption. Additionally, I allocated $210 to purchase building materials to construct a bigger, better house for my family. I have already acquired the necessary iron sheets and frames, and I only have to purchase nails, doors, and windows, and pay for labour. Our current dwelling, which serves as both the living room and bedroom, is too cramped and uncomfortable for my family of five. Expanding our living space will greatly improve our living conditions and overall well-being. I also used $40 to buy new clothes for my children, supplementing their few clothes. This ensures they have adequate clothing for various occasions and seasons. I used the remaining $50 to purchase food supplies for my family, ensuring we had enough to eat.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my focus is on improving the living conditions for my family of five. Our current one-roomed house feels cramped as the children grow, and I am eager to provide them with the privacy and space they need. To realize this vision, I have set a goal to allocate $450 towards expanding our living quarters. To fund this housing venture, I am committed to attending casual jobs alongside my regular farming work. It's a dual effort to ensure that I can raise the necessary funds to create a more comfortable and spacious home for my loved ones. The desire to offer my family a better living environment is a driving force, and I believe that this investment will contribute significantly to their well-being and overall quality of life. As I juggle the demands of casual jobs and farming, the goal of expanding our home serves as a beacon of hope for a brighter and more comfortable future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am sincerely grateful for the immense assistance that GiveDirectly has provided to me and my family. The support has allowed me to acquire assets, providing a sense of security and stability. Personally, I find myself in a state of relaxation, having been relieved from the burden of unpredictable and tiring casual jobs, which can be particularly challenging in my elderly and less energetic state. As of now, everything is fine, and I feel content with the positive changes that have come into our lives. The support from GiveDirectly has brought about a significant improvement in our financial situation and overall well-being. In this moment, I genuinely feel that nothing needs to change. The assistance has been transformative, and I am thankful for the positive impact it has had on me and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving those transfers brought a wave of excitement into my life. It allowed me to address various needs and provide a sense of joy and comfort for my family of five. I allocated $50 for a goat, a valuable asset that not only signifies sustainability but also holds the potential for future income. Understanding the importance of food, I spent $50 on a bag of maize, ensuring that our kitchen remained well-stocked. The festive season brought the desire to make it special, so I allocated $130 for clothing for my children. It was a heartwarming Christmas, filled with smiles and new outfits. Prioritizing the education of my child in grade 12, I dedicated $50 to clearing the arrears for school fees. An additional $10 went towards school requirements, while $100 was wisely spent on utensils to enhance our daily lives. Recognizing the need for communication, $50 was allocated for a phone, and $10 was saved for future needs. With these thoughtful allocations, I could temporarily step away from the demanding nature of casual jobs like firewood picking and farming. As an elderly individual, this relief has been a blessing, allowing me to rest and enjoy the sense of financial stability that the transfers provided. I am grateful for the support that has brought both tangible and intangible benefits to my family, making a significant impact on our quality of life.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($131 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at a meeting at my daughter's school when I was suddenly interrupted by the buzz of a message. Unable to read due to my illiteracy, I waited until I got home to ask my helper to decipher the message. It was then that he informed me I had received money from GiveDirectly. This news filled me with excitement, as I knew it would bring positive transformation and allow me to clear my children's school fees. I am deeply thankful for the support that has positively uplifted my life.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my life now is the presence of ample food in my home and the fact that I sleep in a comfortable place. In contrast, in the past, we used to sleep on the floor or makeshift mattresses made from rags due to a lack of funds to purchase proper mattresses. I am eternally thankful for the incredible support that has remarkably uplifted my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving funds from GiveDirectly, I recognized the opportunity to fulfill both my goals and immediate needs. My husband and I sustain ourselves through farming, and we are blessed with three children. Upon receiving our first transfer, we decided to address the most pressing need, which was paying our daughter's high school fees, including clearing the arrears, for which we spent $50. Additionally, we used $70 to purchase a mattress and bed, aiming to replace the tattered ones and create a more comfortable sleeping space. The remaining $80 was spent on acquiring essential food items. I am overjoyed that the transfer has significantly improved our lives, addressing needs that were previously unattainable due to financial constraints from the limited income generated by our farming activities. I am truly grateful.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
For the first cash transfers, I intend to purchase 1 goat at $40, which will be my investment going into the future. I also intend to purchase food, clothing, and other household goods such as utensils. For the second cash transfer, I intend to purchase iron sheets mainly for roofing my house and wire mesh for fencing my land. I intend to spend about $200 of the transfers to accomplish this. Since my son Kangor is in secondary school, I intend to use $25 of the transfers to pay for his school fees. For the third transfer, I intend to build a chicken house and purchase chicken and furniture for my house. I intend to spend about $300 of the transfers to accomplish this. With the remaining amount, I intend to purchase food for my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Over the past 6 months, my happiness has come mainly from my well-being and good health together with my family. I'm delighted and thank God that we haven't gotten sick.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My greatest challenge is the lack of school fees for my son Kangor Komen. Since I depend on casual work to look for money, paying for his school fees and providing for his siblings has been my greatest challenge.