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Newsfeed > Maurine's Profile
Maurine's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($339 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year and in the future, I have a big dream: to move out of my parents' home and build my own house a bit farther from where I am now. It's really important for me to do this because culturally, as a single mother with kids, it's not traditional for me to live so close to my parents. I'll be really happy when I achieve this goal. To make it happen, I'm planning to use the money I've saved from the poultry business I started with the GiveDirectly second transfer. I'll use it to buy all the materials I need for farming and to finish building my new house as quickly as I can. It's a big project, but I'm determined to make it work.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Without GiveDirectly's help, I wouldn't be where I am today, running my own poultry business and farming. I am really grateful for their program and I don't see anything wrong with it. GiveDirectly has changed my life for the better. With their support, I received the funds I needed to start my poultry business and invest in farming. This opportunity has allowed me to become more independent and provide for myself and my family. I believe in the effectiveness of GiveDirectly's program. It's made a real difference in my life and I'm thankful for the support they've given me.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Once, I got $450 from GiveDirectly. I was really happy and thankful. I used $100 to get an acre of land and bought bean seedlings for farming. This will help me make more money for my poultry farm. With $37, I bought food because we needed it at home for me and my two kids. The rest of the money, I saved for emergencies and to help run my farm better.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($276 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For the upcoming year, my primary objective is to construct a more spacious and comfortable house, as my current residence is small, and I still reside in my ancestral home. Additionally, I aspire to launch a goat project. To realize these goals, I intend to utilize the proceeds from both the poultry project and income generated through casual work. I am optimistic that, with time and dedication, I will be able to achieve these aspirations.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a positive impact by providing unconditional cash support without any strings attached. During the sensitization meeting, we gained valuable insights into Mpesa comprehension and security measures, enhancing our ability to safeguard the funds we received. The information shared was instrumental in ensuring the responsible handling of the money. Thus far, I haven't observed any aspects that require correction or improvement. The initiative has not only delivered financial assistance but also equipped us with knowledge, contributing to a more secure and informed community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a single mother with two children, and my primary source of income is farming. Upon receiving my second transfer, I decided to initiate a poultry project to establish a reliable source of income, given that I am the sole provider for my family. I dedicated $200 to set up the poultry venture and also invested $100 in renting a piece of land in preparation for the planting season. Additionally, $22 went towards covering school fees, and the remaining $128 was saved. Choosing poultry farming was a conscious decision, as I saw its potential to offer a consistent income with effective management. The challenges of earning only $3 per day from occasional employment made achieving this goal difficult in the past, as it barely met our basic needs. I am truly thankful to the organization for helping me easily realize my dreams, bringing joy and a sense of accomplishment into our lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($119 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I can recall the day I received the transfer very clearly. The sun was setting, and I was on my way to the hospital to seek medication for my sick child. Suddenly, my phone chimed, and I eagerly checked the SMS. To my sheer delight, it was GD money! The unexpected windfall filled me with an incredible burst of energy. With each step, I couldn't help but imagine the exciting prospect of finally fulfilling my lifelong dream of owning goats. The very thought brought a smile to my face, adding an extra spring to my step as I hurried on my way. The anticipation of a brighter future gave me newfound strength and hope.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am experiencing a considerable improvement in my life compared to before. The reduction in stress is particularly noteworthy, mainly because I now have the comfort of knowing that my children won't go hungry. This assurance has brought a deep sense of relief and contentment. Furthermore, the excitement of my long-held dream of owning goats becoming a reality soon has added immense joy to my life. These positive changes have created a more comprehensive sense of well-being, not just for me but for my entire family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Being a single mother of three has been incredibly challenging, juggling through casual farm work to provide for my family. The transfer brought a glimmer of hope as I wisely used $60 to buy food, alleviating the stress of strenuous farm work to earn a living. Now, I can do it at a more manageable pace. Furthermore, I allocated $20 to purchase clothes for my children, supplementing their limited wardrobe, which used to force them to repeat outfits. The remaining $100 I saved, with plans to invest in goats. I am waiting for the festive season price hike to subside, aiming to buy them at the beginning of next year when the demand is lower. This investment promises a brighter future for my family.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the cash transfers means so much to me. Since I'm a single mother this transfers will offer me a second chance. I intend to build a house in a different village since the house I'm occupying at the moment is not mine. This will ensure that my children and I have a nice place to stay. I plan to use $500 of the transfers to accomplish. I also intend to purchase about 10 goats at $30 each. This will be an investment into the future and I'll be able to provide for my children comfortably. Additionally, I plan to open a chicken business where I will buy and sell chicken in Sandai center. I intend to spend $10 of the transfers on this.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness always comes from my wellbeing and that of y children. Over the past 6 months we've not had to go to hospital which greatly delights me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Since I'm single and not married with children, I'm faced with so many challenges. However, the greatest challenge I'm facing currently is providing for my small family. I depend on casual work which does not give me enough money to meet all the needs I have. It saddens me so much whenever my children don't get what they want.