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Newsfeed > Furaha's Profile
Furaha's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My husband and I plotted a realistic course for the upcoming year and beyond, both of us being illiterate individuals who were never able to attend school. We chose to invest in rental properties as a way to safeguard our children's educational journey because we understood how important education is.Our whole financial plan was based on my selling dairy products as a businesswoman and my husband's beer business. By combining our daily earnings, we were able to provide for our herdsboy, who is in charge of our cows' welfare, as well as our basic needs.GiveDirectly's assistance served as a spur, increasing the likelihood of a safer and more prosperous future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the transformative impact of GiveDirectly in my life. The financial support not only enabled me to invest wisely but also opened my mind to a future brimming with possibilities for my family.Today, I stand with an investment that promises to sustain us for a lifetime, and for this, I am profoundly appreciative and feel truly blessed. As a token of gratitude, I offer a humble suggestion to GiveDirectly — a cultural gesture that aligns with our norms. It would be meaningful if we could express our appreciation to the staff who played a pivotal role in our journey. In our culture, it's customary to offer something in kind to a visitor, a gesture that symbolizes our gratitude and hospitality. Extending this tradition to those who have done well for us would be a thoughtful way to complete this chapter of generosity and support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my recent transfer of funds, totaling $550, I strategically allocated the money for various purposes. Primarily, I used $500 to continue the construction of the six-room rental houses I had initiated earlier. The decision was rooted in the realization that our home's proximity to a secondary school presented a high demand for rental accommodations among teachers. Despite facing financial constraints in completing the construction, I saw this as a wise investment for the future, not only providing much-needed housing but also serving as a lasting remembrance to the GiveDirectly.Furthermore, demonstrating a compassionate touch, I allocated $20 to support my late brother's children. Left orphaned after their mother's departure and their father's demise, the siblings had been surviving on the assistance received from relatives. The $20 aimed to provide them with a bit of financial relief and support during challenging times.Lastly, with $30 remaining, I chose to celebrate Christmas with my family of eight. This decision was driven by the fact that the initial funds had been entirely invested in the rental housing project. Taking a moment to share joy and festivities with my loved ones became a meaningful way to balance financial prudence with the spirit of the season.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($362 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At approximately 3:15 PM, I found myself toiling away on the farm when a message notification chimed on my phone. Being illiterate, I relied on the kindness of my neighbors to decipher the contents of the message for me. As they read aloud the words, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and disbelief—I had received an unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. The weight of the financial burden lifted from my shoulders, and in its place, a sense of empowerment and hope blossomed. In that moment, I envisioned a brighter future as I realized that this unexpected windfall would enable me to construct a new rental house, a venture that promised to be my enduring source of income. Gratitude and dreams intertwined as I contemplated the newfound possibilities that lay ahead, marking the beginning of a transformative chapter in my life.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I began receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly, the most profound change in my daily life is the imminent completion of a rental house that will soon become an additional source of income for me. This newfound financial stability is a game-changer, as it not only ensures a steady income stream but also alleviates the financial burden of my children's education and the overall needs of my family. With a consistent monthly inflow, I find myself in a position where I can not only manage the day-to-day expenses with ease but also contemplate and initiate other investments. This unexpected turn of events has opened up avenues for a brighter future, promising financial independence and the ability to provide not just for immediate needs but to invest in long-term goals and aspirations. The security and peace of mind that come with this newfound stability are invaluable, marking a transformative chapter in my life that was made possible through the support of GiveDirectly's unconditional cash transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Utilizing the recent unconditional cash transfer of $500, I made a strategic investment in the construction of a rental house. This venture will serve as a supplementary source of income alongside my current endeavor of selling milk, where I earn approximately $3 a day. With the funds, I purchased essential materials for the house: iron sheets, nails, timber, windows, and doors. This rental property represents a promising avenue for additional income, and I'm hopeful that it will provide financial stability for my family of eight. My spouse, a herdsman, contributes to our livelihood, but being the primary breadwinner has often weighed on me. This new venture not only promises a supplementary income source but also a sense of security and balance in providing for my family's needs. Understanding the importance of immediate needs, I allocated $30 for food, ensuring that my family doesn't go to bed on empty stomachs as we sometimes did before. Additionally, settling a lingering debt of $20 lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders. The feeling of comfort now contrasts sharply with the frustration I used to feel. The unconditional cash transfer became a catalyst for positive change, offering not just financial relief but a renewed sense of control over my family's well-being.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of eight members with six being children. My husband and I do casual jobs earning approximately $60 which caters mainly for food and school fees for the children. Sometimes mY husband and I go for a month without any job and this makes the family to go without food. I have a piece of land at the shopping centre that needs to be developed. I will use $1100 to build three room house for business on my piece of land at the center. This will help me have a sustainable source of income and be able to pay school fees for the children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have a child who got but severely on her right leg and the burn was so bad that she could not walk well. In regard to that, her father made a vow that whenever his daughter gets well he would make a feast for people to celebrate. When she got well the father forgot about the promise and the girl started suffering from other deases. She was always indoors. In June 2023, the father decided to keep his promise and slaughtered a got for the family celebrate. After the celebration the girl became well and went back to school. She has never fallen sick anymore. My daughter's health condition brought happiness to me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of reliable source of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. My husband and I do casual jobs earning very little income which caters mainly for food. This has caused my children to miss school due to lack of school fees.