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Newsfeed > Karembo's Profile
Karembo's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($332 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary focus is elevating my retail shop business to new heights. The aspiration is not just about expanding my income but also about providing robust support to my spouse in nurturing our young family. I envisage implementing strategic improvements in the shop, diversifying the product range, and adopting innovative marketing techniques to attract more customers. This endeavor is not merely a personal ambition but a commitment to creating a stable and comfortable environment for my growing family. By fortifying my business, I aim to contribute not only to our financial well-being but also to the joy and security of our household.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my perspective, GiveDirectly has truly excelled by extending a helping hand to those in need without any form of discrimination. The organization's commitment to assisting individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, is commendable. Unconditional money transfers have proven to be a lifeline, transcending social and economic barriers. This inclusive approach ensures that the assistance reaches those who require it the most, fostering a sense of equality and fairness.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the unconditional cash transfer was like a lifeline for me and my family. With part of the money, I decided to invest in the completion of my rental house, purchasing a whopping $340.1 in bricks. The construction had reached a standstill due to a lack of funds, but now, with the bricks in place, I can finally see the realization of a steady income stream. This rental property will serve as a reliable source of monthly income, enabling me to overcome the challenges of paying my children's school fees, something that has weighed heavily on my shoulders for far too long. In addition to the construction materials, I invested in assets with a long-term vision. I bought two goats for $50, viewing them not just as livestock but as potential stepping stones towards establishing other businesses. With my kids' education in mind, I allocated a portion of the cash to pay their school fees, amounting to $60, and bought new uniforms costing $20. The positive ripple effect of these investments is already evident; my children's improved school attendance is boosting their academic performance. As a family relying on a small retail shop business and my spouse's casual labor income, the remaining $60 was wisely spent on securing food for our family, providing us with a much-needed buffer in our daily lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($362 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Leaving my phone behind, I ventured out to the shops to purchase some groceries, lost in the rhythm of daily errands. Returning home around 3 p.m., I glanced at my phone to find an unexpected MPESA message from Segovia Technology. The surge of elation upon seeing it was indescribable, especially after hearing others had received their transfers. Excitement bubbled within me, and I could not wait to share this news with my children, who were equally thrilled at the possibilities ahead. Choosing to withdraw the transfers after a couple of days allowed me to plan thoughtfully. Those transfers held the promise of fulfilling my aspirations—a chance to support my children's education, reconnect water to our compound, and invest in my business. The sense of certainty that these plans would now come to fruition brought a renewed sense of hope and determination.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the transfers was like a beacon of hope in what felt like a perpetually challenging financial situation. Prior to this assistance, the limited income from our retail shop barely covered our essential needs, leaving our future uncertain. But with the arrival of these transfers, I found a renewed sense of empowerment. Investing in assets for my family felt like laying the foundations for a more secure future. It was not just about purchasing items; it was about securing a path toward financial stability and providing my loved ones with opportunities I once thought were beyond our reach. The profound impact of these transfers has infused our lives with newfound optimism and a sense of possibility, which I am immensely grateful for.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers was a turning point for my family's future. I spent $250 on a water tank, a crucial investment considering the prolonged water shortages we faced. This decision was not just for us but also for our community, ensuring access to water during challenging times. Investing $50 in goats as assets was an opportunity to secure a sustainable source of income. An additional $60 went towards addressing immediate needs—food and clothing for my family of seven—ensuring their well-being. The remaining funds were channeled into our house construction, a dream I had long held but was not sure I would ever achieve. As a family reliant on our retail shop business, these transfers opened doors to possibilities I had not dared to imagine. The fulfillment of these dreams brought immense happiness and a newfound sense of security for my family's future.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a business lady operating a shop at the town center. The business operates with capital of $200 making a profit of $10 per day. The market is good and I have hope to make more profit when I pump more Capital to my business. I have a family of seven members with five being children. Early this year, the business was affected by the current inflation and the profit dropped from $30 to $10 per day. I will use $500 to add capital to the business. I intend to make a profit of $40 per month. My water tap meter was taken away by the water company due to accrued bill of $100. This happened because of the drop in the profit margin of my business such that I could not pay the bills. I will use $100 to clear the bills and have clean water once again. The remaining amount will help me cater for other domestic needs.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have been expectant for the last nine months. Early this month I received a baby girl and added my family number. Delivery a baby without any complications is not something for granted and that is the reason I am happy now.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a business woman operating a shop at the town centre. Due to inflation, the business has gone down making the profit to go down from $30 to $10 per day. This has affected my expenditure and as a result my water tap meter was taken by the water company due to accrued water bills. The family currently lacks clean water. The inflation has brought challenges in my business.