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Newsfeed > Maria's Profile
Maria's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My current crop production activities are limited to an acre of land. I plan to expand it to 2 acres. After harvesting my maize, I intend to sell it and use the surplus income to rent an additional acre of land. By renting an additional land, I will generate more income, which will enable me to pay my children's school fees. I still have two school-going children, and their education is the key so that they can secure jobs and support me in the future. I didn't get the chance to go to school, and I have observed that people who have received an education have jobs and are living better lives than me. I don't want my children to face the same challenges I have experienced. I hope to break the cycle of poverty and provide them with a brighter future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I love how GiveDirectly operates. The idea of supporting those in need through unconditional cash transfers has been transformative. Receiving unconditional cash enabled me to manage my finances independently. Education on wise spending during community meetings has empowered people to use their funds effectively. Additionally, the follow-up process by the officers has ensured that the money reaches the targeted recipients without issues, and it has minimized the chances of misuse. My wish is for GiveDirectly to provide us with additional funding. While the amounts given are significant, extra support would help address our pending needs. Overall, GiveDirectly's mode of operation is effective, and I truly appreciate the positive impact it has had on my life and the lives of others in our community. I hope GiveDirectly continues this approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before receiving GiveDirectly's transfer, I engaged in charcoal production and small-scale farming on half an acre of land. After receiving the transfers, I quit charcoal production and expanded my crop production to an acre, transitioning from subsistence farming to producing commercial seed maize for Kenya Seed Company. With my previous transfers, I prioritized crop farming, school fees, and sanitation. I also allocated part of my second transfer to purchase building materials. I had been living in a one-room grass-thatched house, which was challenging due to its small size and poor sleeping arrangements. I often had to sleep with my daughters in the house while my two sons slept at a neighbor's house. When I received my final transfer, I spent $400 on the remaining building materials, paid the carpenter, and cemented the floor of my house. I constructed a one-room iron sheet house with a cemented floor, allowing my sons to sleep in my old house as I moved to the new house. Additionally, I paid school fees worth $50 for my daughter in secondary school, with another $50 pending, which I plan to clear after selling my maize. My maize is doing well, and I expect to harvest in a few weeks. Overall, the cash transfers from GiveDirectly have significantly improved our living conditions and economic sustainability.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($347 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I plan to engage in farming, primarily focusing on planting maize, which serves as a cash crop. Upon receiving the proceeds from the farm, I intend to invest in sheep, viewing them as a promising future investment due to their rapid multiplication. I am confident that this endeavor will mark the beginning of a positive transformation in our lives, and I can see a bright future ahead, a prospect that I never thought possible before.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Thank you so much, GiveDirectly, for providing us with unconditional cash. We are grateful for the opportunity to make our own decisions regarding how to utilize the funds, addressing our specific problems and expenses. However, now that I have food readily available at my homestead, we have shifted our focus away from burning charcoal. Instead, we are dedicating our efforts to preparing our farms and engaging in farming activities, which we anticipate will yield greater returns compared to charcoal production. The first time I heard about GiveDirectly in Loboi location, I eagerly awaited the cash transfer. I was overjoyed because it wasn't a loan that required repayment. Furthermore, I urge you to continue helping other villages in the same manner you have assisted us. Your support has made a significant difference in our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since becoming a widow, life has never been easy. My husband recently passed away, and our first transfer went entirely towards his burial expenses. Following his passing, I resorted to doing casual jobs such as burning charcoal and selling it, but it wasn't enough to support my family of five.The priority was purchasing food, which cost $120. Ensuring we had enough food at home alleviated stress and enabled me to focus better on other tasks. Next, I bought construction materials to build a one-room house made of iron sheets. However, the funds weren't sufficient, so I opted to purchase materials first, planning to complete the construction when I received the final transfer. Previously, we lived in a house made of mud and grass, which leaked when it rained, leading to uncomfortable nights.The remaining amount was allocated towards my daughter's transportation expenses as she returned to school. Thankfully, her school fees were covered through sponsorship when she entered secondary school.I can confidently say that life has improved compared to the past when we had very little. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their assistance in enhancing our lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($111 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home with my helper Lucy and my two kids. We were having a regular day when suddenly, I received a transfer of $200 from GiveDirectly. It was an unexpected and delightful moment that filled our home with joy. As I saw the money in my account, my first thought was about how it could positively impact my family's life. We didn't have a toilet, and I decided to allocate $80 from the transfer to build one. This decision brought a sense of relief and happiness to all of us. With the funds, we were not only able to address a basic need but also improve our living conditions. The prospect of having a toilet brought a lot of joy to my family. We celebrated this moment, grateful for the support that came our way.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly, the most significant change in my life has been the addition of a toilet. Before, we didn't have one, but now we do. This has made a huge difference for my family. We are now happier and feel grateful for this improvement in our living conditions. Having a toilet has brought a positive change that we appreciate every day.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the recent $200 transfer from GiveDirectly, my first priority was addressing our immediate needs. With $80, I decided to invest in building a toilet, a crucial step towards improving our hygiene and living conditions. Facing a moment of financial strain, I allocated $20 to purchase essential food items. This decision was particularly important as I have two kids, and my husband was unwell. Ensuring there was food on the table became a top priority for the well-being of my family. I also recognized the need for some basic comforts in our home. Wanting to provide a better seating arrangement for my family, I allocated $16 to buy two plastic chairs. Now, not only do we have improved hygiene with the new toilet, but we also have a more comfortable space to gather as a family. The impact of these allocations extends beyond the tangible items purchased. They have contributed to our overall well-being, creating a more sanitary and comfortable environment for my family during a challenging time.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My current house is made of grass and mud. When it rains we're always worried it may fall down. Termites also eat the grass and the wooden structure. I'd like to construct a 2-roomed all round iron-sheet house. The cost of materials is high now, I expect to use about $500. When I have a better house, we'll live without worrying when it rains. It will also give us enough room to sleep. Additionally, due to lack of proper sanitation. We plan to spend some of the transfer to build a toilet. It will reduce our chances of getting diseases and also the stress of asking neighbors to allow us to use theirs. The remaining transfer will help us in farming. We have been doing maize farming each season. Since, we depend on irrigation, it's important to save some amount for labour and watering the farm. Irrigation does well here and we have already set canals.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am a farmer, and happy because of the continued rains. It points to food security. Currently, I have planted beans, we expect to make a good harvest. This brings joy to our family, we can also sell some for other expenditures.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are a family of 8, and don't have a toilet or a place to relieve ourselves. It's embarrassing having to depend on our neighbor's facilities. This means even when we have visitors, we have to ask our neighbors for help to use their toilet. It's also risky sharing with many people, it can lead to diseases. I am always worried of where to go next, this has affected our lives.