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Newsfeed > Everlyne's Profile
Everlyne's family
House construction
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($347 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plans for next year are to reinvest a portion of the profits from the two businesses to the shop and increase stock which will generate more profits. I want to open a savings accounts for my children where I will put some of the proceeds from the shop for their future education. I will use the remaining portion of the profits and the profits from my cooking business to cater for our family daily needs and give my children a comfortable life. My children’s happiness is my happiness and I am greatful that GiveDirectly has helped me realize my dream
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am so thankful for Givedirectly for what they are doing because they have really elevated me. The processes were very easy and transparent. They couldn't have done it better.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a mother of two children who prepares and sells food to meet our daily needs, I've always aspired to be in a position where I can always support my kids and ensure that they have access to the basics of life and education. My dream has always been to own a shop in my village where I can sell groceries and other household items. On receiving the Second transfer, I used $200 to finish building a shop that I had started building with the first transfer. I then put aside $300 to add on my savings from my cooking business to purchase stock for the shop. I am certain that I will have enough stock to have my shop up and running by 1st December. With this I am excited to know that my dreams are coming to reality and my children’s future are being secured
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($375 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was exactly 3 PM when I was doing laundry for my children when I heard my phone ringing so loudly. Upon checking, I confirmed that it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly, and my heart skipped a beat. I felt an overwhelming rush of happiness and immediately rushed to inform my husband, who was working in the garden. As I clutched my phone tightly, a wave of hope washed over me. At that moment, I knew that with this unconditional cash transfer, I had the opportunity to turn my dreams into reality. My mind raced with possibilities, and I envisioned the retail shop business I had always dreamed of, where I could provide for my family and secure a brighter future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I began receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly, the most profound change in my life has been the fact that I now have a retail shop structure dedicated entirely to my business. With the support I've received, I'm on the brink of purchasing stock and launching my business. I hold a steadfast belief that the profits I'll generate will pave the way for my children's education, ensuring they have the opportunity to pursue their dreams until they graduate, especially since they're still in their formative years. Moreover, these transfers have relieved me of the constant financial burden, allowing me to provide for my family without enduring the daily struggle for a meal. If it weren't for the empowerment I've received from GiveDirectly, I wouldn't have imagined my children having the chance to reach higher levels of education. I'm immensely grateful for this life-changing support from GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving my first unconditional cash transfer was a turning point in my life. With the entire amount of $550, I decided to invest in building materials like iron sheets, nails, bricks, cement, and sand, along with covering the labor costs. This expenditure was all part of my plan to construct a permanent retail shop structure, a dream I had nurtured for years. I had been struggling to make ends meet with my small business of selling chapatis, which often yielded meager income and brought with it numerous challenges. It was difficult to provide for my family of three, especially since my spouse worked as a casual laborer, earning just $10 a day, and even that wasn't constant. There were nights when we went to bed with empty stomachs, but I held onto the belief that our story could change for the better. The retail shop represents hope and opportunity. It's a place where I can expand my business, sell a wider range of products, and generate a more stable income to support my family. It's not just a physical structure; it's a symbol of our resilience and determination to create a better future. As I watch the construction progress, I can't help but feel a sense of optimism. I know there will still be challenges ahead, but I believe that with hard work and the support of my loving family, we can overcome them.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A stable source of income is basically what it means by receiving this money. At the moment, I find life to be so tough because I over-depend on my husband for everything. Putting my focus on business will mean a decent life because I will have financial stability in my household. To ensure this is dealt with, I plan to start a grocery store within our village. This will provide me with the opportunity to utilize my time well instead of staying idle as a housewife. I, therefore, intend to spend $550 of my transfers on this project. The remaining transfer will help me to buy 2 goats for $100 while the balance will cater to the expenses of repairing my house.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The plenty of food we currently have this season is what I consider to be my source of happiness. For the last 4 years, it was so hard to get food from our farms due to the prolonged droughts. Luckily, this year has come with a lot of blessings. Currently, we are expecting to harvest enough food that I estimate to sustain us in the next 4 months. This will enable us to re-strategize our means of savings from the little income we earn from my husband's job. Hence, my source of joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a housewife and my husband is working as a masonry. As a family of 4, we depend on him for everything in our household. Since he works within the community, the chances of getting a job are limited and in most cases, he stays idle at home. This means sometimes, we go hungry or survive on one meal a day. This has caused a lot of panic in me because I am always wondering what will be the fate of my young children's future. At the moment, I consider the lack of a stable source of income as my biggest challenge.