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Newsfeed > Regina's Profile
Regina's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($280 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to secure a bright future for my ten children by ensuring they all complete their education. To achieve this, I am deeply committed to focusing on our farming activities to maximize productivity. Education is the key to changing their futures, and I am determined to unlock this door for them. The journey isn't easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of efficiency in our agricultural practices. I seek innovative farming techniques to increase our yield. Whether it's through adopting new farming methods or improving our irrigation system, every enhancement on the farm is a direct investment in my children's education. This vision of ensuring all my children finish school keeps me motivated. It's a challenging journey that I undertake with hope and determination. we're not just planning to cultivate crops but cultivating dreams.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support we have received from GiveDirectly is transformative. Their educational guidance on effective spending has empowered us to allocate our resources wisely, leading to visible, positive changes. The approach adopted by GiveDirectly is empowering. It goes beyond mere financial assistance; it educates us on how to make the most of the support, ensuring long-term benefits. This method has laid a foundation for sustainable development within our community. I hope that GiveDirectly will continue with this approach. Their work has the potential to impact more communities positively, fostering growth and stability.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving my second transfer of $450 from GiveDirectly, I was finally able to address some long-standing challenges that had been impacting our family farm. With an investment of $300, I constructed a fence around our farm. We faced constant difficulties with community livestock wandering onto our land. This disrupted our farming activities as we had to stand guard over our crops right up to harvest. The opportunity to erect this fence came as a blessing. Before this, we struggled to balance our finances, as our primary focus was allocating funds for our children's education. As farmers, my husband and I are responsible for sustaining our family of twelve. In addition to the fencing, we used $100 from the support to build a new house for our children. The transformation was remarkable. The old, muddy dwelling was replaced with a sturdy, iron-sheet-touched structure, offering our children a safer and more comfortable living space. Lastly, addressing food security, I allocated the remaining $50 to ensure sufficient food. I cannot express enough gratitude to GiveDirectly for their support. , they have significantly contributed to improving our living conditions and overall resilience as a farming family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While I was in Marigat, deeply engaged in caring for my daughter-in-law and the newborn, the arrival of the GiveDirectly transfers infused my heart with unparalleled joy. This joy emanated from a stark reality back home — the constant struggle to put even one meal on the table. There were days when a single meal was a luxury, and sometimes even that was uncertain. The significance of the transfers, for me, lay in the newfound ability to provide an ample supply of food for my children, alleviating the perpetual concern of going to bed hungry.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The immediate relief of being able to pay school fees on time, without the uncertainty of waiting for payments from Kenya Seed, brought a sense of stability to our lives. This ensures that my two children in secondary school can continue their education without disruptions. The financial assistance also allowed me to address crucial aspects of our daily life. I could secure enough food for my eight children, alleviating the constant concern about providing adequate meals. Additionally, the funds were instrumental in providing new clothes for my children, enhancing their overall well-being. Beyond addressing immediate needs, the support from GiveDirectly has a strategic impact on our future financial stability. With the essentials taken care of, I can now focus on maximizing savings from my vegetable-selling business. In essence, the assistance from GiveDirectly has propelled us in the right direction, instilling a sense of optimism and confidence as we navigate towards a better tomorrow.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers I received from GiveDirectly came at a crucial moment, providing a significant lifeline for my family. With two children enrolled in secondary school I had to pay $150. The challenges of being a farmer, my income from Kenya Seed maize was sometimes delayed, creating an unsafe situation for their education. The assistance from GiveDirectly acted as a timely intervention, ensuring that my children's schooling continued without interruption. This relieved the immediate burden of school fees and offered a sense of security and stability for their educational journey. $30 was used to purchase food, aiming to establish a more reliable source of sustenance for my family. With a consistent food supply, we could look forward to more balanced and nutritious meals, promoting our overall health. I also used $20 to acquire new clothes which was not merely a matter of aesthetics but about restoring a sense of dignity. The ability to replace torn and worn-out clothes uplifted our spirits, fostering a positive atmosphere within the family. In essence, GiveDirectly's support went beyond the monetary value; it touched various aspects of our lives.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means good education for my eight school going children. Raising their school fees and other necessities has been an uphill task because farming is not reliable due to inconsistent rainfall. I have arrears of $700 and they are often sent home to collect school fees hence missing out on their tuition which can affect their performance. I will use the transfers to clear the balance and purchase school books and uniforms. I am happy because a heavy financial burden would be lifted and my children will study comfortably.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Every parents dream is to see their children leading a happy life which is possible through providing good education for them. This year, my children performance has greatly improved and I am happy with it because it means they will be able to join prestigious university and pursue their dream careers.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial constraints is the greatest challenge because I do not have a stable source of income. I am a farmer and I sell maize to make ends meet but for the past three years, I have been incurring losses due to harsh climatic conditions. If I had a supplementary source of income things would be better as I would meet all my basic needs and that of my family.