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Newsfeed > Antonina's Profile
Antonina's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($334 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Facing financial constraints, I had to halt my tailoring course, but my determination for self-improvement drives me to resume and complete it in the coming years. Recognizing the potential for income, I plan to invest in poultry keeping, focusing on egg-laying chickens. This venture aims to supply eggs to our small town, generating funds to meet our basic needs. Additionally, I intend to channel more efforts into agriculture, specifically cultivating pepper, as it proves to be highly profitable in our local area. These strategic steps aim to not only enhance my skills but also create sustainable sources of income for a more secure future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been a beacon of positive change in my life, restoring a long-forgotten hope for continuing my education. The support received has illuminated a path to a brighter future for me. Grateful and overjoyed, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the company. As a word of advice, I suggest amplifying efforts in community sanitization before cash distribution, ensuring that the impact of the assistance is maximized and used wisely by the recipients.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving a recent transfer, I strategically allocated the funds for maximum impact. I invested $47 in buying chickens, knowing they multiply quickly and have a ready market. This not only provided a sustainable income source but also made them easily manageable. Wanting the best for my children, I spent $90 on new school bags and uniforms, replacing their old ones. Realizing the importance of self-sufficiency, I allocated $55 to invest in agriculture, specifically planting maize, ensuring a future harvest for sufficient food at my homestead. Prioritizing a basic need, I spent $150 on solar energy, upgrading from relying on phone lights. Showing compassion, I gave $80 to my husband for his first wife's food, acknowledging their dire situation. Finally, I used the remaining funds to buy myself a smartphone because I had given my husband the phone that I was given from GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($372 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was 3 p.m., and I was at home, exhausted from a long day's work in the fields. I heard a message tone from my phone and quickly checked it. It was the first transfer from GiveDirectly, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the money deposited into my account. I felt an overwhelming rush of happiness because, for the first time in a long while, I could breathe easily. I had been struggling financially, and that day I had no idea how I would put food on the table for my family. But now, with this unexpected help, it was like a ray of hope had pierced through the darkest clouds. It was more than just money; it was a lifeline, a promise of a better future, and an immediate relief from the weight of my financial burdens.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I'm a housewife, and my family used to struggle to make ends meet, relying on my husband's sporadic work as a laborer. Our children often went to school without proper supplies or even enough food. With that money, we were able to buy school uniforms, books, and some meals for our kids. They now go to school with smiles on their faces, eager to learn. This cash transfer didn't just change our situation; it changed our entire outlook on life. We're no longer trapped in a cycle of poverty, and my children have a chance at a brighter future. For the first time in a long time, we feel truly blessed.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the cash transfer from GiveDirectly was a blessing for my family. I first paid $125 in school fees arrears for my two children. It brought a smile to my face to see them settled in school, ready to learn and build a brighter future. Education is so important, and I'm glad I could use this money to support their schooling. I also shared $100 with my co-wife. Our husband, a casual laborer, was going through tough times financially, and I knew her children needed help too. It felt good to be able to support her and ensure that all the kids in our family had their needs met. Apart from that, I used $86 to invest in our family's future. I bought seven ducks and four chickens to start a small poultry business. I hope that over time, this investment will help us generate more income and improve our family's financial stability. Lastly, I put aside the remaining amount for our family's everyday expenses. Having this safety net means we won't have to worry about going hungry or struggling to meet basic needs. Thanks to GiveDirectly, our family's future is looking brighter, and we have a bit more security in our lives.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Buying a sewing machine becomes one of my top priorities because since I enrolled in dressmaking classes, I have been given some homework. Since I do not have a machine at home, it has been a challenge, and in most cases, I find myself lagging behind. I plan to ensure I have a machine that will enhance my skills and make me an expert in this field within a short period. Once I have a machine, I will also be able to serve my neighbors and this will earn me some cash. Once I get my certificate, I will be able to start my business in our nearby town. This will guarantee me a reliable source of income to avoid over-dependence on my husband. I estimate the cost of this machine to be $200. On the other hand, I will also venture into farming which will include goat and poultry rearing. This will act as a long-term investment for my family. To ensure this comes to reality, I will spend utmost $500 on this project. The remaining amount will help me to cater to other basic needs like school fees and food. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
This year came with a huge blessing because, in January, I got a sponsorship and I enrolled in classes where we are trained in dressmaking. This alone is a reason to keep a smile because I have remained jobless in the last 7 years of marriage. With this promising future, I am so optimistic that, I will soon have a place of work because I plan to start my dressmaking business once I qualify. Hence, I consider this as what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a Form 2 dropout and since I do not have the specific skills to get a job, I have remained a housewife for the last 7 years. Since I have a family of 5, it has added a burden on me and I mostly work as a casual laborer to get some cash. In addition, my husband is polygamous, and taking care of the two families challenges him. In a month, he usually sends me $20 for upkeep. Considering that I have 2 children in school, planning for this money requires a tough decision. Sometimes, I am forced to forfeit meals and support my children in school. For this reason, I have always been depressed. Hence, I consider financial instability as what stands out to be my biggest challenge.