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Newsfeed > Wilson's Profile
Wilson's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
From next year, my primary focus will be enhancing my children's education. To achieve this, I plan to expand my current ventures by adding more beehives to the existing 50 and the number of goats. This strategy also allows me to diversify and strengthen my agricultural pursuits. My goal is not only to provide for my family's needs but also to create a stable source of income.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly does well in providing unconditional cash transfers, and it has been a tremendous help to my family of 10. It enabled us to put food on the table, expand my wife's business, and support our children's education. The impact of these transfers extends beyond our household; we've witnessed diverse positive changes within our community. I'm incredibly grateful for this bold initiative. Increasing the amount of cash in the next transfer would greatly aid us in better planning. We are facing numerous challenges currently, making it difficult to prioritize effectively. Your continued support would significantly alleviate these hardships and allow us to navigate these challenges more smoothly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Amidst the challenges of unyielding harvests from our farm over the past three years, life has been a relentless uphill journey for my family of ten. The struggle to put food on the table has been an enduring test of resilience. But with the recent blessing of a second transfer of $450, a glimmer of hope flickered. With a heart filled with determination and love for my family, I ensured that education continues to shine for my children. My eldest, pursuing dreams through higher education, received $90 to settle overdue fees. As for the rest, my two teenagers are in secondary school level, and the five little ones are in lower grades. I'm steadfast in ensuring their education remains uninterrupted. My days have been a mosaic of odd jobs, selling honey and goats. All in a tireless effort to support the aspirations of my beloved family. I also entrusted $320 to my resilient wife, the nurturing soul behind a small but thriving shop to offer stability and safeguard against future uncertainties. This investment is a gesture of belief in her unwavering spirit and entrepreneurial acumen, meant to equip and expand her business. It's a step toward sustainability and ensuring that our family not only survives but also thrives. I am thankful for Givedirectly's support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($137 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had my phone with me that day when the message arrived, around 2:00 p.m. I was in my usual routine, tending to my crops on the farm, when I heard the message notification. A rush of excitement surged through me, and I couldn't contain my joy. I had to leave the fields and hurry back home, eager to share the wonderful news with my family later in the evening. It was a moment filled with hope and anticipation for better days ahead.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life since I received the first payment from GiveDirectly has been the transformation brought about by expanding my business. Previously, the stock was dwindling as we were using up the profits to purchase essential food items, making it a challenging endeavor. However, since adding to our inventory, the business has experienced a remarkable resurgence, becoming vibrant once more and currently running smoothly with a wide array of goods readily available. This transformation has breathed new life into our livelihood, offering stability and optimism for the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Having a family of 10 all at home, it has been a constant struggle to provide for them solely through subsistence and livestock farming while juggling the expenses of school fees and daily goods. When GiveDirectly came into our lives, it was a much-needed lifeline. I allocated $70 to purchase food staples, ensuring that our family's basic needs were met. Another $80 was invested in my existing retail business in the nearby shopping center, where I expanded my stock. This decision not only benefited my family but also made my customers happier, as they could find everything they needed in one convenient stop at my shop. Recognizing the importance of improving our farming practices, I spent $20 on water pumping for irrigation, which has enhanced our agricultural productivity. Additionally, I allocated $6 to pay for labor in the bean harvesting process and used the remaining $24 to cover school fees for one of my children, easing the burden of education expenses. Thanks to GiveDirectly, our lives have taken a turn for the better, with improved access to food, enhanced livelihood opportunities, and better education prospects for our children.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to the drought and high cost of living. I need to provide stable food for my family of 10. Buying food is my topmost priority. I will buy food costing up to $500. This should sustain us for at least 5 months. It means we do not have to worry about putting food on the table for some time. To also ensure we have some income to buy food. We plan to invest in a small shop at the nearby center. This will be run by my wife. We plan to use an additional $600. That will give us enough stock for our business. The sales will provide us with enough profit to feed our family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am happy with my beehives and livestock. They assist me in providing for my family. We mainly depend on income from them. It gives me joy to own such assets.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest challenge now is hunger. We must find a way to get food. We depend mainly on honey harvesting from our beehive or selling goats. This is hard now since the honey produced and the number of livestock are few. This has affected my ability to provide food for my family. I cannot sell all my goats. Hence we're forced to go hungry sometimes.