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Newsfeed > Mariam's Profile
Mariam's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main ambition is to kickstart a project that brings in income to my family. The project in mind is a little grocery store. In our village, folks have to trek a long way just to find some fresh vegetables, especially because of this ongoing drought. But my plan is simple yet effective; to set up a system that uses the water from the nearby dam to irrigate a small patch of land. That way, I can grow veggies right here, eliminating the need for those exhausting journeys and making life a whole lot easier for everyone in the village. It's not just about money; it's about creating a sustainable change for our community.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I was amazed by GiveDirectly. When they reached out and provided us with unconditional financial assistance, it felt like a ray of hope. What struck me most was their ethical and professional approach to handling everything. They treated everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of who they were. There was no discrimination. GiveDirectly doesn't just give money; it gives a chance for a better life. I'm grateful for their kindness and their commitment to making the world a better place.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of seven, and my children mean the world to me. But for a while, things were tough. My six little ones had to stay home because I couldn't afford their school fees, and they didn't even have proper uniforms. Upon getting the second transfer, I used $210 to pay off all the accumulated school fee arrears and bought my children brand-new school uniforms. The joy on their faces when they could finally go back to school was priceless. But I didn't stop there. With a part of the money, I made sure my family wouldn't go hungry. I bought a stock of food to ensure that my children had enough to eat every day. My dream is to start a small grocery business to generate income for my family. I want my children to have a better future, and I believe this is the first step towards achieving that dream. So, I saved the remaining amount as I set some logistics so that I start the business. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I now have hope and a plan for a brighter tomorrow.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($390 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
After a tiring day of heavy-duty work, I found solace in my bed, seeking a moment of rest. It was a peaceful afternoon, and as my eyelids grew heavy, I surrendered myself to a well-deserved nap. Suddenly, the notification bell jolted me awake. I groggily reached for my phone, unaware of what awaited me. As I read the message, a rush of happiness washed over me. At that very moment, my husband was at the hospital, attending to his own matters. Without wasting a second, I immediately called him, urging him to return home so we could embark on this exciting journey together. We both knew the significance of the message and the importance of making decisions as a team. Our home, the house we had built over the years, carried a heavy burden of debt. For four long years, we had toiled and strived to complete it, but obstacles always seemed to stand in our way. With renewed hope and shared excitement, my husband and I agreed that this was the moment to make it happen. The unfinished walls and incomplete rooms served as constant reminders of our aspirations, and we were ready to face the challenge head-on. We envisioned the laughter of our children echoing through the halls, the warmth of family gatherings filling the rooms, and the serenity of knowing that we had accomplished what seemed unattainable. This house held so much significance for us. It represented our unwavering commitment, our dreams, and our unwavering determination.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
With our house now in a better shape, a sense of fulfillment and contentment settled upon us. We could finally enjoy the comfort and stability that had eluded us for so long. Our efforts had paid off, and we reveled in the newfound joy of having a completed home. In addition to the satisfaction of a finished house, we now had the means to provide for our family's needs more effectively. With enough funds dedicated to purchasing food, we no longer had to worry about hunger or compromising on nourishment. We could savor each meal with gratitude, knowing that our efforts had ensured our well-being. Furthermore, the completion of our home had unlocked the potential for saving money. The financial burden that had weighed us down was lifted, allowing us to set aside a portion of our income for future use. It was a significant step towards building a stable and secure future for our family, as we recognized the importance of financial resilience.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We allocated $350 towards the completion of our home. We carefully planned and strategized every expense, ensuring that our limited budget would be utilized effectively. It was a daunting task, but our unwavering resolve propelled us forward. We purchased the necessary materials and hired skilled workers to bring our vision to life. Walls were painted, floors were finished, and the remaining touches were added with love and care. Each step brought us closer to our dream, and with every passing day, our home transformed into a haven that reflected our perseverance. As we dedicated ourselves to the final stages of our project, we remained mindful of our other responsibilities. We set aside $50 to provide for our daily food needs, ensuring that our family's nourishment was not compromised. It was essential to maintain our health and well-being during this time of focused effort and dedication. Moreover, our children's education remained a top priority. We allocated $15 towards their school fees, recognizing the value of investing in their future. We wanted to ensure that their educational journey remained uninterrupted, even as we poured our energy into completing our home. It wasn't an easy journey. There were moments of doubt and exhaustion, but our determination never wavered. We knew that the sacrifices we were making would yield a home filled with love, warmth, and stability a place where our family could flourish and create lifelong memories.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
In the year 2020, my husband managed to do a roofing for our house which we started its construction in 2018. This was a big achievement for us. Although we already occupied this house, it is yet to be smooth-finished its walls and the floor. This has been a headache for us because of the financial challenges we have at the moment. With this money, I am so optimistic that, our house will soon shine. I intend to spend a big portion of this money ($700) to have it finished. This will bring us joy as a family since we will be living in a decent house like our neighbours. The remaining amount ($400) will help me to start a poultry project. This will act as my long-term investment since at the moment I am jobless. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
If I can describe last year with one word, I will consider "shame" as the perfect word. This is because my family was suffering a lot since we didn't have a toilet at home. We used to help ourselves in the bushes or seek help from our neighbors. This year, my husband blessed us with a clean toilet that we own at home. This has restored us with the happiness that we have lacked for a long time. In addition, he installed water pipes in our home and we currently have water just at the doorstep. What a happy life! I, therefore, consider all these achievements as what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
In the year 2022, I used to actively engage in the mining of magnesium which is the main activity in our area. This job was very reliable but it affected me health-wise since I am currently experiencing chest pains. For this reason, I had to abandon this job and at the moment, I am jobless. The burden of providing for our family of 9 is now on my husband whose monthly income is $180. This income is hardly enough to sustain us since it mainly supports us with food. The most affected ones are my children who sometimes miss classes due to lack of fees. As a mother, I have felt the pain of watching the desperately at home. Hence, the financial crisis stands out as the main challenge that I am currently facing.