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Sote's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($336 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have attempted to plant mango trees previously, but without success, primarily due to the livestock that roam freely on my unfenced farm. I often pray that my children will secure employment and help me build a fence around the farm to protect the trees. Once the fence is in place, I will plant more mango trees and I am confident that my mango plantation will thrive. As I grow older, I look forward to the trees maturing, not only to provide a source of income from selling the fruit but also to offer shade. This investment will be vital in supporting myself in the coming years.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am deeply grateful for GiveDirectly's unconditional cash support, which has saved me the stress of school fees and transformed my home. Initially, at first, the transfer took me by surprise, to the point I thought it was a debt. However, after receiving thorough explanations from the officers, I understood that it was not a loan. I have received all the transfers without any obligation to repay, which has been a great relief. Moreover, I noticed that the officers do not accept anything in return during their visits, a practice consistent across all homes they assist, ensuring we incur no costs. The respect shown by GiveDirectly's officers has been exemplary. I hope they continue with this commendable approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From my transfer, I invested $250 in fees, allocating $150 for my son at the university and $100 for another child at the teachers' college. With a family of eight children, six of whom have completed their education, I focused on ensuring the educational success of the remaining two. This commitment came from my own experiences, as neither my late husband nor I had the opportunity to attend school. Before he passed away from cancer, my husband asked me from his hospital bed to prioritize our children's education. I promised him that I would, praying for God's guidance to fulfill this promise and provide a better future for them through education. Additionally, the dusty floor in my house had been causing me allergies, so I used the remaining $200 to cement the floor, which has resolved my allergy issues. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their support, which has improved my living conditions and helped me honor my husband's last wishes.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my focus is on improving our family's self-sufficiency by venturing into kitchen gardening. I aim to sow fruits on our 1-acre compound, and to ensure the success of this endeavor, I plan to allocate $500 to fence the entire area. This fencing will not only protect the crops but also create a secure space for my family of six. To achieve this task, I will depend on the support of my children, who have yet to secure employment. Since my husband passed away when they were too young, they have grown into capable individuals who can contribute to the family's well-being. The kitchen gardening project holds the promise of providing fresh and nutritious produce for my family, contributing to our overall food security. The fence will act as a protective barrier against external threats, ensuring a successful and sustainable venture. I am grateful for the support and assistance from my children, who have grown into pillars of strength. The dream of a thriving kitchen garden represents not just a source of sustenance but a symbol of resilience and hope for the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I express my sincere gratitude to GiveDirectly, as their support has uplifted my family in remarkable ways. While charcoal burning posed its challenges, I am pleased to share that I have ventured into bean farming, diversifying our income streams. This new agricultural endeavor not only contributes to our livelihood but also offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option compared to charcoal burning. The impact of the transfers has extended beyond farming. I have been able to use the funds to construct my house, turning it into a comfortable and welcoming space. Additionally, I have furnished the house, allowing me to host visitors with pride and without any sense of shame. The approach that GiveDirectly has taken, providing direct financial support, has proven effective in empowering individuals and families to make meaningful changes in their lives. As it stands, I believe the organization's approach is excellent, and from my perspective, nothing needs to change. The support has brought tangible improvements, and I am thankful for the positive impact it has had on my family's well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers was a transformative moment for me and my family, allowing me to address several crucial needs. Education is a top priority, and I allocated $150 to cover school fees, ensuring that my children could continue their academic pursuits without hindrance. A significant improvement to our living conditions was made possible by investing $100 in cement for the floor of our two-roomed house. While the construction was completed, financial constraints had previously prevented me from cementing the floor. Now, with the transfers, our home is more comfortable, and the living space has been enhanced. Essentials like bedding and furniture were lacking, but the transfers provided the means to rectify this. I am grateful that I could allocate $100 to create a more comfortable and secure environment for my family of six. Recognizing the importance of access to light, I spent $15 on a solar light. This not only enhances our living conditions but also provides a sustainable and reliable source of illumination. The remainder of the funds were wisely utilized for transportation and the upkeep of my children in college, ensuring that they could continue their education without added financial burdens. I am thankful for the positive impact of these transfers, which have enabled me to address various needs, creating a more conducive and supportive environment for my family's well-being.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($118 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had my phone, but I hadn't checked the message, assuming it was the usual service provider notifications. However, when my helper, who also received the message, called me, I instantly checked. Confirming that I had received it, he suggested keeping the phone safe until he could come home to assist in collecting the money from the shopping center. The shared excitement with my helper during this moment added a sense of togetherness, and his guidance made the process of accessing the funds smoother, turning it into a collaborative and positive experience.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference differnece in my daily life since receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly is the settlement of school fees for my son, who was facing disruptions during the semester. This has brought a sense of stability to his studies and an assurance of completing the course without further disturbances in the future. Additionally, the improved farming practices, fueled by the financial support, hold promise for enhanced food security. Instead of spending excessively on food, I now buy in bulk and actively engage in farming, tilling, and planting. The hope for a better harvest has injected optimism into my daily routine, shaping a more secure and fruitful future for my family. The support from GiveDirectly has not only eased immediate challenges but is contributing to long-term positive changes in our daily life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Paying my son's university fees has been a constant struggle with the limited income from subsistence farming. Depending on casual labor and occasional charcoal burning, which has become challenging due to forest restrictions, made it tough to cover bills, especially school fees. The relief came with the first transfer from GiveDirectly, enabling me to pay $100 towards my son's education. He was thrilled that his semester was not cut short due to lack of tuition fees. Additionally, I invested $70 in preparing my farm for planting, covering expenses for both tractor and harrowing. Another $30 went into buying bean seeds, supplemented by my savings. The flourishing farm brings me joy, and I look forward to contributing to school fees once the January harvest arrives. This support has truly made a positive impact on my family's education and farming endeavors.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Education is important for any person. I believe educating my children will give them a better future, they'll also support me. I plan to use at least $600 for my children's learning. That amount will support them towards school completion. Due to water shortage, I plan to buy a water tank. This means I can harvest rain water for use, especially during drought periods. A tank can cost about $200. Additionally, I plan to cement my 2-roomed house. It's dusty and not good for our health. When cemented, it's easy to clean and reduces chances of getting a flu. Plan to spend about $200. The rest of the transfer will be used to prepare and fence a small vegetables garden. This will provide me with enough vegetables and some for sell.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My cattle are the biggest source of my joy. We milk them to make tea daily. It brings happiness to me knowing that I cannot buy milk which is very expensive. One liter is sold at $1.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest worry is educating my children. I am a window with two children in university and college. It's difficult paying their school fees. I depend on casual labour to support them and also through selling my livestock. This has led me to loose most of my cattle. I now have only 6 cows. It's really difficult educating children, but it also gives them a better future.