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Dama's family
Kenya Basic Income
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Using $68 of the transfers, along with some savings from previous allowances, I finally fulfilled my lifelong wish of owning goats. As a widow without any significant assets or steady income, these goats represent more than just livestock; they signify my path towards financial stability and independence. I envision them multiplying and becoming a reliable source of income through their offspring. Owning these goats gives me a sense of security, knowing that I have something tangible to rely on in the future. Moreover, I can sell a few goats if needed to address any unexpected emergencies that might arise in my household, providing a safety net I've never had before. In addition to the goats, I invested in two turkeys, seeing them as another valuable resource to lean on during challenging times. Their potential to breed and provide additional income gives me peace of mind, knowing I have diverse assets to fall back on. Furthermore, I allocated $14 towards my grandchildren's school fees, ensuring they receive a quality education without financial worries. The remaining $10 was wisely spent on essential household items, including food and basic necessities, which have significantly eased the daily burdens on me and my family. Thanks to these strategic investments, I feel more empowered and optimistic about the future.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The dream that rings in my mind is to continue buying more goats and keep them in my compound using the transfers that have yet to be sent. I am sure once I have many goats, I will not have to worry about future emergencies or my basic needs because I can sell one or two goats and sort them. Also, the goats will help me pay fees for my grandchildren, whom I have been taking care of since they were young. In the coming year, my goal is to expand my goat herd significantly, ensuring a stable income and security for my family. Looking ahead, I hope that this venture will not only sustain us but also provide a brighter future for my grandchildren, allowing them to pursue their education without financial barriers.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been saving $10 from my transfers to buy new iron sheets for renovating my rooftop. The roof was built using old iron sheets and has been leaking due to its dilapidated state. So far, I have managed to buy 14 iron sheets through gradual purchasing. My target is to purchase 22 pieces, which will be enough for the renovation. Renovating the roof will make my house stable and I won't have to worry about leaks during the rainy season. I have also been longing to have livestock, especially goats. They are valuable assets that can help me financially since I don't have any other source of income. Recently, I spent $30 from my transfers to buy a new goat, and now I have a herd of seven goats thanks to the program. I'm hoping that they will reproduce and increase in number, thus creating an income-generating activity. Furthermore, I have children in school and I believe that selling the livestock will help me raise their fees when needed. I also spent $30 on paying for my two children's school fees. Now, I am at peace since their fees are cleared, and they can study comfortably. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to buy foodstuffs and other household items that I lacked.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main objective is to renovate the roof of my house, which was built using iron sheets that have weakened over time. The roof currently leaks whenever it rains due to its dilapidated state. To address this issue, I have been purchasing new iron sheets in bits. So far, I have bought 14 pieces, and my target is to buy a total of 22 pieces. This will be enough to put up a new roof and restore my house to its former decency. This progress is made possible thanks to the monthly transfer I receive. It brings me great joy to know that soon I will no longer have to worry about the rains damaging my home. In addition to renovating my house, I plan to invest in buying more goats. I currently have seven, and my aim is to use them as a saving for my children's education in the future.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
A portion of my recent unconditional cash transfer was a lifeline for much-needed improvements to my living conditions. I invested $1.7 in acquiring two pieces of iron sheets with the goal of renovating my home, which has been plagued by terrible leaks. Currently, my dwelling is a work in progress, with around seven sheets in place. With each passing month's cash transfer, I am hopeful that I can gradually transform my home into a secure haven where my family of five won't have to worry about being rained on. The previous conditions were dire; not only did the leaking roof expose us to the elements, but it also brought a constant sense of insecurity. Now, with the promise of a more stable and comfortable living space, I look forward to brighter days. Moreover, I allocated a portion of the remaining funds, almost $17.7, to purchasing foodstuffs. Being jobless, I depend on my children for our livelihood, and putting food on the table has been a persistent challenge. This investment in sustenance not only ensures that I reduce the burden on my children but also brings a profound sense of relief, knowing that I can now provide for my family's daily needs and, at the very least, enjoy two meals a day. The unconditional cash transfer has not just been a financial boost but a lifeline, allowing me to address immediate concerns and work towards a more secure and stable future for my family.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year and beyond, my primary aim is to invest in goats as a financial safety net. I believe that owning goats can serve as a reliable investment, offering a safety cushion in case of any unforeseen financial challenges. By carefully raising and nurturing a herd, I envision a future where these goats become a valuable asset. The idea is that, if needed, I can sell one or two to address any pressing financial needs. This strategy gives me a sense of security and a plan to mitigate potential difficulties, allowing me to navigate financial uncertainties with more confidence. Investing in goats not only aligns with my practical approach but also represents a step towards securing a more stable future for myself.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
By the time I received the funds, my family was facing the harsh reality of hunger. For three consecutive days, we survived on nothing but pure water, with empty stomachs and no food to eat. The loss of my husband, who was our main provider, had added to the already difficult situation. With a little help from the cash transfers, I decided to use $10 to contribute towards the food needs of my family. While it was not enough to fully alleviate the hunger, it provided some relief during those challenging times. I spent the remaining $24 to buy a goat which holds significant value in our Giriama community. I firmly believe in the saying that "goats are the Giriama banks." I currently have three goats and I am hopeful that as these goats reproduce, they will multiply, allowing me to expand my herd and eventually sell some of them. The income from selling the goats will be crucial in supporting my family's future needs, as we navigate through challenging times.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My heart would be filled with joy if I could add five more goats to my herd of three. This would be a significant step towards securing a better future for my family. Ever since the passing of my husband, my son has taken on various casual labor jobs to support us. However, this places a heavy burden on him, especially with the responsibility of providing for his two children's education. So, these goats can serve as a valuable asset that we can rely on for additional income when needed.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Lack of enough food has always topped the challenges in my household. With my advanced age, there is nothing much I can do to fend for myself. So, I hugely rely on my three sons who mostly handle casual household chores for a living. From the nature of their work, the little they send home only serves the family (my daughter-in-law, her five children, and me) only a week. In fact,  before I received the cash transfer, we had been getting by on boiled cassava per day for more than a week; we were in serious hunger. So, I spent $24 to buy corn flour, which gladly provided us with daily meals for the next fourteen days. I bought an iron sheet with the remaining $10. I plan to assemble 22 more pieces to repair the roof of my house, which has been corroded over the years. 
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Besides securing food for my family, my focus is currently on renovating the roof of my house. Over the period, the iron sheets have rusted and developed perforations, which am afraid may allow water into the space when it rains. Therefore, in the next year, I plan to have revamped the roof. I started by buying an iron sheet using part of a recent cash transfer. Since I do not have any other stable source of income, I plan to continue securing at least a piece every month until I have 22 pieces, then hire someone to install them. 
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always wanted to invest more in my farm by buying a couple of farm animals so that it could benefit me financially down the line in case I ran into some difficulty. Therefore after I got the chance to withdraw the recent transfers I ended up spending KES 2,600 by acquiring a goat. Afterwards I proceeded to spend the remaining balance of KES 800 on nourishment since there was barely any food in the house and due to drought, hunger was a recurring challenge. I spent the balance on buying four packets of maize flour and sardines.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My roof replacement is the main task I want to finish this year. The "Makuti" or coconut leaves that make up the roof of my home are currently in poor condition. Every time it rains, rainwater seeps into the house through the large openings, causing damage to my possessions. In order to have enough iron sheeting to construct a spacious two-room house, I intend to purchase two pieces per month. The iron sheets' resistance to extreme heat means that they won't just improve the appearance of my home; they'll also last a very long time. Given that I will use some of the funds to purchase food and for medical expenses, it will be challenging for me to complete, but I hope everything goes well.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My son, on whom I rely primarily for my basic needs, cannot afford to provide anything other than necessities such as food (two bales of maize flour every month). To make ends meet, he does odd jobs like doing people's laundry for a fee. Because I do not have a steady source of income, I have always wanted to own a herd of goats that I could easily sell to make money. However, asking my son to assist in the acquisition of the goats would add to the burden that he is already carrying. As a result, I spent KES 2,300 from the transfer to purchase a goat. I used the remaining funds to buy food because the household had run out of maize flour the previous night.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My house is very old and damaged. During the rainy seasons, one room leaks a lot. It also gets very cold during the night. Here is where I live with my husband (who is elderly) and two grandchildren. I get to support them using the earnings I get from farming. Whenever I get stuck, I turn to my children who are working in the city. So, when I got to know about give directly, I planned to renovate it. To work towards this, I used the funds to buy wood.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am very grateful for the great work directly has done. These funds have acted like my salary and enabled me to sufficiently provide for my family. Before I had financial constraints and there were days when we would have cassava throughout the day for close to a week. I, on the other hand, have not seen any area that give directly has performed poorly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($11 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been leaving in my house with a leaking roof for the past 5 months. My husband, who was the breed winner of the family, is currently old and I have to look after him. My son, employed as a shopkeeper in town and I have been saving so that we can buy new iron sheets and repair the house. Receiving the money was a huge boost for me as I could save an extra KSH 1000 from the transfer towards realizing the major goal of repairing the roof. The remaining KSH 200 I bought some washing detergents so that I could be able to wash my clothes and house utensils.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The money has made a big difference in my life. I am now optimistic that eventually I will put a new roof on top of the house. I will no longer have to stay awake all night and worry about the safety of my property when it rains. The money has also given me peace of mind unlike before where I was stressed on how and where to pull together resource to repair the roof.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was on my way to the hospital to seek medical attention for my son, who was very sick. My phone rang out loudly and stopped to check it. I found out that I had received my first transfer. I was thrilled and smiled. After my visit to the hospital, I headed straight to the Mpesa shop, where I withdrew the money and went home. When I arrived at home, I saw many of my friends in a celebratory mood as they had received their money. I joined them in ululating as we sang some folk songs.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have had prolonged right leg pains for two years now. Walking has been difficult and at times I use some walking sticks. This has made it impossible for me to perform my day to day activities such as charcoal burning. I am under medication right now although the medicine I use are very expensive and at times I fail to buy the required quantity as prescribed by the doctor.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Over the past few years, I have developed a cordial relationship with my neighbours. This made them contribute some money towards my medication three months ago and it brought joy to my life.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
For over five years now, my worry has been the poor condition of my house. The roof is leaking and the house turns to a swamp during the rainy seasons. In addition to this, the walls have got multiple cracks hence dangerous for anyone to reside in this house. I am planning to use 30,000KES to renovate my entire house. I will start with the walls and later finalize with the roof. I will use a further 25,000KES to buy a bed, a mattress and 4 chairs for my house. I have been sleeping on a traditional bed for over a decade now and I want to upgrade so that I can afford nice sleep. Doing all this will make me a happy woman.